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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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cat extasy.log
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] radical.pilot version: 0.20 (v0.20-167-g0a3a8ec@(detached)
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga : [INFO ] saga-python version: 0.20
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm new manager
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.myproxy for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['myproxy://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.x509 for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['x509://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.ssh
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.ssh for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['ssh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.context.userpass
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.context.userpass for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['userpass://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.job.Service API with URL scheme(s) ['fork://', 'local://', 'ssh://', 'gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.job.Job API with URL scheme(s) ['fork://', 'local://', 'ssh://', 'gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.namespace.Directory API with URL scheme(s) ['file://', 'local://', 'sftp://', 'gsisftp://', 'ssh://', 'gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.namespace.Entry API with URL scheme(s) ['file://', 'local://', 'sftp://', 'gsisftp://', 'ssh://', 'gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.filesystem.Directory API with URL scheme(s) ['file://', 'local://', 'sftp://', 'gsisftp://', 'ssh://', 'gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.filesystem.File API with URL scheme(s) ['file://', 'local://', 'sftp://', 'gsisftp://', 'ssh://', 'gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [WARNING ] Skipping adaptor beta versions are disabled (v0.1.beta)
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.redis.redis_advert
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [WARNING ] Skipping adaptor saga.adaptors.redis.redis_advert 1: module loading failed: No module named redis
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.sge.sgejob
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.sge.sgejob for saga.job.Service API with URL scheme(s) ['sge://', 'sge+ssh://', 'sge+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.sge.sgejob for saga.job.Job API with URL scheme(s) ['sge://', 'sge+ssh://', 'sge+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.pbs.pbsjob
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.pbs.pbsjob for saga.job.Service API with URL scheme(s) ['pbs://', 'pbs+ssh://', 'pbs+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.pbs.pbsjob for saga.job.Job API with URL scheme(s) ['pbs://', 'pbs+ssh://', 'pbs+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.lsf.lsfjob
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.lsf.lsfjob for saga.job.Service API with URL scheme(s) ['lsf://', 'lsf+ssh://', 'lsf+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.lsf.lsfjob for saga.job.Job API with URL scheme(s) ['lsf://', 'lsf+ssh://', 'lsf+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.condor.condorjob
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.condor.condorjob for saga.job.Service API with URL scheme(s) ['condor://', 'condor+ssh://', 'condor+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.condor.condorjob for saga.job.Job API with URL scheme(s) ['condor://', 'condor+ssh://', 'condor+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.slurm.slurm_job
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.slurm.slurm_job for saga.job.Service API with URL scheme(s) ['slurm://', 'slurm+ssh://', 'slurm+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.slurm.slurm_job for saga.job.Job API with URL scheme(s) ['slurm://', 'slurm+ssh://', 'slurm+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.http.http_file
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.http.http_file for saga.namespace.Entry API with URL scheme(s) ['http://', 'https://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.http.http_file for saga.filesystem.File API with URL scheme(s) ['http://', 'https://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.Context API with URL scheme(s) ['ec2://', 'ec2_keypair://', 'openstack://', 'eucalyptus://', 'euca://', 'aws://', 'amazon://', 'http://', 'https://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.resource.Manager API with URL scheme(s) ['ec2://', 'ec2_keypair://', 'openstack://', 'eucalyptus://', 'euca://', 'aws://', 'amazon://', 'http://', 'https://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor for saga.resource.Compute API with URL scheme(s) ['ec2://', 'ec2_keypair://', 'openstack://', 'eucalyptus://', 'euca://', 'aws://', 'amazon://', 'http://', 'https://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.loadl.loadljob
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.loadl.loadljob for saga.job.Service API with URL scheme(s) ['loadl://', 'loadl+ssh://', 'loadl+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.loadl.loadljob for saga.job.Job API with URL scheme(s) ['loadl://', 'loadl+ssh://', 'loadl+gsissh://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Loading adaptor saga.adaptors.globus_online.go_file
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.globus_online.go_file for saga.namespace.Directory API with URL scheme(s) ['go+gsisftp://', 'go+gridftp://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.globus_online.go_file for saga.namespace.Entry API with URL scheme(s) ['go+gsisftp://', 'go+gridftp://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.globus_online.go_file for saga.filesystem.Directory API with URL scheme(s) ['go+gsisftp://', 'go+gridftp://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.Engine : [INFO ] Register adaptor saga.adaptors.globus_online.go_file for saga.filesystem.File API with URL scheme(s) ['go+gsisftp://', 'go+gridftp://']
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.saga.adaptor.ssh : [INFO ] default ssh key at /home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.saga.adaptor.ssh : [INFO ] ignore ssh key at /home/vivek/.ssh/known_hosts (no public key: /home/vivek/.ssh/
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.ContextSSH : [INFO ] init SSH context for key at '/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa' done
2014:10:15 09:43:18 24873 MainThread saga.DefaultSession : [DEBUG ] default context [saga.adaptor.ssh ] : {'LifeTime' : '-1', 'Type' : 'ssh', 'UserCert' : '/home/vivek/.ssh/', 'UserKey' : '/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa'}
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] using database url mongodb://
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] using database name radicalpilot
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for local.localhost
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for ncar.yellowstone
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for radical.tutorial
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for lrz.supermuc
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for das4.fs2
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for epsrc.archer
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.trestles
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.gordon
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.blacklight
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for xsede.lonestar
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for iu.bigred2
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for iu.quarry
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for rice.davinci
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.sierra
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.alamo
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.hotel
2014:10:15 09:43:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded resource configurations for futuregrid.india
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] New Session created{'uid': '543e79f62330e06129d5cac8', 'created': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 15, 13, 43, 18, 859752), 'database_auth': ':', 'database_name': 'radicalpilot', 'database_url': 'mongodb://', 'last_reconnect': None}.
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Worker thread (ID: Thread-1[140537622558464]) for PilotManager 543e79f72330e06129d5cac9 started.
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [WARNING ] using alias 'epsrc.archer' for deprecated resource key ''
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.utils.PTYShell ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd178740810>
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] open master pty for [ssh] [] vb224: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 "/usr/bin/ssh" -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2'
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd178740bd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/ssh -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 5] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Connected to MongoDB. Serving requests for PilotManager 543e79f72330e06129d5cac9.
2014:10:15 09:43:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 5] [ 730] (------------------------------ ... --------------------------\n\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 5] [ 51] ( export PS1='$' > /dev/null 2>&1 || set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 5] [ 28] ( printf 'HELLO_%d_SAGA\n' 1\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 5] [ 77] (Last login: Tue Oct 14 23:45:37 2014 from\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 5] [ 514] (================================================================================\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.\n\n================================================================================\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 5] [ 37] (vb224@eslogin007:~> $$HELLO_1_SAGA\n$)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got shell prompt trigger (4) (--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a private computing facility. Access to this system is limited to those
who have been granted access by the operating service provider on behalf of the
issuing authority and use is restricted to the purposes for which access was
granted. All access and usage are governed by the terms and conditions of access
agreed to by all registered users and are thus subject to the provisions of the
Computer Misuse Act, 1990 under which unauthorised use is a criminal offence.
If you are not authorised to use this service you must disconnect immediately.
Last login: Tue Oct 14 23:45:37 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $$HELLO_1_SAGA)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd178740e50>
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/ssh -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 6] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 6] [ 588] (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:20 2014 from\n================================================================================\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.\n\n================================================================================\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 6] [ 21] (vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:20 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:20 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 6] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 6] [ 14] (eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 6] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 6] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] run_sync: echo "WORKDIR: /work/`id -gn`/`id -gn`/$USER"
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 6] [ 46] (echo "WORKDIR: /work/`id -gn`/`id -gn`/$USER"\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 6] [ 42] (WORKDIR: /work/e290/e290/vb224\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Determined remote working directory for s '/work/e290/e290/vb224'
2014:10:15 09:43:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYShell del <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd178740810>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Launching ComputePilot {u'state': u'PendingLaunch', u'commands': [], u'description': {u'project': u'e290', u'resource': u'', u'queue': u'debug', u'sandbox': None, u'cleanup': None, u'pilot_agent_priv': None, u'access_schema': None, u'memory': None, u'cores': 24, u'runtime': 10}, u'sagajobid': None, u'started': None, u'cores_per_node': None, u'output_transfer_started': None, u'finished': None, u'submitted': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 15, 13, 43, 21, 951000), u'output_transfer_finished': None, u'sandbox': u's', u'pilotmanager': u'543e79f72330e06129d5cac9', u'unitmanager': None, u'heartbeat': None, u'statehistory': [{u'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 15, 13, 43, 21, 949000), u'state': u'PendingLaunch'}], u'input_transfer_started': None, u'_id': ObjectId('543e79f72330e06129d5caca'), u'input_transfer_finished': None, u'nodes': None, u'log': []}
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [WARNING ] using alias 'epsrc.archer' for deprecated resource key ''
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Using pilot agent /home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/agent/
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Using bootstrapper /home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/bootstrapper/
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Creating agent sandbox 's'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool ([])
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create pool for s (<type 'str'>) (<radical.utils.lease_manager.LeaseManager object at 0x7fd178ce3690>)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (0)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd178652ed0>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd178816ed0>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/ssh -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd178740e50>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Starting InputFileTransferWorker
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Starting InputFileTransferWorker
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Worker thread (ID: Thread-3[140537235502848]) for UnitManager 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacb started.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Loaded scheduler: DirectSubmissionScheduler.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Connected to MongoDB. Serving requests for UnitManager 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacb.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Connected to MongoDB. Serving requests for UnitManager 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacb.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Connected to MongoDB. Serving requests for UnitManager 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacb.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Connected to MongoDB. Serving requests for UnitManager 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacb.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 588] (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:21 2014 from\n================================================================================\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.\n\n================================================================================\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_0.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_0.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_1.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_1.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_2.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_2.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_3.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_3.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_4.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_4.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_5.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_5.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_6.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_6.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './penta.crd > min0.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './penta.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min0.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md0.ncdf > md_0_7.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_7.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] ComputePilot '543e79f72330e06129d5caca' state changed from 'PendingLaunch' to 'Launching'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 20] (vb224@eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:21 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:21 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cace' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 14] (eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca' ; cd '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 220] (cd /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca' ; cd '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] initialized directory (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd17863c510>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] open master pty for [sh] [localhost] vivek: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 "/bin/bash" -i'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17863c150>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 13] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 13] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17863c2d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s'])
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (1)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && test -d '/' && cd '/'
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 32] (cd / && test -d '/' && cd '/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s'])
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (1)
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for s
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1742e0350>
2014:10:15 09:43:22 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17863c810>
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/ssh -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 11] ($PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cace' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYShell del <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd17863c510>
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17863c2d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Copying bootstrapper 'file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/bootstrapper/' to agent sandbox (s
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/bootstrapper/
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Scheduled ComputeUnits [] for execution on ComputePilot '543e79f72330e06129d5caca'.
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] 0 units remain unscheduled
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 74] (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:22 2014 from\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 349] (================================================================================\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 165] (If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.\n\n================================================================================\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 21] (vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:22 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:22 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 14] (eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && test -d '/' && cd '/'
2014:10:15 09:43:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 32] (cd / && test -d '/' && cd '/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] initialized directory (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd178685c10>2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s'])
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create pool for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (<type 'str'>) (<radical.utils.lease_manager.LeaseManager object at 0x7fd178ce3690>)
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (0)2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd17427a610>
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd178685ed0>
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:23 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd178685bd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 11] ($PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 14] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 14] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/bootstrapper/'
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 114] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/bootstrapper/'\n)2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (2)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc'2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] initialized directory (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc'\n)2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1742e06d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create pool for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (<type 'str'>) (<radical.utils.lease_manager.LeaseManager object at 0x7fd178ce3690>)2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (0)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd17427aa10>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17427aa50>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 17] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 17] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 17] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17427ac90>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 17] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 17] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 17] [ 11] ($PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 17] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 17] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (2)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cace'2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cace'\n)2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (2)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5110>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/bootstrapper/
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (1)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1742a55d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5650>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (1)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1742a5690>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a59d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 21] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 21] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 21] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 21] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 21] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 21] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 21] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 21] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 21] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cace2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (2)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5d90>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (2)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1742a7190>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5490>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 23] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 23] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 23] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 23] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 23] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 23] [ 11] ($PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 23] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 23] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0006 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7150> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 23] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 23] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (2)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1742a7490>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a7410>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /bin/bash -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 24] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 24] [ 52] (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (vivek@vivek-Lenovo-IdeaPad-Y480:~/coam-on-stampede$ )
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 24] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 24] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 24] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 24] [ 1] ($)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 24] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 24] [ 32] (cd /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 24] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0007 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7510> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (2)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm create object for s
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1742a7950>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a79d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/ssh -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 25] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 25] [ 588] (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:23 2014 from\n================================================================================\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.\n\n================================================================================\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:24 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 14KB 14.3KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 25] [ 21] (vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:23 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:23 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 25] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5110>
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5d90>
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 25] [ 14] (eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 25] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 25] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0008 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7910> use: True -- new!
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a7990>
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Copying agent 'file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/agent/' to agent sandbox (s 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/agent/
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/agent/'
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 116] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/agent/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17425ab10>
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/agent/
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0350>
2014:10:15 09:43:25 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 79] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 81] ( 100% 101KB 101.3KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a7990>
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7910> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0008 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7150> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0006 was leased for 2.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7510> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:26 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0007 was leased for 2.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7150> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0006 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 23] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 23] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7510> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0007 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7910> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0008 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0890>
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17425ab10>
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0350>
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.job.Service ('pbs+ssh://')
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd17425af50>
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17425a850>
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/ssh -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0350>
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 588] (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:25 2014 from\n================================================================================\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.\n\n================================================================================\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 21] (vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:25 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:25 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 14] (eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:43:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:27 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which qdel
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 11] (which qdel\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 45] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qdel\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which qsub
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 11] (which qsub\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0890>
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7910> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0008 was leased for 1.2s2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0350>
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7150> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0006 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a7510> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0007 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0dd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0590>
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 35] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qsub\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: qsub --version
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 15] (qsub --version\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 48] (pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which pbsnodes
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 15] (which pbsnodes\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 39] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: pbsnodes --version
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 19] (pbsnodes --version\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 38] (pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which qstat
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 12] (which qstat\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 36] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: qstat --version
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 16] (qstat --version\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 38] (pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Found PBS tools: {'qdel': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qdel', 'version': '?'}, 'qsub': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qsub', 'version': 'pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n'}, 'pbsnodes': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes', 'version': 'pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n'}, 'qstat': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat', 'version': 'pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n'}}
2014:10:15 09:43:28 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which aprun
2014:10:15 09:43:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 12] (which aprun\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 67] (/opt/cray/eslogin/eswrap/1.1.0-1.010400.915.0/bin/aprun\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Host '' seems to be a Cray XT class machine.
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes -a | grep -E "resources_available.ncpus"
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 99] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes -a | grep -E "resources_available.ncpus"\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0590>
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0dd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5b50>
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3'
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd6d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:29 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5b50>
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1'
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fde50>
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd6d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203650>
2014:10:15 09:43:30 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fde50>
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd350>
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203650>
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:31 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdf50>
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:32 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd350>
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdf50>
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742036d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203990>
2014:10:15 09:43:33 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742036d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17420b050>
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203990>
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cace' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf'
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0810>
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17420b050>
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd'
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdf10>
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0810>
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:35 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdd10>
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdf10>
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206690>
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:36 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdd10>
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a52d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206690>
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:37 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203110>
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a52d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206890>
2014:10:15 09:43:38 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 2183] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 999] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 1381] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 2565] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 814] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... able.ncpus = 24\n resource)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (s_available.ncpus = 24\n r ... ources_available.ncpus = 24\n )
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.n)
2014:10:15 09:43:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4] (cpus)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] ( = 24\n resources_availabl ... ncpus = 24\n resources_ava)2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (ilable.ncpus = 24\n resour ... s_available.ncpus = 24\n r)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (esources_available.ncpus = 24\ ... resources_available.ncpus )
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (= 24\n resources_available ... cpus = 24\n resources_avai)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4] (labl)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (e.ncpus = 24\n resources_a ... ilable.ncpus = 24\n resour)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4094] (ces_available.ncpus = 24\n ... resources_available.ncpus = 24)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4096] (\n resources_available.ncp ... = 24\n resources_available)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (.ncpus = 24\n resources_av ... lable.ncpus = 24\n resourc)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4] (es_a)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (vailable.ncpus = 24\n reso ... ces_available.ncpus = 24\n )
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus = 2 ... n resources_available.ncpu)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (s = 24\n resources_availab ... .ncpus = 24\n resources_av)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (ailable.ncpus = 24\n resou ... es_available.ncpus = 24\n )
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4] (reso)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (urces_available.ncpus = 24\n ... resources_available.ncpus = 2)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (4\n ... s = 24\n resources_availab)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (le.ncpus = 24\n resources_ ... ailable.ncpus = 24\n resou)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (rces_available.ncpus = 24\n ... resources_available.ncpus = 24)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4] (\n )
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus = ... 4\n
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (pus = 24\n resources_avail ... le.ncpus = 24\n resources_)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 4095] (available.ncpus = 24\n res ... rces_available.ncpus = 24\n )
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 1228] ( resources_available.ncpus = ... ailable.ncpus = 24\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [DEBUG ] Found the following 'ppn' configurations: {16: 5, 80: 2, 24: 3008}. Using 24 as default ppn.
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Bootstrap command line: /bin/bash ['-l', '', "-n radicalpilot -s 543e79f62330e06129d5cac8 -p 543e79f72330e06129d5caca -t 10 -d 10 -c 24 -v 0.20 -m -a : -e 'module load python' -g /work/e290/shared/shared_pilot_ve_20140703 -l PBSPRO -j APRUN -k APRUN -f "]
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Submitting SAGA job with description: {'Queue': 'debug', 'Executable': '/bin/bash', 'WorkingDirectory': '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca', 'Project': 'e290', 'WallTimeLimit': 10, 'Arguments': ['-l', '', "-n radicalpilot -s 543e79f62330e06129d5cac8 -p 543e79f72330e06129d5caca -t 10 -d 10 -c 24 -v 0.20 -m -a : -e 'module load python' -g /work/e290/shared/shared_pilot_ve_20140703 -l PBSPRO -j APRUN -k APRUN -f "], 'Error': 'AGENT.STDERR', 'Output': 'AGENT.STDOUT', 'TotalCPUCount': 24}
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Using Cray XT (e.g. Archer) specific '#PBS -l select=xx' flags (PBSPro_12).
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Generated PBS script:
#PBS -o /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/AGENT.STDOUT
#PBS -e /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/AGENT.STDERR
#PBS -l walltime=0:10:00
#PBS -q debug
#PBS -P e290
#PBS -A e290
#PBS -l select=1
export PBS_O_WORKDIR=/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
mkdir -p /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
cd /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
/bin/bash -l -n radicalpilot -s 543e79f62330e06129d5cac8 -p 543e79f72330e06129d5caca -t 10 -d 10 -c 24 -v 0.20 -m -a : -e 'module load python' -g /work/e290/shared/shared_pilot_ve_20140703 -l PBSPRO -j APRUN -k APRUN -f
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Creating working directory /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 84] (mkdir -p /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203110>
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.6s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.6s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.6s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: SCRIPTFILE=`mktemp -t SAGA-Python-PBSJobScript.XXXXXX` && echo "
#PBS -o /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/AGENT.STDOUT
#PBS -e /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/AGENT.STDERR
#PBS -l walltime=0:10:00
#PBS -q debug
#PBS -P e290
#PBS -A e290
#PBS -l select=1
export PBS_O_WORKDIR=/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
mkdir -p /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
cd /work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca
/bin/bash -l -n radicalpilot -s 543e79f62330e06129d5cac8 -p 543e79f72330e06129d5caca -t 10 -d 10 -c 24 -v 0.20 -m -a : -e 'module load python' -g /work/e290/shared/shared_pilot_ve_20140703 -l PBSPRO -j APRUN -k APRUN -f " > $SCRIPTFILE && /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qsub $SCRIPTFILE && rm -f $SCRIPTFILE
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 1026] (SCRIPTFILE=`mktemp -t SAGA-Pyt ... IPTFILE && rm -f $SCRIPTFILE\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0f10>
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206890>
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 13] (2468435.sdb\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Submitted PBS job with id: [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435]
2014:10:15 09:43:39 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] assign job id [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] / None to watch list (['[pbs+ssh://]-[2468435]'])
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] SAGA job submitted with job id [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435]
2014:10:15 09:43:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] ComputePilot '543e79f72330e06129d5caca' state changed from 'Launching' to 'PendingActive'.
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2'
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 15] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 15] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.4s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5b50>
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0f10>
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0'
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd')
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5dd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:40 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/penta.crd
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5b50>
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4450>
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] (penta.crd 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETApenta.crd 100% 2165 2.1KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a5dd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd950>
2014:10:15 09:43:41 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4450>
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203c90>
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:42 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd950>
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 53] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c46d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203c90>
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 20] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 20] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4950>
2014:10:15 09:43:43 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 225 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c46d0>
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 57] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4fd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4950>
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0310> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0001 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5590> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0004 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742a5850> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:44 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0005 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:43:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 216 0.2KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:43:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4fd0>
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:43:45 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:43:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:43:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:44:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Performing periodical health check for 543e79f72330e06129d5caca (SAGA job id [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435])
2014:10:15 09:44:19 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] PTYShell init <saga.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell object at 0x7fd1741c42d0>
2014:10:15 09:44:19 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [INFO ] PTY prompt pattern: [\$#%>\]]\s*$
2014:10:15 09:44:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4190>
2014:10:15 09:44:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/ssh -t -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2
2014:10:15 09:44:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 33] ( export PS1='$' ; set prompt='$'\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 588] (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:27 2014 from\n================================================================================\\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFor assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIf you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.\n\n================================================================================\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 21] (vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:27 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Got initial shell prompt (5) (Last login: Wed Oct 15 14:43:27 2014 from
For assistance please contact the service helpdesk at:
If you are not authorised to use this account then you must logout immediately.
vb224@eslogin007:~> $)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] running command shell: exec /bin/sh -i
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 47] ( stty -echo ; unset HISTFILE ; exec /bin/sh -i\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 14] (eslogin007:~> )
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 100] ( unset PROMPT_COMMAND ; unset HISTFILE ; PS1='PROMPT-$?->'; PS2=''; export PS1 PS2 2>&1 >/dev/null\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] got new shell prompt
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which qdel
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 11] (which qdel\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 45] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qdel\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which qsub
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 11] (which qsub\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 35] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qsub\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: qsub --version
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 15] (qsub --version\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 38] (pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which pbsnodes
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 15] (which pbsnodes\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 49] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: pbsnodes --version
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 19] (pbsnodes --version\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 38] (pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:20 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which qstat
2014:10:15 09:44:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 12] (which qstat\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 36] (/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: qstat --version
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 16] (qstat --version\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 48] (pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Found PBS tools: {'qdel': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qdel', 'version': '?'}, 'qsub': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qsub', 'version': 'pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n'}, 'pbsnodes': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes', 'version': 'pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n'}, 'qstat': {'path': '/opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat', 'version': 'pbs_version = PBSPro_12.1.400.132424\n'}}
2014:10:15 09:44:21 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: which aprun
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 12] (which aprun\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 57] (/opt/cray/eslogin/eswrap/1.1.0-1.010400.915.0/bin/aprun\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:21 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Host '' seems to be a Cray XT class machine.
2014:10:15 09:44:21 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes -a | grep -E "resources_available.ncpus"
2014:10:15 09:44:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 99] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/pbsnodes -a | grep -E "resources_available.ncpus"\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:44:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 57] ( job_state = Q\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Pending)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 2479] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 1036] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 123] (ncpus = 24\n resources_available.ncpus = 24\n resources_available.ncpus = 24\n resources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 123] (ncpus = 24\n resources_available.ncpus = 24\n resources_available.ncpus = 24\n resources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 3934] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 2220] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 974] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 1110] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 826] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 2220] ( resources_available.ncpus ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... able.ncpus = 24\n resource)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (s_available.ncpus = 24\n r ... ources_available.ncpus = 24\n )
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4] (cpus)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( = 24\n resources_availabl ... ncpus = 24\n resources_ava)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (ilable.ncpus = 24\n resour ... s_available.ncpus = 24\n r)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (esources_available.ncpus = 24\ ... resources_available.ncpus )
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (= 24\n resources_available ... cpus = 24\n resources_avai)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4] (labl)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (e.ncpus = 24\n resources_a ... ilable.ncpus = 24\n resour)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4094] (ces_available.ncpus = 24\n ... resources_available.ncpus = 24)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4096] (\n resources_available.ncp ... = 24\n resources_available)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (.ncpus = 24\n resources_av ... lable.ncpus = 24\n resourc)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (es_available.ncpus = 24\n ... sources_available.ncpus = 24\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] ( resources_available.ncpus ... 24\n resources_available.)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (ncpus = 24\n resources_ava ... able.ncpus = 24\n resource)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (s_available.ncpus = 24\n r ... ources_available.ncpus = 24\n )
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 8] ( reso)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (urces_available.ncpus = 24\n ... resources_available.ncpus = 2)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 4095] (4\n ... s = 24\n resources_availab)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 2319] (le.ncpus = 24\n resources_ ... ailable.ncpus = 24\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:29 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PBSJobService : [DEBUG ] Found the following 'ppn' configurations: {16: 5, 80: 2, 24: 3008}. Using 24 as default ppn.
2014:10:15 09:44:29 24873 PilotLauncherWorker-1 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -f 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)| (start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:44:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 173] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -f 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)| (start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:44:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 67] ( job_state = Q\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:44:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] pilot 543e79f72330e06129d5caca seems alive and well
2014:10:15 09:44:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] ComputePilot '543e79f72330e06129d5caca' state changed from 'PendingActive' to 'Active'.
2014:10:15 09:44:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cace' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:44:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cace' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:44:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:44:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:44:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:44:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:44:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:44:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:44:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 76.2s
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 76.3s
2014:10:15 09:45:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203690>
2014:10:15 09:45:01 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:01 \n)
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203690>
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:45:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:45:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacc' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 14.6s
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 14.7s
2014:10:15 09:45:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0610>
2014:10:15 09:45:17 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:01 \n)
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0610>
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:45:18 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:45:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad3' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:45:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Performing periodical health check for 543e79f72330e06129d5caca (SAGA job id [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435])
2014:10:15 09:45:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] pilot 543e79f72330e06129d5caca seems alive and well
2014:10:15 09:45:19 24873 Thread-9 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:45:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 84] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n exec_host = mom4/51*0\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:19 24873 Thread-9 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:45:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:45:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 94] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n exec_host = mom4/51*0\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:45:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:45:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0
2014:10:15 09:45:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:45:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 16.3s
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:45:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 16.5s
2014:10:15 09:45:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203790>
2014:10:15 09:45:35 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:01 \n)
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203790>
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.7s
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:45:36 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.6s
2014:10:15 09:45:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad0' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:45:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:45:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2
2014:10:15 09:45:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:45:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:45:50 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:45:50 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:50 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:50 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:50 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 14.1s
2014:10:15 09:45:50 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:45:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 14.2s
2014:10:15 09:45:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdd10>
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:45:51 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdd10>
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.6s
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:45:52 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:45:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad2' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:46:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:46:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cace
2014:10:15 09:46:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cace' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:46:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 14.5s
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cace/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:46:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cace/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 14.7s
2014:10:15 09:46:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0c10>
2014:10:15 09:46:07 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0c10>
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.6s
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:08 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:46:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cace' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:46:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Performing periodical health check for 543e79f72330e06129d5caca (SAGA job id [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435])
2014:10:15 09:46:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] pilot 543e79f72330e06129d5caca seems alive and well
2014:10:15 09:46:19 24873 Thread-9 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:46:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 94] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n exec_host = mom4/51*0\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:19 24873 Thread-9 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:46:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:46:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd
2014:10:15 09:46:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:46:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 14.4s
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:46:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 14.6s
2014:10:15 09:46:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fde10>
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:23 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fde10>
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:24 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:46:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacd' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:46:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:46:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 57] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 37] ( exec_host = mom4/51*0\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:46:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:46:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1
2014:10:15 09:46:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:46:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 14.5s
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:46:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 14.7s
2014:10:15 09:46:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4d10>
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:39 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741c4d10>
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:40 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:46:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cad1' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:46:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:46:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf
2014:10:15 09:46:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:46:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 14.6s
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf/md0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:46:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 130] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf/md0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 14.7s
2014:10:15 09:46:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File.copy ('file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 18] [ 41] (mkdir -p '/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 18] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206690>
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 /home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:46:55 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206690>
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:56 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e79fa2330e06129d5cacf' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Done'.
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string '/home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': '/home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string '/home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': '/home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string './' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': './', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': '', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_0.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_0.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_0.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_1.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_1.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_1.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_2.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_2.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_2.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_3.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_3.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_3.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_4.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_4.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_4.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_5.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_5.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_5.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_6.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_6.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_6.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'md_0_7.ncdf' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'md_0_7.ncdf', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'md_0_7.ncdf', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min10.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min10.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min10.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min11.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min11.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min11.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min12.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min12.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min12.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min13.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min13.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min13.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min14.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min14.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min14.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min15.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min15.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min15.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min16.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min16.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min16.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Converting string 'min17.crd' into dict '{'action': 'Transfer', 'source': 'min17.crd', 'flags': ['CreateParents', 'SkipFailed'], 'target': 'min17.crd', 'priority': 0}'
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4' state changed from 'New' to 'PendingInputStaging'.
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Scheduled ComputeUnits [] for execution on ComputePilot '543e79f72330e06129d5caca'.
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] 0 units remain unscheduled
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Creating ComputeUnit sandbox directory s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.Directory ('s')
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4' state changed from 'PendingInputStaging' to 'StagingInput'.
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.8s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4'
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 125] (cd / && mkdir -p '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing input file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/')
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 192.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/'
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 119] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.9s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206290>
2014:10:15 09:46:57 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 523 0.5KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174206290>
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/')
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/'
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 117] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17427a450>
2014:10:15 09:46:58 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 3950 3.9KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd17427a450>
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.0s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/ -> s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/')
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 56] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/'\n)
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0150>
2014:10:15 09:46:59 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:46:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] ( 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- 100% 33KB 32.8KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1742a0150>
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1786853d0>
2014:10:15 09:47:00 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_0.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (md_0_0.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETAmd_0_0.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1786853d0>
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.7s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.7s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.7s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203ed0>
2014:10:15 09:47:02 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_1.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (md_0_1.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETAmd_0_1.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203ed0>
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd150>
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_2.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (md_0_2.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETAmd_0_2.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fd150>
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203690>
2014:10:15 09:47:05 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_3.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (md_0_3.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETAmd_0_3.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203690>
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.4s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203790>
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_4.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (md_0_4.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETAmd_0_4.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203790>
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.2s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203390>
2014:10:15 09:47:08 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_5.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md_0_5.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md_0_5.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203390>
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.1s
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203050>
2014:10:15 09:47:09 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_6.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 160] (md_0_6.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETAmd_0_6.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd174203050>
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.5s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring input file file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf -> s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf')
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance file://localhost//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf'
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] write: [ 16] [ 58] (true; test -r '//home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] read : [ 16] [ 10] (PROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] file initialized (0)()
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 0.2s
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess init <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdc90>
2014:10:15 09:47:11 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [INFO ] running: /usr/bin/env TERM=vt100 /usr/bin/scp -o IdentityFile=/home/vivek/.ssh/id_rsa -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/tmp/saga_ssh_vivek_%h_%p.vb224.ctrl -o TCPKeepAlive=no -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -o ServerAliveCountMax=20 -2 //home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/md_0_7.ncdf
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 79] (md_0_7.ncdf 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA)
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] read : [ 26] [ 81] (md_0_7.ncdf 100% 70KB 70.0KB/s 00:00 \n)
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 saga.PTYProcess : [DEBUG ] PTYProcess del <saga.utils.pty_process.PTYProcess object at 0x7fd1741fdc90>
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> for s
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd1742e0390> for file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0002 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm release object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178705450> for fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell
2014:10:15 09:47:12 24873 InputFileTransferWorker-1 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0003 was leased for 1.3s
2014:10:15 09:47:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingInput
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4' state changed from 'StagingInput' to 'PendingExecution'.
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state PendingExecution
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4' state changed from 'PendingExecution' to 'Scheduling'.
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Scheduling
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Scheduling
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4' state changed from 'Scheduling' to 'Executing'.
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Performing periodical health check for 543e79f72330e06129d5caca (SAGA job id [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435])
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] pilot 543e79f72330e06129d5caca seems alive and well
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 24873 Thread-9 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 57] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 37] ( exec_host = mom4/51*0\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:20 24873 Thread-9 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 94] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n exec_host = mom4/51*0\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:47:27 24873 Thread-8 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:47:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:03 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:04 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:05 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:06 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:07 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:08 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:09 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:10 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:11 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:12 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:13 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:14 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:15 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:16 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:17 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:18 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Performing periodical health check for 543e79f72330e06129d5caca (SAGA job id [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435])
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] pilot 543e79f72330e06129d5caca seems alive and well
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:19 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 24873 Thread-9 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 19] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 19] [ 94] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n exec_host = mom4/51*0\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:48:20 24873 Thread-9 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:20 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:21 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:22 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:23 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:24 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:25 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:26 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:27 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 24873 Thread-8 saga.PTYShell : [DEBUG ] run_sync: unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 22] [ 162] (unset GREP_OPTIONS; /opt/pbs/12.1.400.132424/bin/qstat -fx 2468435 | grep -E '(job_state)|(exec_host)|(exit_status)|(ctime)|(start_time)|(comp_time)'\n)
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 22] [ 94] ( job_state = R\n ctime = Wed Oct 15 14:43:40 2014\n exec_host = mom4/51*0\nPROMPT-0->)
2014:10:15 09:48:28 24873 Thread-8 saga.PBSJobService : [INFO ] Job monitoring thread updating Job [pbs+ssh://]-[2468435] (state: Running)
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:28 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:29 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:30 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:31 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:32 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:33 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:34 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:35 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:36 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:37 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:38 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:39 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:40 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:41 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:42 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:43 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:44 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:45 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:46 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:47 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:48 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:49 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:50 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:51 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:52 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:53 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:54 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:55 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:56 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:57 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:58 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:48:59 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:00 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state Executing
2014:10:15 09:49:01 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4' state changed from 'Executing' to 'StagingOutput'.
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] OFTW cu found, progressing ...
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] Processing output file transfers for ComputeUnit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingOutput
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingOutput
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingOutput
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Transferring output file s -> file://localhost/home/vivek/coam-on-stampede/min10.crd
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] saga.fs.File ('s')
2014:10:15 09:49:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellFile : [INFO ] init_instance s
2014:10:15 09:49:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm check pool (['s', 'fork://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell', 'file://localhost/shell_file_adaptor_command_shell'])
2014:10:15 09:49:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object for s (3)
2014:10:15 09:49:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [DEBUG ] lm lease object <radical.utils.lease_manager._LeaseObject object at 0x7fd178652e90> use: ok!
2014:10:15 09:49:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 radical.utils : [ERROR ] lo.0000 was unused for 109.4s
2014:10:15 09:49:02 24873 OutputFileTransferWorker-2 saga.ShellDirectory : [DEBUG ] run_sync: true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4/min10.crd'
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] write: [ 7] [ 131] (true; test -r '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4/min10.crd'\n)
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingOutput
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] read : [ 7] [ 10] (PROMPT-1->)
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [DEBUG ] Compute unit 543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4 in state StagingOutput
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [ERROR ] Output transfer failed: File does not exist: '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4/min10.crd' - (/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/adaptors/shell/ +1030 (initialize) : raise saga.DoesNotExist("File does not exist: '%s' - %s" % (self.url.path, out)))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/controller/", line 148, in run
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/filesystem/", line 86, in __init__
_adaptor, _adaptor_state, _ttype=_ttype)
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/namespace/", line 89, in __init__
url, flags, session, ttype=_ttype)
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/", line 101, in __init__
self._init_task = self._adaptor.init_instance (adaptor_state, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/adaptors/cpi/", line 51, in wrap_function
return sync_function (self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/adaptors/shell/", line 981, in init_instance
self.initialize ()
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/adaptors/shell/", line 1030, in initialize
raise saga.DoesNotExist("File does not exist: '%s' - %s" % (self.url.path, out))
DoesNotExist: File does not exist: '/work/e290/e290/vb224/radical.pilot.sandbox/pilot-543e79f72330e06129d5caca/unit-543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4/min10.crd' - (/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/saga/adaptors/shell/ +1030 (initialize) : raise saga.DoesNotExist("File does not exist: '%s' - %s" % (self.url.path, out)))
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [INFO ] RUN ComputeUnit '543e7ad02330e06129d5cad4' state changed from 'StagingOutput' to 'Failed'.
2014:10:15 09:49:02 radical.pilot.MainProcess: [ERROR ] unit manager controller thread caught system exit -- forcing application shutdown
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/controller/", line 296, in run
self.call_unit_state_callbacks(unit_id, new_state)
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/controller/", line 196, in call_unit_state_callbacks
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/", line 44, in unit_state_change_cb
SystemExit: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vivek/devel/bin/extasy", line 9, in <module>
load_entry_point('radical.ensemblemd.extasy==0.1', 'console_scripts', 'extasy')()
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/", line 150, in main
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/ensemblemd/extasy/bin/Analyzer/CoCo/", line 33, in Analyzer
File "/home/vivek/devel/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/radical/pilot/", line 397, in wait
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