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Created November 21, 2014 00:48
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module Del where
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.Core
data List : Set where
nil : List
_::_ : (x : ℕ) -> (xs : List) -> List
-- membership within a list
data _∈_ (x : ℕ) : List -> Set where
here : forall {xs} -> x ∈ (x :: xs)
there : forall {xs y} -> (mem : x ∈ xs) -> x ∈ (y :: xs)
-- delete
_\\_ : forall {x} (xs : List) -> (mem : x ∈ xs) -> List
_\\_ nil ()
_\\_ (_ :: xs) here = xs
_\\_ (_ :: nil) (there ())
_\\_ (x :: xs) (there p) = x :: (xs \\ p)
data Foo : List -> Set where
test : Foo nil
test2 : forall {x} (xs : List) -> (mem : x ∈ xs) -> Foo (xs \\ mem)
-- Extra proof.
foo : ∀ {xs} → xs ≡ nil → Foo xs → ℕ
foo p test = 0
foo p (test2 ys mem) with ys \\ mem
foo p (test2 _ _) | nil = 1
foo () (test2 _ _) | _ :: _
foo-final : Foo nil → ℕ
foo-final = foo refl
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