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Last active September 29, 2019 18:04
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internal class SignallingClientKotlin {
internal interface SignalingInterface {
fun onRemoteHangUp(msg: String)
fun onOfferReceived(data: JSONObject)
fun onAnswerReceived(data: JSONObject)
fun onIceCandidateReceived(data: JSONObject)
fun onTryToStart()
fun onCreatedRoom()
fun onJoinedRoom()
fun onNewPeerJoined()
companion object {
private var roomName: String? = null
init {
if (roomName == null) {
roomName = "some_room_name"
private var socket: Socket? = null
var isChannelReady = false
var isInitiator = false
var isStarted = false
private var callback: SignalingInterface? = null
//This piece of code should not go into production?
//This will help in cases where the node server is running in non-https server and you want to ignore the warnings
private val trustAllCerts = arrayOf<TrustManager>(object : X509TrustManager {
override fun getAcceptedIssuers(): Array<> {
return arrayOf()
override fun checkClientTrusted(chain: Array<X509Certificate>, authType: String) {
override fun checkServerTrusted(chain: Array<X509Certificate>, authType: String) {
fun init(signalingInterface: SignalingInterface) {
this.callback = signalingInterface
try {
val sslcontext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
sslcontext.init(null, trustAllCerts, null)
IO.setDefaultHostnameVerifier { _, _ -> true }
//set the url here
socket = IO.socket("your_socket_io_instance_url_with_port")
Log.d("SignallingClient", "init() called")
roomName?.let { emitInitStatement(it) }
//room created event.
socket?.on("created") { args ->
Log.d("SignallingClient", "created call() called with: args = [" + Arrays.toString(args) + "]")
isInitiator = true
//room is full event
socket?.on("full") { args -> Log.d("SignallingClient", "full call() called with: args = [" + Arrays.toString(args) + "]") }
//peer joined event
socket?.on("join") { args ->
Log.d("SignallingClient", "join call() called with: args = [" + Arrays.toString(args) + "]")
isChannelReady = true
//when you joined a chat room successfully
socket?.on("joined") { args ->
Log.d("SignallingClient", "joined call() called with: args = [" + Arrays.toString(args) + "]")
isChannelReady = true
//log event
socket?.on("log") { args -> Log.d("SignallingClient", "log call() called with: args = [" + Arrays.toString(args) + "]") }
//bye event
socket?.on("bye") { args -> callback?.onRemoteHangUp(args[0] as String) }
//messages - SDP and ICE candidates are transferred through this
socket?.on("message") { args ->
Log.d("SignallingClient", "message call() called with: args = [" + Arrays.toString(args) + "]")
when (args[0]) {
is String -> {
Log.d("SignallingClient", "String received :: " + args[0])
val data = args[0] as String
if (data.equals("got user media", ignoreCase = true)) {
if (data.equals("bye", ignoreCase = true)) {
is JSONObject -> try {
val data = args[0] as JSONObject
Log.d("SignallingClient", "Json Received :: " + data.toString())
val type = data.getString("type")
if (type.equals("offer", ignoreCase = true)) {
} else if (type.equals("answer", ignoreCase = true) && isStarted) {
} else if (type.equals("candidate", ignoreCase = true) && isStarted) {
} catch (e: JSONException) {
} catch (e: URISyntaxException) {
} catch (e: NoSuchAlgorithmException) {
} catch (e: KeyManagementException) {
private fun emitInitStatement(message: String) {
Log.d("SignallingClient", "emitInitStatement() called with: event = [create or join], message = [$message]")
socket?.emit("create or join", message)
fun emitMessage(message: String) {
Log.d("SignallingClient", "emitMessage() called with: message = [$message]")
socket?.emit("message", message)
fun emitMessage(message: SessionDescription) {
try {
Log.d("SignallingClient", "emitMessage() called with: message = [$message]")
val obj = JSONObject()
obj.put("type", message.type.canonicalForm())
obj.put("sdp", message.description)
Log.d("emitMessage", obj.toString())
socket?.emit("message", obj)
Log.d("vivek1794", obj.toString())
} catch (e: JSONException) {
fun emitIceCandidate(iceCandidate: IceCandidate) {
try {
val jsonObject = JSONObject()
jsonObject.put("type", "candidate")
jsonObject.put("label", iceCandidate.sdpMLineIndex)
jsonObject.put("id", iceCandidate.sdpMid)
jsonObject.put("candidate", iceCandidate.sdp)
socket?.emit("message", jsonObject)
} catch (e: Exception) {
fun close() {
socket?.emit("bye", roomName)
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