Osuuspankissa rahaa Ukrainalle, https://ukraine.ua/news/donate-to-the-nbu-fund/. HUOM: tuplavarmista tilinumero (IBAN) kohdesivulta
Saajan Tilinumero:
DE05 5040 0000 5040 0400 66
Saajan nimi:
National Bank of Ukraine
function pt { | |
$currentDir = Get-Location | |
$parentDir = $currentDir | |
while ($parentDir -ne [System.IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($parentDir)) { | |
$tasksPyPath = Join-Path -Path $parentDir -ChildPath "tasks.py" | |
$venvPath = Join-Path -Path $parentDir -ChildPath ".venv" | |
if (Test-Path $tasksPyPath) { | |
Set-Location $parentDir |
Osuuspankissa rahaa Ukrainalle, https://ukraine.ua/news/donate-to-the-nbu-fund/. HUOM: tuplavarmista tilinumero (IBAN) kohdesivulta
Saajan Tilinumero:
DE05 5040 0000 5040 0400 66
Saajan nimi:
National Bank of Ukraine
# in case of error: pull access denied for xxxx.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-app, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: User: arn:aws:sts::xxxxxxxxx:xassumed-role/my-ci-cd-pipeline-codebuild-builder-role/AWSCodeBuild-xxxxxxx is not authorized to perform: ecr:BatchGetImage on resource: arn:aws:ecr:eu-west-1:xxxxxxxxxxxxx:repository/my-app | |
# see also https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/sample-ecr.html | |
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 | |
Resources: | |
EcrRepo: | |
Type: AWS::ECR::Repository | |
Properties: | |
RepositoryName: my-application-repo | |
# this policy is needed to allow pushing & pulling of this image from codebuild |
rem "Startup" is the aspnet web app root, with Web.config, bin/ etc. /myaps in the website root | |
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set app MyWebSite/myapp -[path='/'].physicalPath:Src\MyProject\Backend\Startup |
export type ResultOrErr<T> = | |
| { | |
err: undefined; | |
data: T; | |
} | |
| { | |
err: Error; | |
data: undefined; | |
}; |
C:\r\1\Src\Edge\Personal\frontend\node_modules\typescript\lib\tsc.js:10245 | |
return !!(module.flags & 1024); | |
^ | |
TypeError: Cannot read property 'flags' of undefined | |
at Object.isGlobalScopeAugmentation (C:\r\1\Src\Edge\Personal\frontend\node_modules\typescript\lib\tsc.js:10245:26) | |
at C:\r\1\Src\Edge\Personal\frontend\node_modules\typescript\lib\tsc.js:84773:96 | |
at Object.some (C:\r\1\Src\Edge\Personal\frontend\node_modules\typescript\lib\tsc.js:587:25) | |
at containsGlobalScopeAugmentation (C:\r\1\Src\Edge\Personal\frontend\node_modules\typescript\lib\tsc.js:84773:23) | |
at isFileAffectingGlobalScope (C:\r\1\Src\Edge\Personal\frontend\node_modules\typescript\lib\tsc.js:84776:20) |
class SomeGrpcServerInterceptor: Interceptor | |
{ | |
private IWindsorContainer container; | |
public P2PGrpcServerInterceptor(IWindsorContainer container) | |
{ | |
this.container = container; | |
} | |
// xxx override others as well? | |
public override async Task<TResponse> UnaryServerHandler<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, ServerCallContext context, |
// Original | |
Target M.Tools (fun _ -> | |
!! @"Tools\Tools.sln" |> rebuild) | |
// from fantomas - note that !!@ is not a legal operator | |
Target M.Tools (fun _ -> !!@"Tools\Tools.sln" |> rebuild) |
export class SignalrService { | |
constructor(private zone: NgZone) { | |
} | |
messages$ = new Subject<any>(); | |
connect() { | |
const conn = $.hubConnection("/myapp/notifications", { | |
useDefaultPath: false | |
}); |