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Vito Valov vitovalov

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vitovalov /
Created February 20, 2015 22:07
This script allows to generate android strings.xml in each defined language creating all needed directories
# Made by
# Overwrites existing files and directories
# Creates missing directories
node generate strings.json 'android'
# no trailing slash
if [ ! -d "$PROJECT_DIR" ]; then
echo "Error: Please define PROJECT_DIR"
vitovalov /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Delete locally already merged branches on develop
git checkout develop
git branch --merged | grep -v "*" | grep -v -e "[develop|master]" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d
vitovalov /
Created February 20, 2015 22:17
Delete local references to remote branches
git remote prune origin
vitovalov /
Created February 20, 2015 22:21
Resize to a given size maintaining proportions and automatically generate all android resource directories
# Author: @vitovalov
# Description: Resize to a given size and automatically generate all android resource directories
# Usage: sh <dp size (mdpi)> <source path to original images> <output path for results>(optional)
if [ "$#" -le 1 ]; then
echo "\nUsage: sh <dp size (mdpi)> <source path to original images> <output path for results>(optional)\n"
exit 1
hdpisize=$(echo "$mdpisize * 1.5" | bc -l)
vitovalov /
Created February 20, 2015 22:28
Genymotion utils

Nombre emulador Genymotion

Lista VMs

Para sacar el listado de maquinas virtuales (imagenes) de los emuladores Genymotion creados:

VBoxManage list vms


vitovalov /
Created March 27, 2015 21:25
Get elapsed time from the first time user launched the app using SharedPreferences and Joda-Time
long lastLaunchedDateMillis = VITPreferencesUtils.getLongGeneric(PuzzleApp.getInstance(), "first_launch_date", -1);
DateTime current = new DateTime();
DateTime lastLaunchedDate = new DateTime(lastLaunchedDateMillis);
if (lastLaunchedDateMillis != -1) {
int secsElapsed = Seconds.secondsBetween(lastLaunchedDate, current).getSeconds();
Log.e("VI PRINT", "HomeActivity.onCreate " + "secsElapsed:" + secsElapsed);
} else {
VITPreferencesUtils.saveLongGeneric(PuzzleApp.getInstance(), "first_launch_date", current.getMillis());
vitovalov /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Pull SQLite DB from Android 5 Nexus 5
# -d is used to target the connected device and not emulator(-e)
# by setting permission 777 you are allowing to everybody r/w access
adb -d shell "run-as com.vitaminlabs.visualization chmod -R 777 /data/data/com.vitaminlabs.visualization/databases/"
adb -d shell "cp /data/data/com.vitaminlabs.visualization/databases/visualization.db /sdcard/visualization.db"
adb -d pull "/sdcard/visualization.db"
vitovalov /
Last active September 27, 2015 23:59
Dagger2 problems investigation
vitovalov / studio.vmoptions
Created November 12, 2015 00:05
Increment Android Studio RAM memory ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio1.4
vitovalov /
Created December 21, 2015 22:08
Replicate only the folder structure (tree) without copying files.
rsync -av -f"+ */" -f"- *" ~/Android/android-sdk-macosx .