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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Talking protocols
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
// Please see to know what this is all about
protocol FoodConsumer {
var calorieCount: Double { get set }
var hydrationLevel: Double { get set }
protocol Food {
//By having a simple generic function we don't have to cast the returned value when we call the method on the food
func beConsumedBy<T where T:FoodConsumer>(consumer: T, grams: Double) -> T
struct Cat: FoodConsumer {
var calorieCount: Double = 0
var hydrationLevel: Double = 0
struct Kibble: Food {
let caloriesPerGram: Double = 40
func beConsumedBy<T where T : FoodConsumer>(consumer: T, grams: Double) -> T {
var newConsumer = consumer
newConsumer.calorieCount += grams * caloriesPerGram
return newConsumer
struct FancyFeast: Food {
let caloriesPerGram: Double = 80
let milliLitresWaterPerGram: Double = 0.2
//Boring to type, but autocompletion does all the work anyway
func beConsumedBy<T where T : FoodConsumer>(consumer: T, grams: Double) -> T {
var newConsuner = consumer
newConsuner.calorieCount += grams * caloriesPerGram
newConsuner.hydrationLevel += grams * milliLitresWaterPerGram
return newConsuner
extension Cat {
//We can directly return Cat here
func eat(food: Food, grams: Double) -> Cat {
return food.beConsumedBy(self, grams: grams)
let catFood = Kibble()
let wetFood = FancyFeast()
var dave = Cat()
//And no need to cast anymore
dave =, grams: 30)
dave =, grams: 20)
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