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Created September 12, 2014 15:38
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import sys
import radical.pilot as rp
def pilot_state_cb (pilot, state) :
""" this callback is invoked on all pilot state changes """
print "[Callback]: ComputePilot '%s' state: %s." % (pilot.uid, state)
if state == rp.FAILED :
sys.exit (1)
def unit_state_change_cb (unit, state) :
""" this callback is invoked on all unit state changes """
print "[Callback]: ComputeUnit '%s' state: %s." % (unit.uid, state)
if state == rp.FAILED :
sys.exit (1)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create a new session. A session is the 'root' object for all other
# RADICAL-Pilot objects. It encapsulates the MongoDB connection(s) as
# well as security contexts.
session = rp.Session(database_url='mongodb://')
# Add an ssh identity to the session.
c = rp.Context('ssh')
c.user_id = 'vb224'
# Add a Pilot Manager. Pilot managers manage one or more ComputePilots.
pmgr = rp.PilotManager(session=session)
# Register our callback with the PilotManager. This callback will get
# called every time any of the pilots managed by the PilotManager
# change their state.
# Define a X-core that runs for N minutes.
pdesc = rp.ComputePilotDescription()
pdesc.resource = ""
pdesc.project = "e290"
pdesc.queue = "debug"
pdesc.sandbox = '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/'
pdesc.runtime = 5 # N minutes
pdesc.cores = 24 # X cores
# Launch the pilot.
pilot = pmgr.submit_pilots(pdesc)
cud_list = []
for unit_count in range(0, 1):
mpi_test_task = rp.ComputeUnitDescription()
#mpi_test_task.pre_exec = ["module load python","source /fs4/e290/e290/marksant/cuve/bin/activate","module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu"]
mpi_test_task.executable = "/bin/bash"
# mpi_test_task.pre_exec = ['module load gromacs']
mpi_test_task.arguments = ['-l','-c','module load gromacs && grompp && mdrun']
# mpi_test_task.input_staging = ['']
mpi_test_task.mpi = False
mpi_test_task.cores = 1
# Combine the ComputePilot, the ComputeUnits and a scheduler via
# a UnitManager object.
umgr = rp.UnitManager(
# Register our callback with the UnitManager. This callback will get
# called every time any of the units managed by the UnitManager
# change their state.
# Add the previously created ComputePilot to the UnitManager.
# Submit the previously created ComputeUnit descriptions to the
# PilotManager. This will trigger the selected scheduler to start
# assigning ComputeUnits to the ComputePilots.
units = umgr.submit_units(cud_list)
# Wait for all compute units to reach a terminal state (DONE or FAILED).
if not isinstance(units, list):
units = [units]
for unit in units:
print "* Task %s - state: %s, exit code: %s, started: %s, finished: %s, stdout: %s" \
% (unit.uid, unit.state, unit.exit_code, unit.start_time, unit.stop_time, unit.stdout)
assert (unit.state == rp.DONE)
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