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Created September 27, 2020 23:01
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:rules="[rules.required, rules.length(11), validCPF, checkCPF]"
@keyup.enter="$emit('enter', true)"
<template v-slot:label>
<span v-html="label"></span>
import { mask } from 'vue-the-mask'
export default {
props: {
item: { type: String, default: '' },
label: { type: String, default: '' },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
color: { type: String, default: 'primary' }
directives: { mask },
data: () => ({
mask_cnpj: '###.###.###-##',
rules: {
length: len => v => (v || '').length >= len || `Mínimo ${len} caracteres`,
required: v => !!v || 'Este campo é obrigatório!'
$parseOutput ($event) {
return $event
$parseInput (value) {
return value
computed: {
bind () {
return {
value: this.$options.$parseInput(this.$props.item)
validCPF () {
if (this.item.length > 14) return
const cpf = this.item.replace(/(\.|\/|-)/g, '').split('')
const soma1 =
parseInt(cpf[0]) * 10 +
parseInt(cpf[1]) * 9 +
parseInt(cpf[2]) * 8 +
parseInt(cpf[3]) * 7 +
parseInt(cpf[4]) * 6 +
parseInt(cpf[5]) * 5 +
parseInt(cpf[6]) * 4 +
parseInt(cpf[7]) * 3 +
parseInt(cpf[8]) * 2
let resto1 = parseInt(soma1 * 10) % 11
if (resto1 === 10) {
resto1 = 0
const soma2 =
parseInt(cpf[0]) * 11 +
parseInt(cpf[1]) * 10 +
parseInt(cpf[2]) * 9 +
parseInt(cpf[3]) * 8 +
parseInt(cpf[4]) * 7 +
parseInt(cpf[5]) * 6 +
parseInt(cpf[6]) * 5 +
parseInt(cpf[7]) * 4 +
parseInt(cpf[8]) * 3 +
parseInt(cpf[9]) * 2
let resto2 = (parseInt(soma2) * 10) % 11
if (resto2 === 10) {
resto2 = 0
return parseInt(cpf[9]) === resto1 && parseInt(cpf[10]) === resto2
? true
: 'CPF inválido'
checkCPF () {
const cpf = this.item.replace(/(\.|\/|-)/g, '')
return cpf === '00000000000' ||
cpf === '11111111111' ||
cpf === '22222222222' ||
cpf === '33333333333' ||
cpf === '44444444444' ||
cpf === '55555555555' ||
cpf === '66666666666' ||
cpf === '77777777777' ||
cpf === '88888888888' ||
cpf === '99999999999'
? 'CPF é inválido'
: true
methods: {
input ($event) {
this.$emit('output', {
isValid: this.$refs.model.validate(true),
value: this.$options.$parseOutput($event)
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