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Created February 3, 2024 09:49
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Analyzing build trace from 'analysis.bin'...
**** Time summary:
Compilation (3239 times):
Parsing (frontend): 3573.4 s
Codegen & opts (backend): 1785.5 s
**** Files that took longest to parse (compiler frontend):
25335 ms: ./editor/
21648 ms: ./modules/text_server_adv/
12415 ms: ./platform/windows/
11342 ms: ./servers/
11139 ms: ./editor/
10573 ms: ./platform/windows/
10439 ms: ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/forward_clustered/
10369 ms: ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects/
10195 ms: ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects/
10169 ms: ./servers/rendering/renderer_rd/effects/
**** Files that took longest to codegen (compiler backend):
74059 ms: ./core/variant/
42206 ms: ./modules/text_server_adv/
37140 ms: ./editor/plugins/
30689 ms: ./thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/
19521 ms: ./servers/physics_2d/
17294 ms: ./servers/
13589 ms: ./servers/rendering/
13219 ms: ./scene/resources/
13154 ms: ./servers/extensions/
12410 ms: ./scene/
**** Templates that took longest to instantiate:
11007 ms: std::unordered_map<int, int> (1317 times, avg 8 ms)
9179 ms: std::unique_ptr<std::thread::_State> (858 times, avg 10 ms)
8721 ms: std::_Hashtable<int, std::pair<const int, int>, std::allocator<std::pair<const int, int>>, std::__detail::_Select1st, std::equal_to<int>, std::hash<int>, std::__detail::_Mod_range_hashing, std::__detail::_Default_ranged_hash, std::__detail::_Prime_rehash_policy, std::__detail::_Hashtable_traits<false, false, true>> (1317 times, avg 6 ms)
7882 ms: std::__uniq_ptr_data<std::thread::_State, std::default_delete<std::thread::_State>> (858 times, avg 9 ms)
7813 ms: std::__uniq_ptr_impl<std::thread::_State, std::default_delete<std::thread::_State>> (858 times, avg 9 ms)
6432 ms: std::__detail::__hyperg<long double> (1401 times, avg 4 ms)
6297 ms: std::__detail::__hyperg<float> (1401 times, avg 4 ms)
5128 ms: std::make_shared<std::mutex> (894 times, avg 5 ms)
5018 ms: std::shared_ptr<std::mutex>::shared_ptr<std::allocator<void>> (894 times, avg 5 ms)
4896 ms: std::__shared_ptr<std::mutex>::__shared_ptr<std::allocator<void>> (894 times, avg 5 ms)
4564 ms: HashMap<StringName, LocalVector<MethodBind *>>::~HashMap (1079 times, avg 4 ms)
4478 ms: HashMap<StringName, LocalVector<MethodBind *>>::clear (1079 times, avg 4 ms)
4433 ms: List<PropertyInfo>::~List (1083 times, avg 4 ms)
4423 ms: std::__shared_count<>::__shared_count<std::mutex, std::allocator<void>> (894 times, avg 4 ms)
4420 ms: List<StringName>::~List (1079 times, avg 4 ms)
4414 ms: List<MethodInfo>::~List (1079 times, avg 4 ms)
4361 ms: std::__detail::__hyperg_reflect<long double> (1401 times, avg 3 ms)
4271 ms: std::__detail::__hyperg_reflect<float> (1401 times, avg 3 ms)
4266 ms: DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<StringName, LocalVector<MethodBind *>>>::delete_allocation (1079 times, avg 3 ms)
3925 ms: memdelete<HashMapElement<StringName, LocalVector<MethodBind *>>> (1079 times, avg 3 ms)
3901 ms: HashMap<StringName, Vector<Error>>::~HashMap (1079 times, avg 3 ms)
3829 ms: __gnu_cxx::__to_xstring<std::basic_string<wchar_t>, wchar_t> (1401 times, avg 2 ms)
3820 ms: List<Engine::Singleton>::~List (915 times, avg 4 ms)
3810 ms: HashMap<StringName, Vector<Error>>::clear (1079 times, avg 3 ms)
3674 ms: List<String>::~List (915 times, avg 4 ms)
3672 ms: std::unordered_multimap<int, int> (1317 times, avg 2 ms)
3637 ms: std::basic_string<char16_t> (1401 times, avg 2 ms)
3621 ms: std::basic_string<char32_t> (1401 times, avg 2 ms)
3594 ms: DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<StringName, Vector<Error>>>::delete_allocation (1079 times, avg 3 ms)
3531 ms: std::basic_string<char32_t>::basic_string (1401 times, avg 2 ms)
3527 ms: std::basic_string<char16_t>::basic_string (1401 times, avg 2 ms)
3493 ms: Vector<Gradient::Point>::sort (635 times, avg 5 ms)
3456 ms: Vector<Gradient::Point>::sort_custom<_DefaultComparator<Gradient::Point>, true> (635 times, avg 5 ms)
3444 ms: Vector<String>::push_back (1112 times, avg 3 ms)
3409 ms: memdelete<HashMapElement<StringName, Vector<Error>>> (1079 times, avg 3 ms)
**** Template sets that took longest to instantiate:
118609 ms: std::is_trivially_destructible<$> (79604 times, avg 1 ms)
49711 ms: memdelete<$> (24897 times, avg 1 ms)
49668 ms: CowData<$>::_unref (28846 times, avg 1 ms)
43669 ms: std::__or_<$> (55073 times, avg 0 ms)
36946 ms: CowData<$>::resize<$> (19489 times, avg 1 ms)
36350 ms: ClassDB::bind_method<$> (9516 times, avg 3 ms)
35438 ms: CowData<$>::~CowData (17610 times, avg 2 ms)
33707 ms: Vector<$>::Vector (15918 times, avg 2 ms)
33348 ms: create_method_bind<$> (9353 times, avg 3 ms)
32541 ms: HashMap<$>::~HashMap (13093 times, avg 2 ms)
32531 ms: HashMap<$>::clear (13581 times, avg 2 ms)
32335 ms: Vector<$>::resize (15604 times, avg 2 ms)
30302 ms: DefaultTypedAllocator<$>::delete_allocation (13838 times, avg 2 ms)
26462 ms: List<$>::~List (6785 times, avg 3 ms)
24459 ms: memdelete_allocator<$> (14239 times, avg 1 ms)
23578 ms: std::is_scalar<$> (32633 times, avg 0 ms)
20099 ms: CowData<$>::_copy_on_write (13565 times, avg 1 ms)
19539 ms: Vector<$>::push_back (7638 times, avg 2 ms)
19268 ms: std::__and_<$> (19335 times, avg 0 ms)
18428 ms: Ref<$>::unref (8598 times, avg 2 ms)
15600 ms: List<$>::erase (6983 times, avg 2 ms)
14765 ms: std::unique_ptr<$> (1479 times, avg 9 ms)
14467 ms: List<$>::_Data::erase (6984 times, avg 2 ms)
13981 ms: List<$>::clear (6059 times, avg 2 ms)
13840 ms: std::basic_string<$> (5637 times, avg 2 ms)
13563 ms: LocalVector<$>::resize (6639 times, avg 2 ms)
13282 ms: MethodBindT<$>::MethodBindT (4341 times, avg 3 ms)
13282 ms: MethodBindTRC<$>::MethodBindTRC (4085 times, avg 3 ms)
13231 ms: LocalVector<$>::clear (6535 times, avg 2 ms)
12929 ms: Ref<$>::~Ref (5821 times, avg 2 ms)
12758 ms: std::_Hashtable<$> (2867 times, avg 4 ms)
12730 ms: std::__detail::__hyperg<$> (2802 times, avg 4 ms)
12676 ms: std::__uniq_ptr_data<$> (1479 times, avg 8 ms)
12556 ms: std::__uniq_ptr_impl<$> (1479 times, avg 8 ms)
11830 ms: std::unordered_map<$> (1435 times, avg 8 ms)
**** Functions that took longest to compile:
14653 ms: _register_variant_builtin_methods() (core/variant/variant_call.cpp)
6279 ms: TextServerAdvanced::_font_render_range(RID const&, Vector2i const&, long long, long long) (modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp)
5327 ms: TextServerAdvanced::_font_render_glyph(RID const&, Vector2i const&, long long) (modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp)
4337 ms: GDScriptFunction::call(GDScriptInstance*, Variant const**, int, Callable::CallError&, GDScriptFunction::CallState*) (modules/gdscript/gdscript_vm.cpp)
4290 ms: TextServerExtension::_bind_methods() (servers/text/text_server_extension.cpp)
4173 ms: VisualShaderEditor::VisualShaderEditor() (editor/plugins/visual_shader_editor_plugin.cpp)
3625 ms: RenderingServer::_bind_methods() (servers/rendering_server.cpp)
3255 ms: PhysicsServer3DExtension::_bind_methods() (servers/extensions/physics_server_3d_extension.cpp)
2439 ms: PhysicsServer2DExtension::_bind_methods() (servers/extensions/physics_server_2d_extension.cpp)
2403 ms: register_global_constants() (core/core_constants.cpp)
1865 ms: RenderingDevice::_bind_methods() (servers/rendering/rendering_device.cpp)
1813 ms: RasterizerSceneGLES3::render_scene(Ref<RenderSceneBuffers> const&, RendererSceneRender::CameraData const*, RendererSceneRender::CameraData const*, PagedArray<RenderGeometryInstance*> const&, PagedArray<RID> const&, PagedArray<RID> const&, PagedArray<RID> const&, PagedArray<RID> const&, PagedArray<RID> const&, PagedArray<RID> const&, RID, RID, RID, RID, RID, RID, int, float, RendererSceneRender::... (drivers/gles3/rasterizer_scene_gles3.cpp)
1264 ms: fill_default_theme(Ref<Theme>&, Ref<Font> const&, Ref<Font> const&, Ref<Font> const&, Ref<Font> const&, Ref<Texture2D>&, Ref<StyleBox>&, float) (scene/theme/default_theme.cpp)
1171 ms: BaseMaterial3D::_bind_methods() (scene/resources/material.cpp)
1076 ms: TextEdit::_bind_methods() (scene/gui/text_edit.cpp)
949 ms: Environment::_bind_methods() (scene/resources/environment.cpp)
931 ms: Control::_bind_methods() (scene/gui/control.cpp)
923 ms: EditorThemeManager::_populate_standard_styles(Ref<EditorTheme> const&, EditorThemeManager::ThemeConfiguration&) (editor/themes/editor_theme_manager.cpp)
903 ms: Variant::_register_variant_utility_functions() (core/variant/variant_utility.cpp)
873 ms: ParticleProcessMaterial::_bind_methods() (scene/resources/particle_process_material.cpp)
807 ms: Variant::_register_variant_constructors() (core/variant/variant_construct.cpp)
793 ms: PhysicsServer3D::_bind_methods() (servers/physics_server_3d.cpp)
770 ms: TextServer::_bind_methods() (servers/text_server.cpp)
762 ms: DisplayServer::_bind_methods() (servers/display_server.cpp)
761 ms: EditorNode::EditorNode() (editor/editor_node.cpp)
758 ms: GDExtensionCompatHashes::initialize() (core/extension/gdextension_compat_hashes.cpp)
740 ms: Viewport::_bind_methods() (scene/main/viewport.cpp)
732 ms: Animation::track_get_key_indices_in_range(int, double, double, List<int, DefaultAllocator>*, Animation::LoopedFlag) const (scene/resources/animation.cpp)
688 ms: ShaderLanguage::_parse_shader(HashMap<StringName, ShaderLanguage::FunctionInfo, HashMapHasherDefault, HashMapComparatorDefault<StringName>, DefaultTypedAllocator<HashMapElement<StringName, ShaderLanguage::FunctionInfo> > > const&, Vector<ShaderLanguage::ModeInfo> const&, HashSet<String, HashMapHasherDefault, HashMapComparatorDefault<String> > const&) (servers/rendering/shader_language.cpp)
685 ms: EditorHelp::_update_doc() (editor/editor_help.cpp)
**** Function sets that took longest to compile / optimize:
13818 ms: Error CowData<$>::resize<$>(long long) (2034 times, avg 6 ms)
10739 ms: void ClassDB::_add_class<$>() (5767 times, avg 1 ms)
7885 ms: void call_get_argument_type_info_helper<$>(int, int&, PropertyInfo&) (3163 times, avg 2 ms)
5267 ms: CallableCustomMethodPointer<$>::call(Variant const**, int, Variant&, Callable::CallError&) const (1398 times, avg 3 ms)
4989 ms: CowData<$>::_copy_on_write() (1934 times, avg 2 ms)
4937 ms: HashMap<$>::_resize_and_rehash(unsigned int) (919 times, avg 5 ms)
4574 ms: MethodBindTRC<$>::_gen_argument_type_info(int) const (2561 times, avg 1 ms)
3912 ms: MethodBindTRC<$>::call(Object*, Variant const**, int, Callable::CallError&) const (2909 times, avg 1 ms)
3705 ms: void ClassDB::register_class<$>(bool) (765 times, avg 4 ms)
2835 ms: MethodBindTRC<$>::validated_call(Object*, Variant const**, Variant*) const (2914 times, avg 0 ms)
2723 ms: MethodBindTRC<$>::ptrcall(Object*, void const**, void*) const (2906 times, avg 0 ms)
2708 ms: MethodBindT<$>::validated_call(Object*, Variant const**, Variant*) const (3125 times, avg 0 ms)
2657 ms: MethodBindT<$>::call(Object*, Variant const**, int, Callable::CallError&) const (3126 times, avg 0 ms)
2637 ms: MethodBindT<$>::ptrcall(Object*, void const**, void*) const (3120 times, avg 0 ms)
2489 ms: CallableCustomMethodPointer<$>::get_object() const (1398 times, avg 1 ms)
2425 ms: MethodBindT<$>::_gen_argument_type_info(int) const (3125 times, avg 0 ms)
2247 ms: CowData<$>::_unref(void*) (1070 times, avg 2 ms)
2215 ms: GetTypeInfo<$>::get_class_info() (957 times, avg 2 ms)
2036 ms: bool GDScriptParser::export_annotations<$>(GDScriptParser::AnnotationNode const*, GDScriptParser::Node*, GDScriptParser::ClassNode*) (20 times, avg 101 ms)
1820 ms: RefCounted::_get_property_listv(List<$>*, bool) const (477 times, avg 3 ms)
1813 ms: RasterizerSceneGLES3::render_scene(Ref<$> const&, RendererSceneRender::CameraData const*, RendererSceneRender::CameraData const*, PagedArray<$> const&, PagedArray<$> const&, PagedArray<$> const&, PagedArray<$> const&, PagedArray<$> const&, PagedArray<$> const&, PagedArray<$> const&, RID, RID, RID, RID, RID, RID, int, float, RendererSceneRender::RenderShadowData const*, int, RendererSceneRender::... (1 times, avg 1813 ms)
1637 ms: MethodBindT<$>::_gen_argument_type(int) const (2568 times, avg 0 ms)
1604 ms: List<$>::_Data::erase(List<$>::Element const*) (673 times, avg 2 ms)
1598 ms: Ref<$>::instantiate() (681 times, avg 2 ms)
1536 ms: MethodBindTR<$>::_gen_argument_type_info(int) const (861 times, avg 1 ms)
1363 ms: Node::_get_property_listv(List<$>*, bool) const (357 times, avg 3 ms)
1264 ms: fill_default_theme(Ref<$>&, Ref<$> const&, Ref<$> const&, Ref<$> const&, Ref<$> const&, Ref<$>&, Ref<$>&, float) (1 times, avg 1264 ms)
1132 ms: HashMap<$>::clear() (436 times, avg 2 ms)
1109 ms: std::_Function_handler<$>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, Node*&&) (559 times, avg 1 ms)
1089 ms: CanvasItem::_get_property_listv(List<$>*, bool) const (264 times, avg 4 ms)
1083 ms: Resource::_get_property_listv(List<$>*, bool) const (265 times, avg 4 ms)
1072 ms: HashMap<$>::~HashMap() (449 times, avg 2 ms)
1067 ms: HashSet<$>::_resize_and_rehash(unsigned int) (248 times, avg 4 ms)
1022 ms: LocalVector<$>::resize(unsigned int) (270 times, avg 3 ms)
1008 ms: HashMap<$>::_lookup_pos(String const&, unsigned int&) const (281 times, avg 3 ms)
**** Expensive headers:
878378 ms: core/object/class_db.h (included 1079 times, avg 814 ms), included via:
10x: project_settings.h
8x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h
8x: openxr_interaction_profile_metadata.h openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h
6x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h ref_counted.h
5x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h
4x: crypto_core.h ref_counted.h
3x: dir_access.h ref_counted.h
3x: os_windows.h project_settings.h
3x: gdextension_manager.h gdextension.h config_file.h file_access.h ref_counted.h
3x: script_language.h doc_data.h xml_parser.h file_access.h ref_counted.h
3x: <direct include>
2x: export_plugin.h project_settings.h
2x: multiplayer_debugger.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h
2x: openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h
2x: image_loader_hdr.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h
2x: image_decompress_squish.h image.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h
863521 ms: core/object/method_bind.h (included 1080 times, avg 799 ms), included via:
10x: project_settings.h class_db.h
8x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
8x: openxr_interaction_profile_metadata.h openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
6x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
5x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
4x: crypto_core.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
3x: dir_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
3x: os_windows.h project_settings.h class_db.h
3x: gdextension_manager.h gdextension.h config_file.h file_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
3x: script_language.h doc_data.h xml_parser.h file_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
3x: class_db.h
2x: export_plugin.h project_settings.h class_db.h
2x: multiplayer_debugger.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
2x: openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
2x: image_loader_hdr.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
2x: image_decompress_squish.h image.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h
805765 ms: core/object/ref_counted.h (included 1072 times, avg 751 ms), included via:
12x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h
8x: openxr_interaction_profile_metadata.h openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h
7x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h
6x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h
4x: crypto_core.h
4x: gdextension_manager.h gdextension.h config_file.h file_access.h
4x: script_language.h doc_data.h xml_parser.h file_access.h
4x: nav_map.h worker_thread_pool.h os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h
3x: dir_access.h
3x: json.h resource.h resource_uid.h
3x: os_windows.h input.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h
2x: multiplayer_debugger.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h
2x: openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h
2x: image_loader_hdr.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h
2x: image_decompress_squish.h image.h resource.h resource_uid.h
2x: image_loader_webp.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h
779723 ms: core/os/mutex.h (included 1104 times, avg 706 ms), included via:
9x: project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
5x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h gdscript_utility_functions.h string_name.h
5x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
5x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
4x: variant.h node_path.h string_name.h
3x: crypto_core.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
3x: os_windows.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: grid_map.h node_3d.h node.h node_path.h string_name.h
2x: multiplayer_debugger.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: jsonrpc.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: export_plugin.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: image_compress_cvtt.h image.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: xml_parser.h file_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: webrtc_data_channel.h packet_peer.h stream_peer.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: export_plugin.h editor_http_server.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
2x: ogg_packet_sequence.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h thread_safe.h
753213 ms: core/object/object.h (included 1083 times, avg 695 ms), included via:
10x: project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
8x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
8x: openxr_interaction_profile_metadata.h openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
6x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
5x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
4x: crypto_core.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
3x: dir_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
3x: <direct include>
3x: os_windows.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
3x: script_language.h doc_data.h xml_parser.h file_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
3x: class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
2x: multiplayer_debugger.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
2x: export_plugin.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
2x: image_loader_hdr.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
2x: image_decompress_squish.h image.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
2x: jsonrpc.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h
712021 ms: core/object/message_queue.h (included 1083 times, avg 657 ms), included via:
9x: project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
8x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
8x: openxr_interaction_profile_metadata.h openxr_action.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
6x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
5x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
4x: crypto_core.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
3x: dir_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
3x: object.h
3x: os_windows.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
3x: script_language.h doc_data.h xml_parser.h file_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
3x: class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
2x: multiplayer_debugger.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
2x: export_plugin.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
2x: jsonrpc.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
2x: image_loader_hdr.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
2x: image_decompress_squish.h image.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h
664980 ms: scene/main/node.h (included 540 times, avg 1231 ms), included via:
8x: <direct include>
7x: editor_node.h editor_folding.h
4x: camera_3d.h node_3d.h
4x: gdscript_analyzer.h gdscript_cache.h packed_scene.h
4x: editor_file_system.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h
3x: editor_log.h box_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h
3x: editor_export.h editor_export_platform.h rich_text_label.h popup_menu.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h
3x: editor_debugger_node.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h
3x: window.h viewport.h
3x: control.h canvas_item.h
3x: audio_stream_import_settings.h editor_plugin.h camera_3d.h node_3d.h
2x: grid_map.h node_3d.h
2x: editor_debugger_inspector.h editor_inspector.h editor_property_name_processor.h
2x: viewport.h
2x: bone_attachment_3d.h skeleton_3d.h node_3d.h
557489 ms: core/os/thread_safe.h (included 793 times, avg 703 ms), included via:
9x: project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
5x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
5x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
3x: crypto_core.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
3x: os_windows.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: multiplayer_debugger.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: jsonrpc.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: export_plugin.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: image_compress_cvtt.h image.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: xml_parser.h file_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: webrtc_data_channel.h packet_peer.h stream_peer.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: export_plugin.h editor_http_server.h image_loader.h core_bind.h engine_profiler.h script_instance.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: ogg_packet_sequence.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: audio_stream_mp3.h resource_loader.h resource.h resource_uid.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: dir_access.h ref_counted.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
2x: export_plugin.h godot_plugin_config.h project_settings.h class_db.h method_bind.h binder_common.h object.h message_queue.h
455655 ms: scene/main/scene_tree.h (included 543 times, avg 839 ms), included via:
7x: node.h
7x: editor_node.h editor_folding.h node.h
6x: <direct include>
4x: gdscript_analyzer.h gdscript_cache.h packed_scene.h node.h
4x: editor_file_system.h node.h
4x: camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h node.h
3x: editor_log.h box_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h
3x: editor_export.h editor_export_platform.h rich_text_label.h popup_menu.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h
3x: editor_debugger_node.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h
3x: control.h canvas_item.h node.h
3x: audio_stream_import_settings.h editor_plugin.h camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h
2x: editor_command_palette.h dialogs.h box_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h
2x: light_3d.h visual_instance_3d.h node_3d.h node.h
2x: grid_map.h node_3d.h node.h
2x: gltf_state.h gltf_animation.h animation_player.h animation_mixer.h node.h
452022 ms: scene/resources/mesh.h (included 581 times, avg 778 ms), included via:
7x: node.h scene_tree.h
7x: rasterizer_gles3.h rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h rasterizer_scene_gles3.h
7x: editor_node.h editor_folding.h node.h scene_tree.h
6x: scene_tree.h
4x: <direct include>
4x: gdscript_analyzer.h gdscript_cache.h packed_scene.h node.h scene_tree.h
4x: editor_file_system.h node.h scene_tree.h
4x: camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h scene_tree.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h node.h scene_tree.h
3x: openxr_interface.h xr_positional_tracker.h
3x: editor_log.h box_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h
3x: editor_export.h editor_export_platform.h rich_text_label.h popup_menu.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h
3x: editor_debugger_node.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h
3x: control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h
3x: audio_stream_import_settings.h editor_plugin.h camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h scene_tree.h
2x: surface_tool.h
423015 ms: scene/resources/material.h (included 590 times, avg 716 ms), included via:
7x: node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
7x: rasterizer_gles3.h rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h rasterizer_scene_gles3.h mesh.h
7x: editor_node.h editor_folding.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
5x: scene_tree.h mesh.h
4x: gdscript_analyzer.h gdscript_cache.h packed_scene.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
4x: editor_file_system.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
4x: mesh.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
3x: openxr_interface.h xr_positional_tracker.h mesh.h
3x: editor_log.h box_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
3x: editor_export.h editor_export_platform.h rich_text_label.h popup_menu.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
3x: editor_debugger_node.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
3x: camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
3x: control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
3x: audio_stream_import_settings.h editor_plugin.h camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h
2x: csg_shape.h csg.h
385517 ms: scene/resources/shader.h (included 593 times, avg 650 ms), included via:
7x: node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
7x: rasterizer_gles3.h rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h rasterizer_scene_gles3.h mesh.h material.h
7x: editor_node.h editor_folding.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
5x: scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
4x: gdscript_analyzer.h gdscript_cache.h packed_scene.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
4x: editor_file_system.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
4x: mesh.h material.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
3x: openxr_interface.h xr_positional_tracker.h mesh.h material.h
3x: editor_log.h box_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
3x: editor_export.h editor_export_platform.h rich_text_label.h popup_menu.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
3x: editor_debugger_node.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
3x: camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
3x: control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
3x: audio_stream_import_settings.h editor_plugin.h camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h
2x: csg_shape.h csg.h material.h
378833 ms: scene/resources/texture.h (included 633 times, avg 598 ms), included via:
7x: node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
6x: editor_node.h editor_data.h
6x: rasterizer_gles3.h rasterizer_canvas_gles3.h rasterizer_scene_gles3.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
5x: <direct include>
5x: scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
4x: image_texture.h
4x: gdscript_analyzer.h gdscript_cache.h packed_scene.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
3x: atlas_texture.h
3x: openxr_interface.h xr_positional_tracker.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
3x: editor_export.h editor_export_platform.h rich_text_label.h popup_menu.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
3x: editor_log.h box_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
3x: editor_file_system.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
3x: editor_debugger_node.h margin_container.h container.h control.h canvas_item.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
3x: camera_3d.h node_3d.h node.h scene_tree.h mesh.h material.h shader.h
2x: noise_texture_2d.h
366725 ms: core/io/resource.h (included 1022 times, avg 358 ms), included via:
26x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h
11x: script_language.h
9x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h
8x: openxr_interaction_profile_metadata.h openxr_action.h
7x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h script_language.h
4x: nav_map.h worker_thread_pool.h os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h
4x: gdextension_manager.h gdextension.h config_file.h variant_parser.h
3x: json.h
3x: input.h input_event.h
3x: <direct include>
3x: node.h scene_tree.h main_loop.h input_event.h
3x: os_windows.h input.h input_event.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h scene_replication_config.h
2x: openxr_action.h
2x: image_decompress_squish.h image.h
2x: image_compress_etcpak.h image.h
357382 ms: core/io/resource_uid.h (included 1023 times, avg 349 ms), included via:
26x: os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h
11x: script_language.h resource.h
9x: engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h
8x: openxr_interaction_profile_metadata.h openxr_action.h resource.h
7x: gdscript.h gdscript_function.h script_language.h resource.h
4x: nav_map.h worker_thread_pool.h os.h engine.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h
4x: gdextension_manager.h gdextension.h config_file.h variant_parser.h resource.h
3x: json.h resource.h
3x: input.h input_event.h resource.h
3x: resource.h
3x: node.h scene_tree.h main_loop.h input_event.h resource.h
3x: os_windows.h input.h input_event.h resource.h
3x: scene_multiplayer.h scene_replication_interface.h multiplayer_spawner.h scene_replication_config.h resource.h
2x: openxr_action.h resource.h
2x: image_decompress_squish.h image.h resource.h
2x: image_compress_etcpak.h image.h resource.h
done in 0.7s.
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