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Created April 7, 2015 12:37
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module Classical where
open import Data.Empty
using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.Product
using (_×_; _,_)
open import Data.Sum
using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂; [_,_])
open import Function
using (id; _∘_)
open import Relation.Nullary
using (¬_)
open import Level
using (_⊔_; lower)
-- Reductio ad absurdum
-- (double negation elimination).
RAA : ∀ p → Set _
RAA p = {P : Set p} → ¬ ¬ P → P
-- Tertium non datur
-- (the law of excluded middle).
TND : ∀ p → Set _
TND p = {P : Set p} → P ⊎ ¬ P
-- Peirce's law.
Peirce : ∀ p q → Set _
Peirce p q = {P : Set p} {Q : Set q} → ((P → Q) → P) → P
-- Logical equivalence.
_↔_ : ∀ {p q} → Set p → Set q → Set (p ⊔ q)
P ↔ Q = (P → Q) × (Q → P)
raa↔peirce : ∀ p q → RAA p ↔ Peirce p q
raa↔peirce p q = ⇒ , ⇐
⇒ : RAA p → Peirce p q
⇒ raa pqp = raa λ np → np (pqp (⊥-elim ∘ np))
⇐ : Peirce p q → RAA p
⇐ peirce nnp = peirce (⊥-elim ∘ nnp ∘ _∘_ lower)
raa↔tnd : ∀ p → RAA p ↔ TND p
raa↔tnd p = ⇒ , ⇐
⇒ : RAA p → TND p
⇒ raa = raa λ ¬p∨np → ¬p∨np (inj₂ (¬p∨np ∘ inj₁))
⇐ : TND p → RAA p
⇐ tnd nnp = [ id , ⊥-elim ∘ nnp ] tnd
peirce↔tnd : ∀ p q → Peirce p q ↔ TND p
peirce↔tnd p q = ⇒ , ⇐
⇒ : Peirce p q → TND p
⇒ peirce = peirce λ ¬tnd → inj₂ (lower ∘ ¬tnd ∘ inj₁)
⇐ : TND p → Peirce p q
⇐ tnd pqp = [ id , pqp ∘ _∘_ ⊥-elim ] tnd
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