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Created May 8, 2018 07:47
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Custom model class to hold View information
// ControlCreateModel.swift
// DynamicUIDemo
// Created by Vivek Gupta on 19/04/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Vivek Gupta. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
enum ControlType{
case ImageView
case UIView
case TextField
case Label
case TextView
case UIControl
case Button
case Carousel
enum TextAlignment{
case Left
case Center
case Right
enum VerticalPosition{
case Top
case Middle
case Bottom
enum HorizontalPosition{
case Left
case Center
case Right
class ControlCreateModel{
var controlType: ControlType = .UIControl
var control: NSObject?
var size: CGSize =
var origin: CGPoint =
var portionCoveredPerc: Int?
var sideSpacing: CGFloat = 0
var childControlsArray: [NSObject]?
var childHorizontalRendering: Edge = .left
var childAlignment: Group = .horizontal
var maxHeight: CGFloat = 0
var padding: CGFloat = 0
init(jsonDict: [String: Any], parentSize: CGSize = UIScreen.main.bounds.size, alignment: Group? = .vertical, autoSpreadChild: Bool? = nil) {
if let key = jsonDict["type"] as? String{
switch key {
case "imageview":
let imgVw = ImageControlView(data: jsonDict , parentSize: parentSize, alignment: alignment)
controlType = .ImageView
control = imgVw
size.height = imgVw.height
size.width = imgVw.width
if let p = imgVw.portionCoveredPerc{
portionCoveredPerc = p
sideSpacing = imgVw.sideSpacing
case "label":
let lblVw = LabelControlView(data: jsonDict, parentSize: parentSize, alignment: alignment)
controlType = .Label
control = lblVw
size.height = lblVw.height
size.width = lblVw.width
if let p = lblVw.portionCoveredPerc{
portionCoveredPerc = p
sideSpacing = lblVw.sideSpacing
case "button":
let btnVw = ButtonControlView(data: jsonDict, parentSize: parentSize, alignment: alignment, autoSpreadChild: autoSpreadChild)
controlType = .Button
control = btnVw
size.height = btnVw.height
size.width = btnVw.width
if let p = btnVw.portionCoveredPerc{
portionCoveredPerc = p
sideSpacing = btnVw.sideSpacing
case "textfield":
let txtVw = TextFeildControlView(data: jsonDict, parentSize: parentSize, alignment: alignment)
controlType = .TextField
control = txtVw
size.height = txtVw.height
size.width = txtVw.width
if let p = txtVw.portionCoveredPerc{
portionCoveredPerc = p
sideSpacing = txtVw.sideSpacing
case "uiview":
let uiVw = UIViewControlView(data: jsonDict, parentSize: parentSize, alignment: alignment)
controlType = .UIView
control = uiVw
size.height = uiVw.height
size.width = uiVw.width
if uiVw.maxHeight > 0{
size.height = uiVw.maxHeight
if let p = uiVw.portionCoveredPerc{
portionCoveredPerc = p
if uiVw.childControlsArray.count > 0{
self.childControlsArray = []
self.childControlsArray = uiVw.childControlsArray
sideSpacing = uiVw.sideSpacing
padding = uiVw.padding
childHorizontalRendering = uiVw.childHorizontalRenderingEdge
case "carousel":
if let value = jsonDict["childrens"] as? [String: Any]{
if let arrayData = value["horizontal"]as? [[String: Any]]{
var size = CGSize(width: parentSize.width, height: parentSize.height)
let carousel = CarouselView(data: arrayData, parentSize: size)
if let p = jsonDict["portionCoveredPerc"] as? Int{
portionCoveredPerc = p
let size = p.getSizeFromPercent(parentSize: size, alignment: .vertical)
self.size.height = size.height
self.size.width = size.width
controlType = .Carousel
control = carousel
default: return
class UIViewControlView: NSObject{
var uiView: UIView?
var height: CGFloat = 0
var width: CGFloat = 0
var sideSpacing: CGFloat = 0
var positionInParent: Int = 0
var padding: CGFloat = 0
var portionCoveredPerc: Int?
var childControlsArray: [NSObject] = []
var childAlignment: Group = .horizontal
var autoSpreadChildViews: Bool = true
var layersApplied: Bool = false
var borderWidth: CGFloat = 0
var borderColor: String = "ffffff"
var cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0
var childHorizontalRenderingEdge: Edge = .left
var maxHeight: CGFloat = 0
init(data: [String: Any], parentSize: CGSize? = nil, alignment: Group? = nil) {
let uv = UIView()
if let bgcolor = data["backgroundColor"] as? String{
uv.backgroundColor = UIColor.hexStringToUIColor(hex: bgcolor)
if let ht = data["height"] as? Int{
height = CGFloat(ht)
if let wt = data["width"] as? Int{
width = CGFloat(wt)
if let ss = data["sideSpacing"] as? Int{
self.sideSpacing = CGFloat(ss)
if let pp = data["padding"] as? Int{
self.padding = CGFloat(pp)
if let tag = data["tag"] as? String{
if let chr = data["childhorizontalrendering"] as? String{
switch chr{
case "left" :
self.childHorizontalRenderingEdge = .left
case "center" :
self.childHorizontalRenderingEdge = .top
case "right" :
self.childHorizontalRenderingEdge = .right
default :
self.childHorizontalRenderingEdge = .left
if let p = data["portionCoveredPerc"] as? Int{
portionCoveredPerc = p
if let pSize = parentSize{
if let a = alignment{
let size = p.getSizeFromPercent(parentSize: pSize, alignment: a)
self.height = size.height
self.width = size.width
height = pSize.height * CGFloat(p) / 100
width = pSize.width
if let l = data["layersapplied"] as? [String: Any]{
self.layersApplied = true
if let layers = l["layerprops"] as? [String: Any]{
if let borderwidth = layers["borderwidth"] as? Int{
self.borderWidth = CGFloat(borderwidth)
width -= self.borderWidth * 2
height -= self.borderWidth * 2
if let bordercolor = layers["bordercolor"] as? String{
self.borderColor = bordercolor
if let cornerradius = layers["cornerradius"] as? Int{
self.cornerRadius = CGFloat(cornerradius)
if let autoChild = data["autoSpreadChild"] as? Bool{
autoSpreadChildViews = autoChild
if let childs = data["childrens"] as? [String: Any]{
for (key, value) in childs{
if key == "vertical"{
childAlignment = .vertical
if let val = value as? [[String: Any]]{
let sorted = val.sorted(by: { (v1, v2) -> Bool in
let num1 = v1["number"] as! Int
let num2 = v2["number"] as! Int
return num1 < num2
var _calcualtedHeight: CGFloat = 0
for ele in sorted{
var size = CGSize(width: width, height: height)
size.width -= padding * 2
size.height -= padding * 2
let view = ControlCreateModel(jsonDict: ele,parentSize: size, alignment: .vertical, autoSpreadChild: autoSpreadChildViews)
if let v = view.control{
if v.isKind(of: UIViewControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! UIViewControlView
_calcualtedHeight += cntrl.height
}else if v.isKind(of: ButtonControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! ButtonControlView
_calcualtedHeight += cntrl.height
}else if v.isKind(of: TextFeildControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! TextFeildControlView
_calcualtedHeight += cntrl.height
}else if v.isKind(of: ImageControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! ImageControlView
_calcualtedHeight += cntrl.height
}else if v.isKind(of: LabelControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! LabelControlView
if let lbl = cntrl.labelView{
let uiViewForlabel = UIView()
uiViewForlabel.anchorAndFillEdge(.top, xPad: 0, yPad: cntrl.padding, otherSize: size.height + (2 * cntrl.padding))
lbl.fillSuperview(left: cntrl.padding, right: cntrl.padding, top: cntrl.padding, bottom: cntrl.padding)
let newSize = lbl.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: lbl.frame.width, height: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude))
lbl.frame.size = CGSize(width: max(newSize.width, lbl.frame.width), height: newSize.height + (2 * cntrl.padding))
uiViewForlabel.frame.size = CGSize(width: uiViewForlabel.frame.width, height: lbl.frame.height + (2 * cntrl.padding))
cntrl.height = uiViewForlabel.frame.height
self.maxHeight = self.height + uiViewForlabel.frame.size.height
_calcualtedHeight += cntrl.height
self.height = _calcualtedHeight
}else if key == "horizontal"{
childAlignment = .horizontal
if let val = value as? [[String: Any]]{
let sorted = val.sorted(by: { (v1, v2) -> Bool in
let num1 = v1["number"] as! Int
let num2 = v2["number"] as! Int
return num1 < num2
for ele in sorted{
var size = CGSize(width: width, height: height)
size.width -= padding * 2
size.height -= padding * 2
let view = ControlCreateModel(jsonDict: ele,parentSize: size, alignment: .horizontal, autoSpreadChild: autoSpreadChildViews)
if let v = view.control{
if v.isKind(of: UIViewControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! UIViewControlView
}else if v.isKind(of: ButtonControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! ButtonControlView
}else if v.isKind(of: TextFeildControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! TextFeildControlView
}else if v.isKind(of: ImageControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! ImageControlView
}else if v.isKind(of: LabelControlView.self){
let cntrl = v as! LabelControlView
if let lbl = cntrl.labelView{
let uiViewForlabel = UIView()
cntrl.height = size.height
cntrl.width = size.width - padding * 2
uiView = uv
class CarouselView: NSObject{
var urlArray: [String] = []
var size =
init(data: [[String: Any]], parentSize: CGSize? = nil) {
if let p = parentSize {
size = p
_ = data.sorted(by: { (v1, v2) -> Bool in
let num1 = v1["number"] as! Int
let num2 = v2["number"] as! Int
return num1 < num2
}).map{[weak self] obj in
if let urlStr = obj["url"] as? String{
guard let slf = self else {return}
class ButtonControlView: NSObject{
var buttonView : ExtendedButton?
var text: String?
var height: CGFloat = 0
var width: CGFloat = 0
var sideSpacing: CGFloat = 0
var positionInParent: Int = 0
var portionCoveredPerc: Int?
var parameter: String = ""
var backgroundColor: String = ""
var size: CGSize =
var origin: CGPoint =
var childsHALignment: Edge = .left
var padding: CGFloat = 0
init(data: [String: Any], parentSize: CGSize? = nil, alignment: Group? = nil, autoSpreadChild: Bool? = true) {
let btn = ExtendedButton()
if let txt = data["title"] as? String{
btn.setTitle(txt, for: .normal)
if let bg = data["backgroundColor"] as? String{
self.backgroundColor = bg
btn.backgroundColor = UIColor.hexStringToUIColor(hex: bg)
if let ht = data["height"] as? Int{
height = CGFloat(ht)
if let wt = data["width"] as? Int{
width = CGFloat(wt)
if let ss = data["sideSpacing"] as? Int{
self.sideSpacing = CGFloat(ss)
size.height = height
size.width = width
if let param = data["parameter"] as? [String: Any]{
if let query = param["query"] as? [String: Any]{
if let id = query["id"] as? String{
parameter = id
if let deeplink = query["deeplink"] as? String{
parameter = "\(parameter)_\(deeplink)"
btn.parameter = parameter
if let pp = data["padding"] as? Int{
self.padding = CGFloat(pp)
if let auto = autoSpreadChild{
if !auto{
if let p = data["portionCoveredPerc"] as? Int{
portionCoveredPerc = p
if let pSize = parentSize{
if let a = alignment{
self.size = p.getSizeFromPercent(parentSize: pSize, alignment: a)
self.height = size.height
self.width = size.width
height = pSize.height * CGFloat(p) / 100
width = pSize.width
buttonView = btn
class LabelControlView: NSObject{
var labelView: UILabel?
var text: String?
var height: CGFloat = 0
var width: CGFloat = 0
var sideSpacing: CGFloat = 0
var positionInParent: Int = 0
var portionCoveredPerc: Int?
var padding: CGFloat = 0
init(data: [String: Any], parentSize: CGSize? = nil, alignment: Group? = nil) {
let lbl = UILabel()
if let txt = data["text"] as? String{
lbl.text = txt
if let txt = data["textalignment"] as? String{
switch txt{
case "center":
lbl.textAlignment = .center
case "left":
lbl.textAlignment = .left
case "right":
lbl.textAlignment = .right
default: return
if let ht = data["height"] as? Int{
height = CGFloat(ht)
if let pd = data["padding"] as? Int{
padding = CGFloat(pd)
if let wt = data["width"] as? Int{
width = CGFloat(wt)
if let ss = data["sideSpacing"] as? Int{
self.sideSpacing = CGFloat(ss)
if let p = data["portionCoveredPerc"] as? Int{
portionCoveredPerc = p
if let pSize = parentSize{
if let a = alignment{
let size = p.getSizeFromPercent(parentSize: pSize, alignment: a)
self.height = size.height
self.width = size.width
height = pSize.height * CGFloat(p) / 100
width = pSize.width
if let lines = data["numberOfLines"] as? Int{
lbl.numberOfLines = lines
if let pSize = parentSize{
width = pSize.width - padding
labelView = lbl
class TextFeildControlView: NSObject{
var textField: UITextField?
var text: String?
var placeHolderText: String = ""
var placeHolderColor: UIColor = .lightGray
var height: CGFloat = 0
var width: CGFloat = 0
var sideSpacing: CGFloat = 0
var positionInParent: Int = 0
var portionCoveredPerc: Int?
init(data: [String: Any], parentSize: CGSize? = nil, alignment: Group? = nil) {
let field = UITextField()
if let txt = data["title"] as? String{
field.text = txt
if let clr = data["backgroundColor"] as? String{
field.backgroundColor = UIColor.hexStringToUIColor(hex: clr)
if let txt = data["textalignment"] as? String{
switch txt{
case "center":
field.textAlignment = .center
case "left":
field.textAlignment = .left
case "right":
field.textAlignment = .right
default: return
if let ht = data["height"] as? Int{
height = CGFloat(ht)
if let wt = data["width"] as? Int{
width = CGFloat(wt)
if let ss = data["sideSpacing"] as? Int{
self.sideSpacing = CGFloat(ss)
if let p = data["portionCoveredPerc"] as? Int{
portionCoveredPerc = p
if let pSize = parentSize{
if let a = alignment{
let size = p.getSizeFromPercent(parentSize: pSize, alignment: a)
self.height = size.height
self.width = size.width
height = pSize.height * CGFloat(p) / 100
width = pSize.width
textField = field
class ImageControlView: NSObject{
var imageView: UIImageView?
var image: UIImage?
var height: CGFloat = 0
var width: CGFloat = 0
var sideSpacing: CGFloat = 0
var positionInParent: Int = 0
var portionCoveredPerc: Int?
var url: String?
var childsHALignment: Edge = .left
init(data: [String: Any], parentSize: CGSize? = nil, alignment: Group? = nil) {
if let img = data["url"] as? String{
image = UIImage(named: img)
let imgVw = UIImageView(image: image)
if let ht = data["height"] as? Int{
height = CGFloat(ht)
if let wt = data["width"] as? Int{
width = CGFloat(wt)
if let ss = data["sideSpacing"] as? Int{
self.sideSpacing = CGFloat(ss)
if let p = data["portionCoveredPerc"] as? Int{
portionCoveredPerc = p
if let pSize = parentSize{
if let a = alignment{
let size = p.getSizeFromPercent(parentSize: pSize, alignment: a)
self.height = size.height
self.width = size.width
height = pSize.height * CGFloat(p) / 100
width = pSize.width
imageView = imgVw
extension UIColor {
class func hexStringToUIColor (hex: String) -> UIColor {
let cString: String = hex.trimmingCharacters(in: NSCharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines as CharacterSet).uppercased()
let scanner = Scanner(string: cString)
if (cString.hasPrefix("#")) {
scanner.scanLocation = 1
if ((cString.count) != 6) {
return UIColor.gray
var rgbValue: UInt32 = 0
return UIColor.RGBAColor(CGFloat((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16), green: CGFloat((rgbValue & 0x00FF00) >> 8), blue: CGFloat(rgbValue & 0x0000FF), alpha: CGFloat(1.0))
class func RGBAColor(_ red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) -> UIColor{
return UIColor(red: red/255.0, green: green/255.0, blue: blue/255.0, alpha: alpha)
class ExtendedButton: UIButton{
var parameter: String = ""
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
extension Int{
func getSizeFromPercent(parentSize: CGSize, alignment: Group) -> CGSize{
var size =
if alignment == .horizontal{
size.height = parentSize.height
size.width = parentSize.width * CGFloat(self) / 100
size.height = parentSize.height * CGFloat(self) / 100
size.width = parentSize.width
return size
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