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Created July 29, 2012 20:44
DDMMYY date parser for TableSorter jQuery plugin
// DDMMYY date parser for TableSorter plugin
// 'cause stock "shortDate" sorter only works with 'yyyy' year format
// ref:
var regx = /(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})/;
var match_dd_mm_yy;
id: "ddmmyy",
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
match_dd_mm_yy = regx.exec(s);
// consider XX or XI century dates
return (match_dd_mm_yy[3]>="90" ? "19" : "20") + match_dd_mm_yy[3] + match_dd_mm_yy[2] + match_dd_mm_yy[1];
type: "numeric"
headers: {
1: { sorter: "ddmmyy" },
2: { sorter: "ddmmyy" }
sortList: [[3,0]]
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