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Created May 26, 2014 03:17
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"dc:title":"Snapchat Adds Ephemeral Text Chat And Video Calls | TechCrunch",
"description":"Snapchat is slowly adding features on top of its highly successful ephemeral messaging platform. Today\u0027s two new features are a good old chat interface and a..",
"msapplication-tooltip":"Startup and Technology News",
"og:description":"Snapchat is slowly adding features on top of its highly successful ephemeral messaging platform. Today\u0027s two new features are a good old chat interface and a..",
"og:title":"Snapchat Adds Ephemeral Text Chat And Video Calls | TechCrunch",
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"":"2014-05-01 03:03:09",
"sailthru.description":"Snapchat is slowly adding features on top of its highly successful ephemeral messaging platform. Today’s two new features are a good old chat interface and a new FaceTime-like video calling feature.",
"sailthru.tags":"Snapchat, ephemeral",
"sailthru.title":"Snapchat Adds Ephemeral Text Chat And Video Calls",
"title":"Snapchat Adds Ephemeral Text Chat And Video Calls | TechCrunch",
"twitter:description":"Snapchat is slowly adding features on top of its highly successful ephemeral messaging platform. Today’s two new features are a good old chat interface and a new FaceTime-like video calling…",
"twitter:title":"Snapchat Adds Ephemeral Text Chat And Video Calls | TechCrunch",
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