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Last active May 29, 2020 15:10
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Todo el quilombo que hay que hacer para transformar a JsValue un Map
case class Falopa(valor: Long, mapa: Map[String,Object]) {
object Falopa {
implicit val writes = Json.writes[Falopa]
implicit val reads = Json.reads[Falopa]
def version() = Action {
val falopa = new Falopa(1, Map("1" -> new Object()))
Ok(Json.toJson(falopa)) // falla (el intellj Idea dice: No implicit arguments of type: Writes[Falopa])
Y cuando corrro desde play y lo intento hacer me pasa...
No Json serializer found for type controllers.Falopa. Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type.
In /home/vituchon/development/go_workspace/src/
278 def version = Action {
280 val falopa = new Falopa(1, Map("1" -> new Object()))
281 Ok(Json.toJson(falopa))
282 }
object CookiesStore {
private var sessionDataBySessionId = Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]()
def asJson(): JsValue = { // taken and adapted from:
import play.api.libs.json.Json.JsValueWrapper
/*implicit val mapReads: Reads[Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]] = new Reads[Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]] {
def reads(jv: JsValue): JsResult[Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]] =
JsSuccess([Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]].map{case (k, v) =>
k -> v.asInstanceOf[CookieUserInfo]
}*/ // Commented due to compilation error ("forward reference extends over definition of value mapReads") and it is not needed to read from json value to Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]
implicit val mapWrites: Writes[Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]] = new Writes[Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]] {
def writes(map: Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]): JsValue =
Json.obj({case (s, o) =>
val ret: (String, JsValueWrapper) = s.toString -> Json.toJsFieldJsValueWrapper(o)
implicit val mapFormat: Format[Map[Long, CookieUserInfo]] = Format(null, mapWrites)
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