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Last active January 3, 2016 02:19
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module AVLMembership where
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary
import Data.AVL
module Membership
{k v ℓ}
{Key : Set k} (Value : Key → Set v)
{_<_ : Rel Key ℓ}
(isStrictTotalOrder : IsStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<_) where
open Data.AVL Value isStrictTotalOrder public
open Extended-key public
open Height-invariants public
open IsStrictTotalOrder isStrictTotalOrder
_≮_ = λ x y → ¬ (x < y)
_≯_ = λ x y → ¬ (y < x)
_≢_ : (x y : Key) → _
_≢_ = λ x y → ¬ (x ≡ y)
data _∈_ {lb ub} (K : Key) : ∀ {n} → Indexed.Tree lb ub n → Set (k ⊔ v ⊔ ℓ) where
here : ∀ {hˡ hʳ} V
{l : Indexed.Tree lb [ K ] hˡ}
{r : Indexed.Tree [ K ] ub hʳ}
{b : hˡ ∼ hʳ} →
K ∈ Indexed.node (K , V) l r b
left : ∀ {hˡ hʳ K′} {V : Value K′}
{l : Indexed.Tree lb [ K′ ] hˡ}
{r : Indexed.Tree [ K′ ] ub hʳ}
{b : hˡ ∼ hʳ} →
K < K′ →
K ∈ l →
K ∈ Indexed.node (K′ , V) l r b
right : ∀ {hˡ hʳ K′} {V : Value K′}
{l : Indexed.Tree lb [ K′ ] hˡ}
{r : Indexed.Tree [ K′ ] ub hʳ}
{b : hˡ ∼ hʳ} →
K′ < K →
K ∈ r →
K ∈ Indexed.node (K′ , V) l r b
lem : ∀ {lb ub hˡ hʳ K′ n} {V : Value K′}
{l : Indexed.Tree lb [ K′ ] hˡ}
{r : Indexed.Tree [ K′ ] ub hʳ}
{b : hˡ ∼ hʳ} →
n ∈ Indexed.node (K′ , V) l r b →
(n ≯ K′ → n ≢ K′ → n ∈ l) × (n ≮ K′ → n ≢ K′ → n ∈ r)
lem (here V) = (λ _ eq → ⊥-elim (eq P.refl)) , (λ _ eq → ⊥-elim (eq P.refl))
lem (left x p) = (λ _ _ → p) , (λ ≮ _ → ⊥-elim (≮ x))
lem (right x p) = (λ ≯ _ → ⊥-elim (≯ x)) , (λ _ _ → p)
find : ∀ {h lb ub} n (m : Indexed.Tree lb ub h) → Dec (n ∈ m)
find n (Indexed.leaf _) = no λ ()
find n (Indexed.node (k , v) l r _) with compare n k
find n (Indexed.node (k , v) l r _) | tri< a ¬b ¬c with find n l
... | yes p = yes (left a p)
... | no ¬p = no λ ¬∈l → ¬p (proj₁ (lem ¬∈l) ¬c ¬b)
find n (Indexed.node (k , v) l r _) | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c rewrite (P.sym b) = yes (here v)
find n (Indexed.node (k , v) l r _) | tri> ¬a ¬b c with find n r
... | yes p = yes (right c p)
... | no ¬p = no λ ¬∈r → ¬p (proj₂ (lem ¬∈r) ¬a ¬b)
get : ∀ {h lb ub n} {m : Indexed.Tree lb ub h} → n ∈ m → Value n
get (here V) = V
get (left _ p) = get p
get (right _ p) = get p
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties
open Membership
(λ _ → ℕ)
(StrictTotalOrder.isStrictTotalOrder strictTotalOrder)
un-tree : Tree → ∃ λ h → Indexed.Tree ⊥⁺ ⊤⁺ h
un-tree (tree t) = , t
test : Indexed.Tree _ _ _
test = proj₂ (un-tree
(insert 5 55 (insert 7 77 (insert 4 44 empty))))
Extract : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} → Dec P → Set _
Extract {P = P} (yes _) = P
Extract {P = P} (no _) = ¬ P
extract : ∀ {p} {P : Set p} (d : Dec P) → Extract d
extract (yes p) = p
extract (no ¬p) = ¬p
∈-test₁ : ¬ (2 ∈ test)
∈-test₁ = extract (find 2 test)
∈-test₂ : 4 ∈ test
∈-test₂ = extract (find 4 test)
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