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Created February 15, 2022 16:56
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Args: ./build/bin/torch-mlir-opt --torchscript-module-to-torch-backend-pipeline --torch-backend-to-linalg-on-tensors-backend-pipeline -debug -print-ir-after-all ../../misc/frontend.mlir
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// -----// IR Dump After SymbolDCE //----- //
module attributes {torch.debug_module_name = "XLMR_model"} {
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%int0_17 = 0
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%int1_18 = 1
%373 = torch.prim.Uninitialized : !torch.bool
%374 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%375 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_input_buffer"] (%374) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%376 = torch.aten.keys.str %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> -> !torch.list<!torch.str>
%377 = torch.aten.len.t %376 : !torch.list<!torch.str> -> !
%378 = %377, %int0_17 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.prim.Loop %int9223372036854775807, %378, init(%int0_17) {
^bb0(%arg3: !, %arg4: !
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %376, %arg4 : !torch.list<!torch.str>, ! -> !torch.str
%382 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %375, %381 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>
%383 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %382, %none_16 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%384:2 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
%389 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %382 : !torch.optional<!torch.tensor> -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["encoder_decoder_attention"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.bool
%391 = torch.prim.If %390 -> (!torch.bool) {
%393 = %389, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%394 = %arg2, %int0_17 : !torch.tensor, ! -> !
%395 = %393, %394 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %395 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15 : !torch.bool
%392:2 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %false_15 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
%393 = torch.aten.index_select %389, %int0_17, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %381, %393 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str, !torch.tensor
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
torch.prim.If.yield %392#0, %392#1 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %false_15, %373 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool
%385 = torch.prim.If %384#0 -> (!torch.bool) {
torch.prim.If.yield %384#1 : !torch.bool
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14 : !torch.bool
%386 = %arg4, %int1_18 : !, ! -> !
%387 = %386, %377 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.aten.__and__.bool %387, %385 : !torch.bool, !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.Loop.condition %388, iter(%386 : !
} : (!, !torch.bool, ! -> !
%380 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_set_input_buffer"] (%arg1, %375) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %380 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["get_incremental_state"] (%arg1, %str_15) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%374 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %373, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) {
%376 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %373 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
} else {
%376 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys() values() -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
torch.prim.If.yield %376 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
return %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%none_15 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.__is__ %arg1, %none_15 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%375:2 = torch.prim.If %374 -> (!torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
torch.prim.If.yield %true_14, %arg1 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__contains__.str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.bool
%379 = torch.aten.__not__ %378 : !torch.bool -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.derefine %377 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379, %380 : !torch.bool, !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%376 = torch.prim.If %375#0 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>) {
%377 = torch.derefine %none_15 : !torch.none to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
} else {
%377 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %375#1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%378 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %377, %373 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%379 = torch.derefine %378 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %379 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
return %376 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.str) -> !torch.str {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "{}.{}"
%373 = torch.prim.GetAttr %arg0["_incremental_state_id"] : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention"> -> !torch.str
%374 = torch.aten.format(%str_14, %373, %arg1) : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str -> !torch.str
return %374 : !torch.str
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, %arg2: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%str_14 = torch.constant.str "attn_state"
%373 = torch.derefine %arg1 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
%374 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["set_incremental_state"] (%373, %str_14, %arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, %arg1: !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, %arg2: !torch.str, %arg3: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>) -> !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> {
%none_14 = torch.constant.none
%373 = torch.aten.__isnot__ %arg1, %none_14 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>, !torch.none -> !torch.bool
%374 = torch.prim.If %373 -> (!torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>) {
%375 = torch.prim.unchecked_cast %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>> -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>
%376 = torch.prim.CallMethod %arg0["_get_full_incremental_state_key"] (%arg2) : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">, (!torch.str) -> !torch.str
torch.aten._set_item.str %375, %376, %arg3 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>, !torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>
%377 = torch.derefine %375 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>> to !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
torch.prim.If.yield %377 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
} else {
torch.prim.If.yield %arg1 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
return %374 : !torch.optional<!torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.optional<!torch.tensor>>>>
func private @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList.__len__(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList">) -> ! {
%int12_14 = 12
return %int12_14 : !
func private @__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder.reorder_encoder_out(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder">, %arg1: !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, %arg2: !torch.tensor) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>> {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%str_15 = torch.constant.str "encoder_states"
%str_16 = torch.constant.str "src_lengths"
%str_17 = torch.constant.str "src_tokens"
%str_18 = torch.constant.str "encoder_embedding"
%str_19 = torch.constant.str "encoder_padding_mask"
%str_20 = torch.constant.str "encoder_out"
%int0_21 = 0
%int1_22 = 1
%int9223372036854775807 = 9223372036854775807
%373 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_20 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%374 = torch.aten.len.t %373 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor> -> !
%375 = %374, %int0_21 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%376 = torch.prim.If %375 -> (!torch.list<!torch.tensor>) {
%397 = torch.prim.ListConstruct : () -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %397 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
} else {
%397 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_20 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%398 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %397, %int0_21 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, ! -> !torch.tensor
%399 = torch.aten.index_select %398, %int1_22, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
%400 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %399 : (!torch.tensor) -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %400 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%377 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_19 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%378 = torch.aten.len.t %377 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor> -> !
%379 = %378, %int0_21 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%380 = torch.prim.If %379 -> (!torch.list<!torch.tensor>) {
%397 = torch.prim.ListConstruct : () -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %397 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
} else {
%397 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_19 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%398 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %397, %int0_21 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, ! -> !torch.tensor
%399 = torch.aten.index_select %398, %int0_21, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
%400 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %399 : (!torch.tensor) -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %400 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%381 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_18 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%382 = torch.aten.len.t %381 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor> -> !
%383 = %382, %int0_21 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%384 = torch.prim.If %383 -> (!torch.list<!torch.tensor>) {
%397 = torch.prim.ListConstruct : () -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %397 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
} else {
%397 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_18 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%398 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %397, %int0_21 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, ! -> !torch.tensor
%399 = torch.aten.index_select %398, %int0_21, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
%400 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %399 : (!torch.tensor) -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %400 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%385 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_17 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%386 = torch.aten.len.t %385 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor> -> !
%387 = %386, %int0_21 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%388 = torch.prim.If %387 -> (!torch.list<!torch.tensor>) {
%397 = torch.prim.ListConstruct : () -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %397 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
} else {
%397 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_17 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%398 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %397, %int0_21 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, ! -> !torch.tensor
%399 = torch.aten.index_select %398, %int0_21, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
%400 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %399 : (!torch.tensor) -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %400 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%389 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_16 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%390 = torch.aten.len.t %389 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor> -> !
%391 = %390, %int0_21 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
%392 = torch.prim.If %391 -> (!torch.list<!torch.tensor>) {
%397 = torch.prim.ListConstruct : () -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %397 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
} else {
%397 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_16 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%398 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %397, %int0_21 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, ! -> !torch.tensor
%399 = torch.aten.index_select %398, %int0_21, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
%400 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %399 : (!torch.tensor) -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.If.yield %400 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%393 = torch.aten.__getitem__.Dict_str %arg1, %str_15 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>, !torch.str -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
%394 = torch.aten.len.t %393 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor> -> !
%395 = %394, %int0_21 : !, ! -> !torch.bool
torch.prim.If %395 -> () {
%397 = torch.aten.len.t %393 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor> -> !
%398 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %int9223372036854775807, %397 : (!, ! -> !torch.list<!>
%399 = torch.prim.min.self_int %398 : !torch.list<!> -> !
torch.prim.Loop %399, %true_14, init() {
^bb0(%arg3: !
%400 = torch.aten.__getitem__.t %393, %arg3 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, ! -> !torch.tensor
%401 = torch.aten.index_select %400, %int1_22, %arg2 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
%402 = torch.aten._set_item.t %393, %arg3, %401 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, !, !torch.tensor -> !torch.list<!torch.tensor>
torch.prim.Loop.condition %true_14, iter()
} : (!, !torch.bool) -> ()
} else {
%396 = torch.prim.DictConstruct keys(%str_20, %str_19, %str_18, %str_15, %str_17, %str_16 : !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str, !torch.str) values(%376, %380, %384, %393, %388, %392 : !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>) -> !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>
return %396 : !torch.dict<!torch.str, !torch.list<!torch.tensor>>
func private @__torch__.build_tools.torchscript_e2e_heavydep_tests.xlmr.___torch_mangle_494.XLMR_model.forward(%arg0: !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.build_tools.torchscript_e2e_heavydep_tests.xlmr.___torch_mangle_494.XLMR_model">, %arg1: !torch.tensor {torch.type_bound = !torch.vtensor<[?,?],si64>}) -> !torch.tensor {
%true_14 = torch.constant.bool true
%373 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<2> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%374 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<13452> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%375 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<70> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%376 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<1884> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%377 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<398> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%378 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<54> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%379 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<3642> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%false_15 = torch.constant.bool false
%380 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<0> : tensor<si32>) : !torch.tensor<[],si32>
%none_16 = torch.constant.none
%cpu = torch.constant.device "cpu"
%int8_17 = 8
%int3 = 3
%int0_18 = 0
%int1_19 = 1
%int2 = 2
%int4 = 4
%int5 = 5
%int6 = 6
%int7 = 7
%381 = torch.prim.ListConstruct %int8_17 : (! -> !torch.list<!>
%382 = torch.aten.empty.memory_format %381, %int3, %int0_18, %cpu, %none_16, %none_16 : !torch.list<!>, !, !, !torch.Device, !torch.none, !torch.none -> !torch.tensor
%383 = %382, %int0_18, %int0_18 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%384 = torch.aten.copy_ %383, %380, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%385 = %382, %int0_18, %int1_19 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%386 = torch.aten.copy_ %385, %379, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%387 = %382, %int0_18, %int2 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%388 = torch.aten.copy_ %387, %378, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%389 = %382, %int0_18, %int3 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%390 = torch.aten.copy_ %389, %377, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%391 = %382, %int0_18, %int4 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%392 = torch.aten.copy_ %391, %376, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%393 = %382, %int0_18, %int5 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%394 = torch.aten.copy_ %393, %375, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%395 = %382, %int0_18, %int6 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%396 = torch.aten.copy_ %395, %374, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%397 = %382, %int0_18, %int7 : !torch.tensor, !, ! -> !torch.tensor
%398 = torch.aten.copy_ %397, %373, %false_15 : !torch.tensor, !torch.tensor<[],si32>, !torch.bool -> !torch.tensor
%399 = %382, %int4, %false_15, %false_15, %none_16 : !torch.tensor, !, !torch.bool, !torch.bool, !torch.none -> !torch.tensor
%400 = torch.aten.detach %399 : !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
%401 = %400, %cpu, %int4, %false_15, %true_14, %none_16 : !torch.tensor, !torch.Device, !, !torch.bool, !torch.bool, !torch.none -> !torch.tensor
%402 = torch.aten.detach %401 : !torch.tensor -> !torch.tensor
return %402 : !torch.tensor
torch.class_type @__torch__.build_tools.torchscript_e2e_heavydep_tests.xlmr.___torch_mangle_494.XLMR_model {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "model" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.hub_interface.___torch_mangle_493.RobertaHubInterface">
torch.method "forward", @__torch__.build_tools.torchscript_e2e_heavydep_tests.xlmr.___torch_mangle_494.XLMR_model.forward
%true = torch.constant.bool true
%none = torch.constant.none
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.hub_interface.___torch_mangle_493.RobertaHubInterface {
torch.attr private "_float_tensor" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "model" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_492.RobertaModel">
%0 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<0.000000e+00> : tensor<1xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[1],f32>
%false = torch.constant.bool false
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_492.RobertaModel {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "encoder" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_490.RobertaEncoder">
torch.attr private "classification_heads" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_491.ModuleDict">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_490.RobertaEncoder {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "sentence_encoder" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder">
torch.attr private "lm_head" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_489.RobertaLMHead">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder {
torch.attr private "version" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "encoder_layerdrop" : !
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "padding_idx" : !
torch.attr private "max_source_positions" : !
torch.attr private "embed_scale" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "num_layers" : !
torch.attr private "layer_norm" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "normalize" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_325.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "embed_tokens" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.sparse.___torch_mangle_326.Embedding">
torch.attr private "embed_positions" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.learned_positional_embedding.___torch_mangle_327.LearnedPositionalEmbedding">
torch.attr private "layernorm_embedding" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_328.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "layers" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList">
torch.method private "reorder_encoder_out", @__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder.reorder_encoder_out
%1 = torch.tensor.literal(dense<1.000000e+00> : tensor<1xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[1],f32>
%int0 = 0
%int1 = 1
%int512 = 512
%float1.000000e00 = torch.constant.float 1.000000e+00
%int12 = 12
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_325.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%float1.000000e-01 = torch.constant.float 1.000000e-01
%str = torch.constant.str "TransformerEncoder"
%2 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_325.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.sparse.___torch_mangle_326.Embedding {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%3 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<250002x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[250002,768],f32>
%4 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %3 : !torch.tensor<[250002,768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.sparse.___torch_mangle_326.Embedding">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.learned_positional_embedding.___torch_mangle_327.LearnedPositionalEmbedding {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "max_positions" : !
%5 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<514x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[514,768],f32>
%6 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %5 : !torch.tensor<[514,768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "max_positions", %int512 : !
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.learned_positional_embedding.___torch_mangle_327.LearnedPositionalEmbedding">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_328.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%7 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%8 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%9 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %7 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %8 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_328.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "0" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_341.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_354.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_367.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "3" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_380.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "4" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_393.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "5" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_406.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "6" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_419.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "7" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_432.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "8" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_445.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "9" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_458.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "10" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_471.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.attr private "11" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_484.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.method private "__len__", @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList.__len__
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_341.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_335.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_336.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_337.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_338.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_339.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_340.LayerNorm">
%int768 = 768
%int8 = 8
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_329.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_330.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_331.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_332.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_333.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_0 = torch.constant.str "8e70f881-f39a-4593-9294-ec3ba3460657"
%int64 = 64
%float1.250000e-01 = torch.constant.float 1.250000e-01
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_329.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%str_1 = torch.constant.str "MultiheadAttention"
%10 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_329.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_330.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%11 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%12 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%13 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %11 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %12 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_330.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_331.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%14 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%15 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%16 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %14 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %15 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_331.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_332.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%17 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%18 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%19 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %17 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %18 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_332.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_333.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%20 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%21 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%22 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %20 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %21 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_333.Linear">
%23 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_0 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %10 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_329.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %13 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_330.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %16 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_331.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %19 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_332.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %22 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_333.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_335.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%24 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%25 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%26 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %24 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %25 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_335.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_336.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%str_2 = torch.constant.str "TransformerEncoderLayerBase"
%27 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_336.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_337.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%float0.000000e00 = torch.constant.float 0.000000e+00
%28 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_337.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_338.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%29 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%30 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%31 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %29 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %30 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_338.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_339.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%32 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%33 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%34 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %32 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %33 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_339.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_340.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%35 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%36 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%37 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %35 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %36 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_340.LayerNorm">
%38 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %23 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_334.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %26 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_335.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %27 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_336.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %28 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_337.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %31 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_338.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %34 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_339.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %37 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_340.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_341.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_354.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_348.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_349.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_350.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_351.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_352.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_353.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_342.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_343.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_344.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_345.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_346.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_3 = torch.constant.str "5fb1204c-7e86-48ec-9980-831aa47e6a51"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_342.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%39 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_342.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_343.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%40 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%41 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%42 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %40 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %41 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_343.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_344.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%43 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%44 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%45 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %43 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %44 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_344.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_345.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%46 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%47 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%48 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %46 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %47 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_345.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_346.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%49 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%50 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%51 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %49 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %50 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_346.Linear">
%52 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_3 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %39 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_342.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %42 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_343.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %45 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_344.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %48 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_345.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %51 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_346.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_348.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%53 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%54 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%55 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %53 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %54 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_348.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_349.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%56 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_349.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_350.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%57 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_350.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_351.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%58 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%59 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%60 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %58 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %59 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_351.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_352.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%61 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%62 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%63 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %61 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %62 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_352.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_353.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%64 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%65 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%66 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %64 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %65 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_353.LayerNorm">
%67 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %52 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_347.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %55 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_348.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %56 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_349.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %57 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_350.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %60 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_351.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %63 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_352.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %66 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_353.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_354.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_367.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_361.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_362.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_363.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_364.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_365.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_366.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_355.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_356.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_357.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_358.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_359.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_4 = torch.constant.str "e14a126b-3a57-4929-8f3c-bcb626d46264"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_355.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%68 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_355.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_356.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%69 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%70 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%71 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %69 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %70 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_356.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_357.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%72 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%73 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%74 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %72 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %73 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_357.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_358.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%75 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%76 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%77 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %75 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %76 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_358.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_359.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%78 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%79 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%80 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %78 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %79 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_359.Linear">
%81 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_4 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %68 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_355.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %71 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_356.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %74 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_357.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %77 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_358.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %80 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_359.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_361.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%82 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%83 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%84 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %82 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %83 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_361.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_362.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%85 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_362.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_363.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%86 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_363.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_364.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%87 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%88 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%89 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %87 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %88 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_364.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_365.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%90 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%91 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%92 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %90 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %91 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_365.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_366.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%93 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%94 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%95 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %93 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %94 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_366.LayerNorm">
%96 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %81 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_360.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %84 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_361.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %85 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_362.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %86 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_363.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %89 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_364.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %92 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_365.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %95 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_366.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_367.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_380.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_374.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_375.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_376.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_377.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_378.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_379.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_368.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_369.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_370.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_371.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_372.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_5 = torch.constant.str "f1cc5e06-c931-4349-848c-5d5a8ed67fc7"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_368.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%97 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_368.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_369.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%98 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%99 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%100 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %98 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %99 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_369.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_370.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%101 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%102 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%103 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %101 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %102 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_370.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_371.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%104 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%105 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%106 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %104 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %105 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_371.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_372.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%107 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%108 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%109 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %107 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %108 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_372.Linear">
%110 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_5 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %97 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_368.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %100 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_369.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %103 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_370.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %106 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_371.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %109 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_372.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_374.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%111 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%112 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%113 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %111 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %112 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_374.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_375.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%114 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_375.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_376.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%115 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_376.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_377.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%116 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%117 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%118 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %116 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %117 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_377.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_378.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%119 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%120 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%121 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %119 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %120 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_378.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_379.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%122 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%123 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%124 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %122 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %123 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_379.LayerNorm">
%125 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %110 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_373.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %113 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_374.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %114 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_375.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %115 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_376.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %118 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_377.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %121 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_378.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %124 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_379.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_380.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_393.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_387.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_388.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_389.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_390.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_391.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_392.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_381.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_382.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_383.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_384.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_385.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_6 = torch.constant.str "379b1b12-9487-4011-bb04-7adba4ec7e46"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_381.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%126 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_381.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_382.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%127 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%128 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%129 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %127 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %128 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_382.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_383.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%130 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%131 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%132 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %130 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %131 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_383.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_384.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%133 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%134 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%135 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %133 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %134 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_384.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_385.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%136 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%137 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%138 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %136 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %137 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_385.Linear">
%139 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_6 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %126 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_381.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %129 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_382.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %132 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_383.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %135 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_384.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %138 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_385.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_387.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%140 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%141 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%142 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %140 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %141 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_387.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_388.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%143 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_388.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_389.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%144 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_389.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_390.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%145 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%146 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%147 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %145 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %146 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_390.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_391.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%148 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%149 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%150 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %148 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %149 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_391.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_392.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%151 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%152 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%153 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %151 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %152 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_392.LayerNorm">
%154 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %139 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %142 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_387.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %143 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_388.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %144 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_389.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %147 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_390.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %150 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_391.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %153 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_392.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_393.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_406.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_400.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_401.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_402.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_403.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_404.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_405.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_394.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_395.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_396.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_397.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_398.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_7 = torch.constant.str "8e59ad02-eef7-4705-82dd-33e369f53f1e"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_394.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%155 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_394.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_395.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%156 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%157 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%158 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %156 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %157 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_395.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_396.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%159 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%160 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%161 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %159 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %160 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_396.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_397.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%162 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%163 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%164 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %162 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %163 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_397.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_398.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%165 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%166 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%167 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %165 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %166 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_398.Linear">
%168 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_7 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %155 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_394.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %158 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_395.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %161 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_396.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %164 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_397.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %167 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_398.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_400.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%169 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%170 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%171 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %169 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %170 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_400.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_401.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%172 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_401.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_402.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%173 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_402.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_403.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%174 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%175 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%176 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %174 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %175 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_403.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_404.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%177 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%178 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%179 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %177 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %178 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_404.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_405.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%180 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%181 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%182 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %180 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %181 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_405.LayerNorm">
%183 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %168 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %171 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_400.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %172 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_401.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %173 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_402.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %176 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_403.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %179 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_404.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %182 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_405.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_406.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_419.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_413.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_414.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_415.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_416.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_417.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_418.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_407.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_408.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_409.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_410.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_411.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_8 = torch.constant.str "e9741474-b15a-4c0a-95bb-750a08d131c6"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_407.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%184 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_407.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_408.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%185 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%186 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%187 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %185 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %186 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_408.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_409.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%188 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%189 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%190 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %188 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %189 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_409.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_410.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%191 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%192 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%193 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %191 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %192 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_410.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_411.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%194 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%195 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%196 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %194 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %195 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_411.Linear">
%197 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_8 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %184 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_407.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %187 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_408.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %190 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_409.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %193 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_410.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %196 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_411.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_413.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%198 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%199 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%200 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %198 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %199 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_413.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_414.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%201 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_414.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_415.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%202 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_415.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_416.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%203 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%204 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%205 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %203 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %204 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_416.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_417.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%206 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%207 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%208 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %206 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %207 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_417.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_418.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%209 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%210 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%211 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %209 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %210 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_418.LayerNorm">
%212 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %197 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %200 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_413.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %201 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_414.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %202 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_415.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %205 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_416.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %208 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_417.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %211 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_418.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_419.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_432.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_426.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_427.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_428.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_429.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_430.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_431.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_420.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_421.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_422.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_423.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_424.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_9 = torch.constant.str "00f45d82-b5c3-4f9f-954d-f85f6e01089f"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_420.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%213 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_420.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_421.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%214 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%215 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%216 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %214 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %215 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_421.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_422.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%217 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%218 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%219 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %217 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %218 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_422.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_423.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%220 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%221 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%222 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %220 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %221 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_423.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_424.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%223 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%224 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%225 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %223 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %224 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_424.Linear">
%226 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_9 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %213 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_420.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %216 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_421.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %219 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_422.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %222 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_423.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %225 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_424.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_426.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%227 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%228 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%229 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %227 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %228 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_426.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_427.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%230 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_427.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_428.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%231 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_428.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_429.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%232 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%233 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%234 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %232 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %233 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_429.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_430.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%235 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%236 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%237 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %235 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %236 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_430.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_431.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%238 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%239 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%240 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %238 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %239 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_431.LayerNorm">
%241 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %226 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %229 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_426.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %230 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_427.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %231 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_428.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %234 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_429.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %237 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_430.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %240 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_431.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_432.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_445.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_439.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_440.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_441.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_442.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_443.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_444.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_433.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_434.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_435.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_436.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_437.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_10 = torch.constant.str "4607f39e-47c6-4df9-b858-b4c8ec506265"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_433.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%242 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_433.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_434.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%243 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%244 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%245 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %243 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %244 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_434.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_435.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%246 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%247 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%248 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %246 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %247 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_435.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_436.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%249 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%250 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%251 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %249 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %250 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_436.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_437.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%252 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%253 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%254 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %252 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %253 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_437.Linear">
%255 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_10 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %242 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_433.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %245 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_434.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %248 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_435.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %251 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_436.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %254 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_437.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_439.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%256 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%257 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%258 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %256 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %257 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_439.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_440.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%259 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_440.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_441.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%260 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_441.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_442.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%261 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%262 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%263 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %261 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %262 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_442.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_443.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%264 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%265 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%266 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %264 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %265 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_443.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_444.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%267 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%268 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%269 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %267 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %268 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_444.LayerNorm">
%270 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %255 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %258 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_439.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %259 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_440.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %260 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_441.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %263 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_442.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %266 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_443.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %269 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_444.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_445.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_458.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_452.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_453.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_454.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_455.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_456.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_457.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_446.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_447.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_448.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_449.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_450.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_11 = torch.constant.str "5ef25f15-cb4f-4ea7-bae1-3fff9241ed78"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_446.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%271 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_446.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_447.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%272 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%273 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%274 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %272 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %273 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_447.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_448.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%275 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%276 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%277 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %275 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %276 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_448.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_449.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%278 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%279 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%280 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %278 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %279 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_449.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_450.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%281 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%282 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%283 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %281 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %282 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_450.Linear">
%284 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_11 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %271 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_446.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %274 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_447.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %277 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_448.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %280 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_449.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %283 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_450.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_452.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%285 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%286 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%287 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %285 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %286 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_452.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_453.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%288 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_453.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_454.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%289 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_454.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_455.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%290 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%291 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%292 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %290 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %291 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_455.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_456.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%293 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%294 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%295 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %293 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %294 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_456.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_457.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%296 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%297 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%298 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %296 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %297 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_457.LayerNorm">
%299 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %284 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %287 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_452.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %288 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_453.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %289 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_454.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %292 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_455.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %295 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_456.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %298 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_457.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_458.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_471.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_465.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_466.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_467.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_468.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_469.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_470.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_459.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_460.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_461.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_462.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_463.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_12 = torch.constant.str "1c6c1dc4-850d-4190-b099-fec9c17f71ba"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_459.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%300 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_459.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_460.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%301 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%302 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%303 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %301 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %302 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_460.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_461.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%304 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%305 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%306 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %304 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %305 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_461.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_462.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%307 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%308 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%309 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %307 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %308 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_462.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_463.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%310 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%311 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%312 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %310 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %311 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_463.Linear">
%313 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_12 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %300 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_459.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %303 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_460.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %306 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_461.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %309 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_462.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %312 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_463.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_465.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%314 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%315 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%316 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %314 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %315 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_465.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_466.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%317 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_466.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_467.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%318 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_467.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_468.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%319 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%320 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%321 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %319 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %320 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_468.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_469.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%322 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%323 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%324 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %322 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %323 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_469.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_470.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%325 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%326 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%327 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %325 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %326 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_470.LayerNorm">
%328 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %313 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %316 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_465.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %317 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_466.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %318 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_467.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %321 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_468.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %324 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_469.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %327 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_470.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_471.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_484.TransformerEncoderLayerBase {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "return_fc" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise" : !
torch.attr private "quant_noise_block_size" : !
torch.attr private "normalize_before" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "self_attn" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">
torch.attr private "self_attn_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_478.LayerNorm">
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_479.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "activation_dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_480.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "fc1" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_481.Linear">
torch.attr private "fc2" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_482.Linear">
torch.attr private "final_layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_483.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "_incremental_state_id" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "embed_dim" : !
torch.attr private "kdim" : !
torch.attr private "vdim" : !
torch.attr private "qkv_same_dim" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "num_heads" : !
torch.attr private "head_dim" : !
torch.attr private "scaling" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "self_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "encoder_decoder_attention" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "bias_k" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "bias_v" : !torch.none
torch.attr private "add_zero_attn" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "onnx_trace" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "skip_embed_dim_check" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "dropout_module" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_472.FairseqDropout">
torch.attr private "k_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_473.Linear">
torch.attr private "v_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_474.Linear">
torch.attr private "q_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_475.Linear">
torch.attr private "out_proj" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_476.Linear">
torch.method private "reorder_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer
torch.method private "get_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state
torch.method private "_get_full_incremental_state_key", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key
torch.method private "_set_input_buffer", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer
torch.method private "set_incremental_state", @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state
%str_13 = torch.constant.str "e61886ec-52ce-4444-95f7-246157985b51"
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_472.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%329 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_1 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_472.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_473.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%330 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%331 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%332 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %330 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %331 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_473.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_474.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%333 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%334 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%335 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %333 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %334 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_474.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_475.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%336 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%337 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%338 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %336 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %337 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_475.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_476.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%339 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%340 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%341 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %339 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %340 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_476.Linear">
%342 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "_incremental_state_id", %str_13 : !torch.str
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "kdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "vdim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "qkv_same_dim", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "num_heads", %int12 : !
torch.slot "head_dim", %int64 : !
torch.slot "scaling", %float1.250000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "self_attention", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "encoder_decoder_attention", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "bias_k", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "bias_v", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "add_zero_attn", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "onnx_trace", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "skip_embed_dim_check", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %329 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_472.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "k_proj", %332 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_473.Linear">
torch.slot "v_proj", %335 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_474.Linear">
torch.slot "q_proj", %338 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_475.Linear">
torch.slot "out_proj", %341 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_476.Linear">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_478.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%343 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%344 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%345 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %343 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %344 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_478.LayerNorm">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_479.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%346 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float1.000000e-01 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_479.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_480.FairseqDropout {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "p" : !torch.float
torch.attr private "module_name" : !torch.str
torch.attr private "apply_during_inference" : !torch.bool
%347 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "p", %float0.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "module_name", %str_2 : !torch.str
torch.slot "apply_during_inference", %false : !torch.bool
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_480.FairseqDropout">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_481.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%348 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
%349 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
%350 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %348 : !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %349 : !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_481.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_482.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%351 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
%352 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%353 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %351 : !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %352 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_482.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_483.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.none
%354 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%355 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%356 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %354 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %355 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_483.LayerNorm">
%357 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "embed_dim", %int768 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise", %int0 : !
torch.slot "quant_noise_block_size", %int8 : !
torch.slot "normalize_before", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "self_attn", %342 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">
torch.slot "self_attn_layer_norm", %345 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_478.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "dropout_module", %346 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_479.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "activation_dropout_module", %347 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_480.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "fc1", %350 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_481.Linear">
torch.slot "fc2", %353 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_482.Linear">
torch.slot "final_layer_norm", %356 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_483.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_484.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
%358 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "0", %38 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_341.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "1", %67 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_354.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "2", %96 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_367.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "3", %125 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_380.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "4", %154 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_393.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "5", %183 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_406.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "6", %212 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_419.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "7", %241 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_432.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "8", %270 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_445.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "9", %299 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_458.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "10", %328 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_471.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
torch.slot "11", %357 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_484.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList">
%359 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "version", %1 : !torch.tensor<[1],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "encoder_layerdrop", %int0 : !
torch.slot "return_fc", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "padding_idx", %int1 : !
torch.slot "max_source_positions", %int512 : !
torch.slot "embed_scale", %float1.000000e00 : !torch.float
torch.slot "quant_noise", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "num_layers", %int12 : !
torch.slot "layer_norm", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "normalize", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "dropout_module", %2 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_325.FairseqDropout">
torch.slot "embed_tokens", %4 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.sparse.___torch_mangle_326.Embedding">
torch.slot "embed_positions", %6 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.learned_positional_embedding.___torch_mangle_327.LearnedPositionalEmbedding">
torch.slot "layernorm_embedding", %9 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_328.LayerNorm">
torch.slot "layers", %358 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder">
torch.class_type @__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_489.RobertaLMHead {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
torch.attr private "dense" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_487.Linear">
torch.attr private "layer_norm" : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_488.LayerNorm">
%360 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<250002xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[250002],f32>
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_487.Linear {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
%361 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
%362 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%363 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %361 : !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %362 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_487.Linear">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_488.LayerNorm {
torch.attr private "weight" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "bias" : !torch.tensor
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
%364 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%365 = torch.tensor.literal(opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>) : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
%366 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %364 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %365 : !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_488.LayerNorm">
%367 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "weight", %3 : !torch.tensor<[250002,768],f32>
torch.slot "bias", %360 : !torch.tensor<[250002],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "dense", %363 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_487.Linear">
torch.slot "layer_norm", %366 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_488.LayerNorm">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_489.RobertaLMHead">
%368 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "sentence_encoder", %359 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder">
torch.slot "lm_head", %367 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_489.RobertaLMHead">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_490.RobertaEncoder">
torch.class_type @__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_491.ModuleDict {
torch.attr private "training" : !torch.bool
torch.attr private "_is_full_backward_hook" : !torch.optional<!torch.bool>
%369 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_491.ModuleDict">
%370 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "encoder", %368 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_490.RobertaEncoder">
torch.slot "classification_heads", %369 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_491.ModuleDict">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_492.RobertaModel">
%371 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "_float_tensor", %0 : !torch.tensor<[1],f32>
torch.slot "training", %false : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "model", %370 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_492.RobertaModel">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.hub_interface.___torch_mangle_493.RobertaHubInterface">
%372 = torch.nn_module {
torch.slot "training", %true : !torch.bool
torch.slot "_is_full_backward_hook", %none : !torch.none
torch.slot "model", %371 : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.hub_interface.___torch_mangle_493.RobertaHubInterface">
} : !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.build_tools.torchscript_e2e_heavydep_tests.xlmr.___torch_mangle_494.XLMR_model">
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5b6e70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5b5c50) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b6ed0) {
"torch.slot"(%400) {name = "model"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.hub_interface.___torch_mangle_493.RobertaHubInterface">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5d80) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5d00) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5b5bf0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5b5900) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5b60) {
"torch.slot"(%399) {name = "model"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_492.RobertaModel">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5a90) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5a10) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5990) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_float_tensor"} : (!torch.tensor<[1],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5b58a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5b5590) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5810) {
"torch.slot"(%398) {name = "classification_heads"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_491.ModuleDict">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5740) {
"torch.slot"(%397) {name = "encoder"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_490.RobertaEncoder">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5660) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b55e0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5b5530) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5b5380) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b5450) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b53d0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5b37c0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5b5160) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5b52e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5b5210) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5b3fd0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5b3db0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b4030) {
"torch.slot"(%396) {name = "lm_head"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.roberta.model.___torch_mangle_489.RobertaLMHead">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3f40) {
"torch.slot"(%388) {name = "sentence_encoder"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.models.transformer.transformer_encoder.___torch_mangle_486.TransformerEncoder">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3ec0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3e40) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5b3d50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5b38e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3c60) {
"torch.slot"(%395) {name = "layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_488.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3be0) {
"torch.slot"(%392) {name = "dense"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_487.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3b10) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3a90) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3a10) {
"torch.slot"(%389) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[250002],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3970) {
"torch.slot"(%13) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[250002,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5b3880) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55ee10) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5b3740) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55efc0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55ef40) {
"torch.slot"(%394) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55eec0) {
"torch.slot"(%393) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55ed70) {
%394 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55ed10) {
%393 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55e990) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f55eab0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55ecb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55ebe0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55eb90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55eb40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55ea50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55e760) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55e910) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55e890) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55e810) {
"torch.slot"(%391) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55def0) {
"torch.slot"(%390) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55e6c0) {
%391 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55e660) {
%390 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55e5f0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f55e400) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e5a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e4f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e4a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e450) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55e360) {
%389 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<250002xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[250002],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55c320) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f55df70) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e230) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_488.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e1e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dense", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_487.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e190) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e0c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e070) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55e020) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55dbc0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55d500) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55de70) {
"torch.slot"(%387) {name = "layers"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_485.ModuleList">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55ddf0) {
"torch.slot"(%19) {name = "layernorm_embedding"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_328.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55dd70) {
"torch.slot"(%16) {name = "embed_positions"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.learned_positional_embedding.___torch_mangle_327.LearnedPositionalEmbedding">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55dcf0) {
"torch.slot"(%14) {name = "embed_tokens"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.sparse.___torch_mangle_326.Embedding">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55dc20) {
"torch.slot"(%12) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_325.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55db30) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "normalize"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55dab0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "layer_norm"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55da30) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "num_layers"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d9b0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "quant_noise"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d930) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "embed_scale"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d8b0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "max_source_positions"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d830) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "padding_idx"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d7b0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d730) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "encoder_layerdrop"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d6b0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d630) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d5b0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "version"} : (!torch.tensor<[1],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55ced0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55cd10) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d430) {
"torch.slot"(%386) {name = "11"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_484.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d3b0) {
"torch.slot"(%356) {name = "10"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_471.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d330) {
"torch.slot"(%326) {name = "9"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_458.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d2b0) {
"torch.slot"(%296) {name = "8"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_445.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d230) {
"torch.slot"(%266) {name = "7"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_432.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d1b0) {
"torch.slot"(%236) {name = "6"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_419.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d130) {
"torch.slot"(%206) {name = "5"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_406.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d0b0) {
"torch.slot"(%176) {name = "4"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_393.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55d030) {
"torch.slot"(%146) {name = "3"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_380.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55cfb0) {
"torch.slot"(%116) {name = "2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_367.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55cf30) {
"torch.slot"(%86) {name = "1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_354.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55ce40) {
"torch.slot"(%56) {name = "0"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.transformer_layer.___torch_mangle_341.TransformerEncoderLayerBase">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55cdc0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55cc90) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55c860) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55c440) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55cc10) {
"torch.slot"(%385) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_483.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55cb90) {
"torch.slot"(%382) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_482.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55cb10) {
"torch.slot"(%379) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_481.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55ca90) {
"torch.slot"(%376) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_480.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55ca10) {
"torch.slot"(%375) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_479.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c990) {
"torch.slot"(%374) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_478.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c8c0) {
"torch.slot"(%371) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c7d0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c750) {
"torch.slot"(%21) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c6d0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c650) {
"torch.slot"(%20) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c5d0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c550) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c4d0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55c3e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55c050) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c2a0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c220) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c1a0) {
"torch.slot"(%384) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55c120) {
"torch.slot"(%383) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5ac640) {
%384 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5ac5e0) {
%383 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5ac2e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5ac400) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ac580) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ac530) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ac4e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ac490) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5ac3a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5ac010) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ac260) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ac1e0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ac160) {
"torch.slot"(%381) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ac0e0) {
"torch.slot"(%380) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5abf10) {
%381 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5abeb0) {
%380 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5abbb0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5abcd0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5abe50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5abe00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5abdb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5abd60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5abc70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5ab8e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5abb30) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5abab0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5aba30) {
"torch.slot"(%378) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ab9b0) {
"torch.slot"(%377) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5ab800) {
%378 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5ab7a0) {
%377 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5ab550) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5ab600) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab740) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab6f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab6a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab650) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5ab4f0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5ab210) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ab460) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ab3e0) {
"torch.slot"(%43) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ab360) {
"torch.slot"(%45) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ab2e0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5ab260) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a9e70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a9f20) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab170) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab120) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab0d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5ab080) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a9f70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a9e10) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a9b30) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9d80) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9d00) {
"torch.slot"(%43) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9c80) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9c00) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9b80) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a9720) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a9840) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a9a90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a9a40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a99f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a99a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a98d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a97e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a9450) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a96a0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9620) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a95a0) {
"torch.slot"(%373) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9520) {
"torch.slot"(%372) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a9350) {
%373 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a92f0) {
%372 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a8380) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a90f0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a9290) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a9240) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a91f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a91a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a8dc0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a84a0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a9070) {
"torch.slot"(%370) {name = "out_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_476.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8ff0) {
"torch.slot"(%367) {name = "q_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_475.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8f70) {
"torch.slot"(%364) {name = "v_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_474.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8ef0) {
"torch.slot"(%361) {name = "k_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_473.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8e20) {
"torch.slot"(%358) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_472.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8d30) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "skip_embed_dim_check"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8cb0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "onnx_trace"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8c30) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "add_zero_attn"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8bb0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "bias_v"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8b30) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "bias_k"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8ab0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "encoder_decoder_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8a30) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "self_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a89b0) {
"torch.slot"(%24) {name = "scaling"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8930) {
"torch.slot"(%23) {name = "head_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a88b0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "num_heads"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8830) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "qkv_same_dim"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a87b0) {
"torch.slot"(%20) {name = "vdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8730) {
"torch.slot"(%20) {name = "kdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a86b0) {
"torch.slot"(%20) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8630) {
"torch.slot"(%357) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a85b0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8530) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a8440) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a80b0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8300) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8280) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8200) {
"torch.slot"(%369) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8180) {
"torch.slot"(%368) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a7fb0) {
%369 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a7f50) {
%368 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a7c50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a7d70) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7ef0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7ea0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7e50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7e00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a7d10) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a7980) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a7bd0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a7b50) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a7ad0) {
"torch.slot"(%366) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a7a50) {
"torch.slot"(%365) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a7880) {
%366 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a7820) {
%365 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a7520) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a7640) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a77c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7770) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7720) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a76d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a75e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a7250) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a74a0) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a7420) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a73a0) {
"torch.slot"(%363) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a7320) {
"torch.slot"(%362) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a7150) {
%363 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a70f0) {
%362 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a6df0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a6f10) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7090) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a7040) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6ff0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6fa0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a6eb0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a6b20) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6d70) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6cf0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6c70) {
"torch.slot"(%360) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6bf0) {
"torch.slot"(%359) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a6a40) {
%360 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a69e0) {
%359 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a6790) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a6840) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6980) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6930) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a68e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6890) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a51f0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a6540) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6710) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6690) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6610) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a6590) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a5160) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a6200) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a62b0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a64a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6450) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6400) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a63b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a6300) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f5a61b0) {
%357 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "e61886ec-52ce-4444-95f7-246157985b51"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> success : operation was folded
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a8630) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f5d4730) {
%0 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "e61886ec-52ce-4444-95f7-246157985b51"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a57e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a5890) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5a6150) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "set_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5a6100) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_set_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5a60b0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key, isPrivate, name = "_get_full_incremental_state_key"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5a6060) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "get_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5a6010) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_get_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5a5fc0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "reorder_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5f70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "out_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_476.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5f20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "q_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_475.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5ed0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "v_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_474.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5e80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "k_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_473.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5e30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_472.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5de0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "skip_embed_dim_check", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5d90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "onnx_trace", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5d40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "add_zero_attn", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5cf0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_v", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5ca0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_k", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5c50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "encoder_decoder_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5c00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5bb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "scaling", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5b60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "head_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5b10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "num_heads", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5ac0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "qkv_same_dim", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5a70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "vdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5a20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "kdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a59d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5980) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_incremental_state_id", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5930) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a58e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a47f0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a5250) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5790) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "final_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_483.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5740) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc2", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_482.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a56f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc1", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_481.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a56a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "activation_dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_480.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5650) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_479.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5600) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_478.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a55b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_477.MultiheadAttention">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5560) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "normalize_before", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5510) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise_block_size", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a54c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5470) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5420) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "return_fc", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a53d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a5300) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a4d30) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a4910) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a50e0) {
"torch.slot"(%356) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_470.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a5060) {
"torch.slot"(%353) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_469.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4fe0) {
"torch.slot"(%350) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_468.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4f60) {
"torch.slot"(%347) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_467.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4ee0) {
"torch.slot"(%346) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_466.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4e60) {
"torch.slot"(%345) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_465.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4d90) {
"torch.slot"(%342) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4ca0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4c20) {
"torch.slot"(%22) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4ba0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4b20) {
"torch.slot"(%21) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4aa0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4a20) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a49a0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a48b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a4520) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4770) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a46f0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a4670) {
"torch.slot"(%355) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a45f0) {
"torch.slot"(%354) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a4420) {
%355 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a43c0) {
%354 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f466f50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f467070) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a4360) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a4310) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a42c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f467100) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f467010) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f466c80) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f466ed0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f466e50) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f466dd0) {
"torch.slot"(%352) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f466d50) {
"torch.slot"(%351) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f466b80) {
%352 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f466b20) {
%351 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a3190) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f466940) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f466ac0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f466a70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f466a20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f4669d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a3250) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a2ec0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a3110) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a3090) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a3010) {
"torch.slot"(%349) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a2f90) {
"torch.slot"(%348) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a2de0) {
%349 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a2d80) {
%348 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a2b30) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a2be0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a2d20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a2cd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a2c80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a2c30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a2ad0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a27f0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a2a40) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a29c0) {
"torch.slot"(%44) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a2940) {
"torch.slot"(%46) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a28c0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a2840) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f532a40) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a2580) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a2750) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a2700) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a26b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a2660) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a25d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5329e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f532700) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f532950) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5328d0) {
"torch.slot"(%44) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f532850) {
"torch.slot"(%11) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5327d0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f532750) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a1660) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f532410) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f532660) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f532610) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5325c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f532570) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5324a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a1720) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a1390) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a15e0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a1560) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a14e0) {
"torch.slot"(%344) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a1460) {
"torch.slot"(%343) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a1290) {
%344 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5a1230) {
%343 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5a02c0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5a1030) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a11d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a1180) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a1130) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5a10e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a0d00) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5a03e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0fb0) {
"torch.slot"(%341) {name = "out_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_463.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0f30) {
"torch.slot"(%338) {name = "q_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_462.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0eb0) {
"torch.slot"(%335) {name = "v_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_461.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0e30) {
"torch.slot"(%332) {name = "k_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_460.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0d60) {
"torch.slot"(%329) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_459.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0c70) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "skip_embed_dim_check"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0bf0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "onnx_trace"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0b70) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "add_zero_attn"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0af0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "bias_v"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0a70) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "bias_k"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a09f0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "encoder_decoder_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0970) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "self_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a08f0) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "scaling"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0870) {
"torch.slot"(%24) {name = "head_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a07f0) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "num_heads"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0770) {
"torch.slot"(%1) {name = "qkv_same_dim"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a06f0) {
"torch.slot"(%21) {name = "vdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0670) {
"torch.slot"(%21) {name = "kdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a05f0) {
"torch.slot"(%21) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0570) {
"torch.slot"(%328) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a04f0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0470) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5a0380) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f59fff0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0240) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a01c0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0140) {
"torch.slot"(%340) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a00c0) {
"torch.slot"(%339) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59fef0) {
%340 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59fe90) {
%339 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f59fb90) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59fcb0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59fe30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59fde0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59fd90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59fd40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f59fc50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f59f8c0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59fb10) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59fa90) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59fa10) {
"torch.slot"(%337) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59f990) {
"torch.slot"(%336) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59f7c0) {
%337 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59f760) {
%336 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f59f460) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59f580) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59f700) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59f6b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59f660) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59f610) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f59f520) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f59f190) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59f3e0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59f360) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59f2e0) {
"torch.slot"(%334) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59f260) {
"torch.slot"(%333) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59f090) {
%334 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59f030) {
%333 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f59ed30) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59ee50) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59efd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59ef80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59ef30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59eee0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f59edf0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f59ea60) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59ecb0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59ec30) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59ebb0) {
"torch.slot"(%331) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59eb30) {
"torch.slot"(%330) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59e980) {
%331 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59e920) {
%330 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f59e6d0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59e780) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e8c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e870) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e820) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e7d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f59c120) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f59e480) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59e650) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59e5d0) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59e550) {
"torch.slot"(%11) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59e4d0) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59c090) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f59e140) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59e1f0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e3e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e390) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e340) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e2f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59e240) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f59e0f0) {
%328 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "1c6c1dc4-850d-4190-b099-fec9c17f71ba"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> success : operation was folded
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5a0570) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f5a61b0) {
%0 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "1c6c1dc4-850d-4190-b099-fec9c17f71ba"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f59c710) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59c7c0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f59e090) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "set_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f59e040) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_set_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f59dff0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key, isPrivate, name = "_get_full_incremental_state_key"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f59dfa0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "get_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f59df50) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_get_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f59df00) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "reorder_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59deb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "out_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_463.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59de60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "q_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_462.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59ce00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "v_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_461.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cdb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "k_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_460.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cd60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_459.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cd10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "skip_embed_dim_check", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59ccc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "onnx_trace", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cc70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "add_zero_attn", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cc20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_v", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cbd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_k", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cb80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "encoder_decoder_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cb30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59cae0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "scaling", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59ca90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "head_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59ca40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "num_heads", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c9f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "qkv_same_dim", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c9a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "vdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c950) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "kdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c900) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c8b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_incremental_state_id", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c860) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c810) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f59b720) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59c180) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c6c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "final_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_470.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c670) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc2", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_469.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c620) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc1", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_468.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c5d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "activation_dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_467.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c580) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_466.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c530) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_465.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c4e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_464.MultiheadAttention">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c490) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "normalize_before", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c440) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise_block_size", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c3f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c3a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c350) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "return_fc", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c300) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59c230) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f59bc60) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f59b840) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59c010) {
"torch.slot"(%327) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_457.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59bf90) {
"torch.slot"(%324) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_456.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59bf10) {
"torch.slot"(%321) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_455.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59be90) {
"torch.slot"(%318) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_454.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59be10) {
"torch.slot"(%317) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_453.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59bd90) {
"torch.slot"(%316) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_452.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59bcc0) {
"torch.slot"(%313) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59bbd0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59bb50) {
"torch.slot"(%23) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59bad0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59ba50) {
"torch.slot"(%22) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59b9d0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59b950) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59b8d0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f59b7e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f59b450) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59b6a0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59b620) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59b5a0) {
"torch.slot"(%326) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f59b520) {
"torch.slot"(%325) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59b350) {
%326 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f59b2f0) {
%325 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f599fe0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f59b110) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59b290) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59b240) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59b1f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f59b1a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f59a0a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f599d10) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599f60) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599ee0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599e60) {
"torch.slot"(%323) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599de0) {
"torch.slot"(%322) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f599c10) {
%323 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f599bb0) {
%322 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5998b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5999d0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f599b50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f599b00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f599ab0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f599a60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f599970) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5995e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599830) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5997b0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599730) {
"torch.slot"(%320) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5996b0) {
"torch.slot"(%319) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f599500) {
%320 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5994a0) {
%319 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f599250) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f599300) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f599440) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5993f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5993a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f599350) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5991f0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f598f10) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599160) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5990e0) {
"torch.slot"(%45) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f599060) {
"torch.slot"(%47) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598fe0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598f60) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f598bd0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f598c80) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598e70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598e20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598dd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598d80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598cd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f598b70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f598890) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598ae0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598a60) {
"torch.slot"(%45) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5989e0) {
"torch.slot"(%12) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598960) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5988e0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f598480) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5985a0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5987f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5987a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598750) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598700) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f598630) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f598540) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5981b0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598400) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598380) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598300) {
"torch.slot"(%315) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f598280) {
"torch.slot"(%314) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5980b0) {
%315 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f598050) {
%314 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5970e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f597e50) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f597ff0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f597fa0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f597f50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f597f00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f597b20) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f597200) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597dd0) {
"torch.slot"(%312) {name = "out_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_450.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597d50) {
"torch.slot"(%309) {name = "q_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_449.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597cd0) {
"torch.slot"(%306) {name = "v_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_448.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597c50) {
"torch.slot"(%303) {name = "k_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_447.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597b80) {
"torch.slot"(%300) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_446.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597a90) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "skip_embed_dim_check"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597a10) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "onnx_trace"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597990) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "add_zero_attn"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597910) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "bias_v"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597890) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "bias_k"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597810) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "encoder_decoder_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597790) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "self_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597710) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "scaling"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597690) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "head_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597610) {
"torch.slot"(%11) {name = "num_heads"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597590) {
"torch.slot"(%2) {name = "qkv_same_dim"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597510) {
"torch.slot"(%22) {name = "vdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597490) {
"torch.slot"(%22) {name = "kdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597410) {
"torch.slot"(%22) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597390) {
"torch.slot"(%299) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597310) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597290) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5971a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f596e10) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597060) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596fe0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596f60) {
"torch.slot"(%311) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596ee0) {
"torch.slot"(%310) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f596d10) {
%311 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f596cb0) {
%310 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5969b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f596ad0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f596c50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f596c00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f596bb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f596b60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f596a70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5966e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596930) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5968b0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596830) {
"torch.slot"(%308) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5967b0) {
"torch.slot"(%307) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5965e0) {
%308 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f596580) {
%307 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f596280) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5963a0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f596520) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5964d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f596480) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f596430) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f596340) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f595fb0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596200) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596180) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596100) {
"torch.slot"(%305) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f596080) {
"torch.slot"(%304) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f595eb0) {
%305 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f595e50) {
%304 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f595b50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f595c70) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595df0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595da0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595d50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595d00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f595c10) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f595880) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f595ad0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f595a50) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5959d0) {
"torch.slot"(%302) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f595950) {
"torch.slot"(%301) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5957a0) {
%302 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f595740) {
%301 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5954f0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5955a0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5956e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595690) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595640) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5955f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f591f50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5952a0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f595470) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5953f0) {
"torch.slot"(%27) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f595370) {
"torch.slot"(%12) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5952f0) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591ec0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f594f60) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f595010) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595200) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5951b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595160) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595110) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f595060) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f594f10) {
%299 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "5ef25f15-cb4f-4ea7-bae1-3fff9241ed78"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> success : operation was folded
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f597390) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f59e0f0) {
%0 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "5ef25f15-cb4f-4ea7-bae1-3fff9241ed78"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f593530) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5935e0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f594eb0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "set_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f594e60) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_set_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f594e10) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key, isPrivate, name = "_get_full_incremental_state_key"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f594dc0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "get_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f593d60) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_get_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f593d10) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "reorder_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593cc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "out_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_450.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593c70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "q_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_449.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593c20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "v_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_448.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593bd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "k_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_447.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593b80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_446.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593b30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "skip_embed_dim_check", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593ae0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "onnx_trace", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593a90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "add_zero_attn", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593a40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_v", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5939f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_k", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5939a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "encoder_decoder_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593950) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593900) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "scaling", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5938b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "head_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593860) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "num_heads", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593810) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "qkv_same_dim", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5937c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "vdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593770) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "kdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593720) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5936d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_incremental_state_id", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593680) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593630) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f51bf00) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f591fb0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5934e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "final_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_457.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593490) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc2", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_456.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f593440) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc1", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_455.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5933f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "activation_dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_454.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5933a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_453.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f592340) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_452.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5922f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_451.MultiheadAttention">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5922a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "normalize_before", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f592250) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise_block_size", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f592200) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5921b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f592160) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "return_fc", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f592110) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f592040) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f591a90) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f51c020) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591e40) {
"torch.slot"(%298) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_444.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591dc0) {
"torch.slot"(%295) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_443.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591d40) {
"torch.slot"(%292) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_442.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591cc0) {
"torch.slot"(%289) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_441.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591c40) {
"torch.slot"(%288) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_440.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591bc0) {
"torch.slot"(%287) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_439.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591af0) {
"torch.slot"(%284) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f591a00) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c330) {
"torch.slot"(%24) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c2b0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c230) {
"torch.slot"(%23) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c1b0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c130) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c0b0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f51bfc0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f51bc30) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51be80) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51be00) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51bd80) {
"torch.slot"(%297) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51bd00) {
"torch.slot"(%296) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51bb30) {
%297 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51bad0) {
%296 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f51b7d0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f51b8f0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51ba70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51ba20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51b9d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51b980) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f51b890) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f51b500) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51b750) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51b6d0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51b650) {
"torch.slot"(%294) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51b5d0) {
"torch.slot"(%293) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51b440) {
%294 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51b3e0) {
%293 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f52bbe0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f52bd00) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52be80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52be30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52bde0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52bd90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f52bca0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f52b910) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52bb60) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52bae0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52ba60) {
"torch.slot"(%291) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52b9e0) {
"torch.slot"(%290) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f52b830) {
%291 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f52b7d0) {
%290 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f52b580) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f52b630) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b770) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b720) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b6d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b680) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f52b520) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f52b240) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52b490) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52b410) {
"torch.slot"(%46) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52b390) {
"torch.slot"(%48) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52b310) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52b290) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f462fd0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f463080) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b1a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b150) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b100) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52b0b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f4630d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f462f70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f462c90) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f462ee0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f462e60) {
"torch.slot"(%46) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f462de0) {
"torch.slot"(%13) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f462d60) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f462ce0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f52af90) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f4629a0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f462bf0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f462ba0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f462b50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f462b00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f462a30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f52b050) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f52dcc0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52af10) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52de90) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52de10) {
"torch.slot"(%286) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52dd90) {
"torch.slot"(%285) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f52dbc0) {
%286 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f52db60) {
%285 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f583680) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f52d960) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52db00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52dab0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52da60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f52da10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f52d630) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5837a0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d8e0) {
"torch.slot"(%283) {name = "out_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_437.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d860) {
"torch.slot"(%280) {name = "q_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_436.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d7e0) {
"torch.slot"(%277) {name = "v_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_435.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d760) {
"torch.slot"(%274) {name = "k_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_434.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d690) {
"torch.slot"(%271) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_433.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d5a0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "skip_embed_dim_check"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d520) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "onnx_trace"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d4a0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "add_zero_attn"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52d420) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "bias_v"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c390) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "bias_k"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c310) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "encoder_decoder_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c290) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "self_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c210) {
"torch.slot"(%27) {name = "scaling"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c190) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "head_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c110) {
"torch.slot"(%12) {name = "num_heads"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c090) {
"torch.slot"(%3) {name = "qkv_same_dim"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52c010) {
"torch.slot"(%23) {name = "vdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52bf90) {
"torch.slot"(%23) {name = "kdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f52bf10) {
"torch.slot"(%23) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f583930) {
"torch.slot"(%270) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5838b0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f583830) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f583740) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5833b0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f583600) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f583580) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f583500) {
"torch.slot"(%282) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f583480) {
"torch.slot"(%281) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5832b0) {
%282 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f583250) {
%281 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f582f50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f583070) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5831f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5831a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f583150) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f583100) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f583010) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f582c80) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f582ed0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f582e50) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f582dd0) {
"torch.slot"(%279) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f582d50) {
"torch.slot"(%278) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f582b80) {
%279 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f582b20) {
%278 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f582820) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f582940) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f582ac0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f582a70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f582a20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5829d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5828e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f582550) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5827a0) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f582720) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5826a0) {
"torch.slot"(%276) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f582620) {
"torch.slot"(%275) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f582450) {
%276 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5823f0) {
%275 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5820f0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f582210) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f582390) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f582340) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5822f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5822a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5821b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f581e20) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f582070) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f581ff0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f581f70) {
"torch.slot"(%273) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f581ef0) {
"torch.slot"(%272) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f581d40) {
%273 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f581ce0) {
%272 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f581a90) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f581b40) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581c80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581c30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581be0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581b90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f57f4e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f581840) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f581a10) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f581990) {
"torch.slot"(%28) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f581910) {
"torch.slot"(%13) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f581890) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f450) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f581500) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5815b0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5817a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581750) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581700) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5816b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581600) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f5814b0) {
%270 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "4607f39e-47c6-4df9-b858-b4c8ec506265"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> success : operation was folded
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f583930) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f594f10) {
%0 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "4607f39e-47c6-4df9-b858-b4c8ec506265"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f580ae0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f580b90) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f581450) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "set_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f581400) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_set_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5813b0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key, isPrivate, name = "_get_full_incremental_state_key"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f581360) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "get_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f581310) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_get_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f5812c0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "reorder_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581270) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "out_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_437.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581220) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "q_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_436.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5811d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "v_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_435.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581180) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "k_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_434.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581130) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_433.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5810e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "skip_embed_dim_check", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581090) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "onnx_trace", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f581040) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "add_zero_attn", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580ff0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_v", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580fa0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_k", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580f50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "encoder_decoder_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580f00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580eb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "scaling", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580e60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "head_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580e10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "num_heads", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580dc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "qkv_same_dim", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580d70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "vdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580d20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "kdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580cd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580c80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_incremental_state_id", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580c30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580be0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f57eae0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f57f540) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580a90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "final_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_444.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580a40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc2", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_443.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5809f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc1", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_442.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5809a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "activation_dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_441.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f580950) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_440.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f8f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_439.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f8a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_438.MultiheadAttention">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f850) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "normalize_before", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f800) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise_block_size", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f7b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f760) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f710) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "return_fc", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f6c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57f5f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f57f020) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f57ec00) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f3d0) {
"torch.slot"(%269) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_431.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f350) {
"torch.slot"(%266) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_430.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f2d0) {
"torch.slot"(%263) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_429.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f250) {
"torch.slot"(%260) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_428.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f1d0) {
"torch.slot"(%259) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_427.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f150) {
"torch.slot"(%258) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_426.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57f080) {
"torch.slot"(%255) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ef90) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ef10) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ee90) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ee10) {
"torch.slot"(%24) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ed90) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ed10) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ec90) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f57eba0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f57e810) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57ea60) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57e9e0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57e960) {
"torch.slot"(%268) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57e8e0) {
"torch.slot"(%267) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f57e710) {
%268 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f57e6b0) {
%267 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f57e3b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f57e4d0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57e650) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57e600) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57e5b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57e560) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f57e470) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f57e0e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57e330) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57e2b0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57e230) {
"torch.slot"(%265) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57e1b0) {
"torch.slot"(%264) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f57dfe0) {
%265 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f57df80) {
%264 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f57dc80) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f57dda0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57df20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57ded0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57de80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f57de30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f57dd40) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f57d9b0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57dc00) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57db80) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57db00) {
"torch.slot"(%262) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f57da60) {
"torch.slot"(%261) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f57d920) {
%262 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f57d8c0) {
%261 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f518120) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5181d0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f518310) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5182c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f518270) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f518220) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5180c0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f517de0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f518030) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f517fb0) {
"torch.slot"(%47) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f517f30) {
"torch.slot"(%49) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f517eb0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f517e30) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f517aa0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f517b50) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517d40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517cf0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517ca0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517c50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517ba0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f517a40) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f517760) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5179b0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f517930) {
"torch.slot"(%47) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5178b0) {
"torch.slot"(%14) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f517830) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5177b0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f520360) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f517470) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5176c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517670) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517620) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5175d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f517500) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f517410) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f520090) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5202e0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f520260) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5201e0) {
"torch.slot"(%257) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f520160) {
"torch.slot"(%256) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51ff90) {
%257 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51ff30) {
%256 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f526270) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f51fd30) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51fed0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51fe80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51fe30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51fde0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f51fa00) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f526390) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51fcb0) {
"torch.slot"(%254) {name = "out_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_424.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51fc30) {
"torch.slot"(%251) {name = "q_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_423.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51fbb0) {
"torch.slot"(%248) {name = "v_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_422.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51fb30) {
"torch.slot"(%245) {name = "k_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_421.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51fa60) {
"torch.slot"(%242) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_420.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f970) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "skip_embed_dim_check"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f8f0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "onnx_trace"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f870) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "add_zero_attn"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f7f0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "bias_v"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f770) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "bias_k"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f6f0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "encoder_decoder_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f670) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "self_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f5f0) {
"torch.slot"(%28) {name = "scaling"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51f570) {
"torch.slot"(%27) {name = "head_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51e4e0) {
"torch.slot"(%13) {name = "num_heads"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51e460) {
"torch.slot"(%4) {name = "qkv_same_dim"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51e3e0) {
"torch.slot"(%24) {name = "vdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f527630) {
"torch.slot"(%24) {name = "kdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5265a0) {
"torch.slot"(%24) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f526520) {
"torch.slot"(%241) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5264a0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f526420) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f526330) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f525fa0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5261f0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f526170) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5260f0) {
"torch.slot"(%253) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f526070) {
"torch.slot"(%252) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f525ea0) {
%253 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f525e40) {
%252 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f525b40) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f525c60) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f525de0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f525d90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f525d40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f525cf0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f525c00) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f525870) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f525ac0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f525a40) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5259c0) {
"torch.slot"(%250) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f525940) {
"torch.slot"(%249) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f525770) {
%250 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f525710) {
%249 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5715e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f571700) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5256b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f571830) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5717e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f571790) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5716a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f51a170) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f571560) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51a340) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51a2c0) {
"torch.slot"(%247) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51a240) {
"torch.slot"(%246) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51a070) {
%247 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f51a010) {
%246 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f519d10) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f519e30) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f519fb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f519f60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f519f10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f519ec0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f519dd0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f519a40) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f519c90) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f519c10) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f519b90) {
"torch.slot"(%244) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f519b10) {
"torch.slot"(%243) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f519960) {
%244 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f519900) {
%243 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5186a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f518750) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5198a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f519850) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f519800) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5197b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f51dab0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f518450) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f518620) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5185a0) {
"torch.slot"(%29) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f518520) {
"torch.slot"(%14) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5184a0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51da20) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f56d2b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f56d360) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5183b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56d500) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56d4b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56d460) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56d3b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f56d260) {
%241 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "00f45d82-b5c3-4f9f-954d-f85f6e01089f"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> success : operation was folded
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f526520) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f5814b0) {
%0 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "00f45d82-b5c3-4f9f-954d-f85f6e01089f"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f51e0a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f51e150) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f56d200) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "set_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f56d1b0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_set_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f56d160) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key, isPrivate, name = "_get_full_incremental_state_key"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f56d110) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "get_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f56d0c0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_get_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f56d070) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "reorder_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56c010) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "out_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_424.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bfc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "q_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_423.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bf70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "v_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_422.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bf20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "k_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_421.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bed0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_420.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56be80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "skip_embed_dim_check", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56be30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "onnx_trace", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bde0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "add_zero_attn", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bd90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_v", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bd40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_k", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bcf0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "encoder_decoder_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bca0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bc50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "scaling", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bc00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "head_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f56bbb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "num_heads", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e380) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "qkv_same_dim", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e330) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "vdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e2e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "kdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e290) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e240) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_incremental_state_id", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e1f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e1a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f567870) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f51db10) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e050) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "final_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_431.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51e000) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc2", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_430.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51dfb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc1", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_429.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51df60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "activation_dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_428.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51df10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_427.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51dec0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_426.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51de70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_425.MultiheadAttention">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51de20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "normalize_before", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51ddd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise_block_size", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51dd80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51dd30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51dce0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "return_fc", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51dc90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f51dbc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f51c5e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f567990) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51d9a0) {
"torch.slot"(%240) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_418.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51d920) {
"torch.slot"(%237) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_417.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51d8a0) {
"torch.slot"(%234) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_416.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51d820) {
"torch.slot"(%231) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_415.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51d7a0) {
"torch.slot"(%230) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_414.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51d720) {
"torch.slot"(%229) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_413.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c640) {
"torch.slot"(%226) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c550) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c4d0) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c450) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f51c3d0) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f567b20) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f567aa0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f567a20) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f567930) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5675a0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5677f0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f567770) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5676f0) {
"torch.slot"(%239) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f567670) {
"torch.slot"(%238) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5674a0) {
%239 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f567440) {
%238 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f567140) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f567260) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5673e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f567390) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f567340) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5672f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f567200) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f566e70) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5670c0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f567040) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566fc0) {
"torch.slot"(%236) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566f40) {
"torch.slot"(%235) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f566d70) {
%236 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f566d10) {
%235 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f566a10) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f566b30) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f566cb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f566c60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f566c10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f566bc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f566ad0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f566740) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566990) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566910) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566890) {
"torch.slot"(%233) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566810) {
"torch.slot"(%232) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f566660) {
%233 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f566600) {
%232 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5663b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f566460) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5665a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f566550) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f566500) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5664b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f566350) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f566070) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5662c0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566240) {
"torch.slot"(%48) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5661c0) {
"torch.slot"(%50) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f566140) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5660c0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f565d30) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f565de0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565fd0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565f80) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565f30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565ee0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565e30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f565cd0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5659f0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f565c40) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f565bc0) {
"torch.slot"(%48) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f565b40) {
"torch.slot"(%15) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f565ac0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f565a40) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5655e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f565700) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565950) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565900) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5658b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565860) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565790) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5656a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f565310) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f565560) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5654e0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f565460) {
"torch.slot"(%228) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5653e0) {
"torch.slot"(%227) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f565210) {
%228 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5651b0) {
%227 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f564240) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f564fb0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565150) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565100) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5650b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f565060) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f564c80) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f564360) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564f30) {
"torch.slot"(%225) {name = "out_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_411.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564eb0) {
"torch.slot"(%222) {name = "q_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_410.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564e30) {
"torch.slot"(%219) {name = "v_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_409.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564db0) {
"torch.slot"(%216) {name = "k_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_408.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564ce0) {
"torch.slot"(%213) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_407.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564bf0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "skip_embed_dim_check"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564b70) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "onnx_trace"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564af0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "add_zero_attn"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564a70) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "bias_v"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5649f0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "bias_k"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564970) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "encoder_decoder_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5648f0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "self_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564870) {
"torch.slot"(%29) {name = "scaling"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5647f0) {
"torch.slot"(%28) {name = "head_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564770) {
"torch.slot"(%14) {name = "num_heads"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5646f0) {
"torch.slot"(%5) {name = "qkv_same_dim"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564670) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "vdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5645f0) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "kdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564570) {
"torch.slot"(%25) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5644f0) {
"torch.slot"(%212) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564470) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5643f0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f564300) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f563f70) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5641c0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564140) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5640c0) {
"torch.slot"(%224) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f564040) {
"torch.slot"(%223) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f563e70) {
%224 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f563e10) {
%223 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f563b10) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f563c30) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f563db0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f563d60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f563d10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f563cc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f563bd0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f563840) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f563a90) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f563a10) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f563990) {
"torch.slot"(%221) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f563910) {
"torch.slot"(%220) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f563740) {
%221 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5636e0) {
%220 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5633e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f563500) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f563680) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f563630) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5635e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f563590) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5634a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f563110) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f563360) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5632e0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f563260) {
"torch.slot"(%218) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5631e0) {
"torch.slot"(%217) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f563010) {
%218 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f562fb0) {
%217 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f562cb0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f562dd0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562f50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562f00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562eb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562e60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f562d70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5629e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f562c30) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f562bb0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f562b30) {
"torch.slot"(%215) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f562ab0) {
"torch.slot"(%214) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f562900) {
%215 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5628a0) {
%214 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f562650) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f562700) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562840) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5627f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5627a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562750) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5610b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f562400) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5625d0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f562550) {
"torch.slot"(%30) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5624d0) {
"torch.slot"(%15) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f562450) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f561020) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5620c0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f562170) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562360) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562310) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5622c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f562270) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5621c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f562070) {
%212 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "e9741474-b15a-4c0a-95bb-750a08d131c6"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> success : operation was folded
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5644f0) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f56d260) {
%0 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "e9741474-b15a-4c0a-95bb-750a08d131c6"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5616a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f561750) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f562010) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "set_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f561fc0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_set_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f561f70) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key, isPrivate, name = "_get_full_incremental_state_key"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f561f20) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "get_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f561ed0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_get_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f561e80) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "reorder_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561e30) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "out_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_411.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561de0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "q_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_410.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561d90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "v_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_409.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561d40) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "k_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_408.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561cf0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_407.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561ca0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "skip_embed_dim_check", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561c50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "onnx_trace", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561c00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "add_zero_attn", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561bb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_v", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561b60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_k", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561b10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "encoder_decoder_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561ac0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561a70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "scaling", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561a20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "head_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5619d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "num_heads", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561980) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "qkv_same_dim", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561930) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "vdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5618e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "kdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561890) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561840) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_incremental_state_id", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5617f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5617a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f5606b0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f561110) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561650) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "final_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_418.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561600) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc2", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_417.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5615b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc1", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_416.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561560) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "activation_dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_415.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561510) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_414.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5614c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_413.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561470) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_412.MultiheadAttention">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561420) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "normalize_before", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5613d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise_block_size", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561380) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561330) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5612e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "return_fc", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f561290) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5611c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f560bf0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5607d0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560fa0) {
"torch.slot"(%211) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_405.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560f20) {
"torch.slot"(%208) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_404.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560ea0) {
"torch.slot"(%205) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_403.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560e20) {
"torch.slot"(%202) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_402.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560da0) {
"torch.slot"(%201) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_401.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560d20) {
"torch.slot"(%200) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_400.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560c50) {
"torch.slot"(%197) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560b60) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560ae0) {
"torch.slot"(%27) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560a60) {
"torch.slot"(%11) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5609e0) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560960) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5608e0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560860) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f560770) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5603e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560630) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5605b0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f560530) {
"torch.slot"(%210) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5604b0) {
"torch.slot"(%209) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5602e0) {
%210 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f560280) {
%209 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55ff80) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5600a0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f560220) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5601d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f560180) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f560130) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f560040) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55fcb0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55ff00) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55fe80) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55fe00) {
"torch.slot"(%207) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55fd80) {
"torch.slot"(%206) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55fbb0) {
%207 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55fb50) {
%206 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55f850) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f55f970) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55faf0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55faa0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55fa50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55fa00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55f910) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f53a040) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f53a290) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f53a210) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f53a190) {
"torch.slot"(%204) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f53a110) {
"torch.slot"(%203) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f539f60) {
%204 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f539f00) {
%203 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<3072x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[3072,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f539cb0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f539d60) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539ea0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539e50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539e00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539db0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f539c50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f539970) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f539bc0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f539b40) {
"torch.slot"(%49) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f539ac0) {
"torch.slot"(%51) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f539a40) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5399c0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f539630) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f5396e0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5398d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539880) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539830) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5397e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539730) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5395d0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5392f0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f539540) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5394c0) {
"torch.slot"(%49) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f539440) {
"torch.slot"(%16) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5393c0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f539340) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f538ee0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f539000) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539250) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539200) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5391b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539160) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f539090) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f538fa0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f538c10) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f538e60) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f538de0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f538d60) {
"torch.slot"(%199) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f538ce0) {
"torch.slot"(%198) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f538b10) {
%199 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55bfb0) {
%198 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55b040) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f55bdb0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55bf50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55bf00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55beb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55be60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55ba80) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55b160) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55bd30) {
"torch.slot"(%196) {name = "out_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_398.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55bcb0) {
"torch.slot"(%193) {name = "q_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_397.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55bc30) {
"torch.slot"(%190) {name = "v_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_396.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55bbb0) {
"torch.slot"(%187) {name = "k_proj"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_395.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55bae0) {
"torch.slot"(%184) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_394.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b9f0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "skip_embed_dim_check"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b970) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "onnx_trace"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b8f0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "add_zero_attn"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b870) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "bias_v"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b7f0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "bias_k"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b770) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "encoder_decoder_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b6f0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "self_attention"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b670) {
"torch.slot"(%30) {name = "scaling"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b5f0) {
"torch.slot"(%29) {name = "head_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b570) {
"torch.slot"(%15) {name = "num_heads"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b4f0) {
"torch.slot"(%6) {name = "qkv_same_dim"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b470) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "vdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b3f0) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "kdim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b370) {
"torch.slot"(%26) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b2f0) {
"torch.slot"(%183) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b270) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b1f0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55b100) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55ad70) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55afc0) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55af40) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55aec0) {
"torch.slot"(%195) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55ae40) {
"torch.slot"(%194) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55ac70) {
%195 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55ac10) {
%194 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55a910) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f55aa30) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55abb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55ab60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55ab10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55aac0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55a9d0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f55a640) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55a890) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55a810) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55a790) {
"torch.slot"(%192) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55a710) {
"torch.slot"(%191) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55a540) {
%192 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f55a4e0) {
%191 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f55a1e0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f55a300) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55a480) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55a430) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55a3e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f55a390) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f55a2a0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f559f10) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55a160) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55a0e0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55a060) {
"torch.slot"(%189) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f559fe0) {
"torch.slot"(%188) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f559e10) {
%189 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f559db0) {
%188 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f559ab0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f559bd0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559d50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559d00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559cb0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559c60) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f559b70) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5597e0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f559a30) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5599b0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f559930) {
"torch.slot"(%186) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5598b0) {
"torch.slot"(%185) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f559700) {
%186 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5596a0) {
%185 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768x768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768,768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f559450) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f559500) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559640) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5595f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5595a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559550) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f555e80) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f559200) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5593d0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "apply_during_inference"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f559350) {
"torch.slot"(%31) {name = "module_name"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5592d0) {
"torch.slot"(%16) {name = "p"} : (!torch.float) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f559250) {
"torch.slot"(%7) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555df0) {
"torch.slot"(%9) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f558ec0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f558f70) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559160) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "apply_during_inference", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559110) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "module_name", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5590c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "p", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f559070) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f558fc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f558e70) {
%183 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "8e59ad02-eef7-4705-82dd-33e369f53f1e"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> success : operation was folded
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f55b2f0) {
"torch.slot"(%0) {name = "_incremental_state_id"} : (!torch.str) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.constant.str'(0x56429f562070) {
%0 = "torch.constant.str"() {value = "8e59ad02-eef7-4705-82dd-33e369f53f1e"} : () -> !torch.str
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f556470) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f556520) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f558e10) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.set_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "set_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f558dc0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._set_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_set_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f558d70) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._get_full_incremental_state_key, isPrivate, name = "_get_full_incremental_state_key"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f558d20) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.get_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "get_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f558cd0) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention._get_input_buffer, isPrivate, name = "_get_input_buffer"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.method'(0x56429f558470) {
"torch.method"() {function = @__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention.reorder_incremental_state, isPrivate, name = "reorder_incremental_state"} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f557c10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "out_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_398.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f557bc0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "q_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_397.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f557b70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "v_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_396.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556b10) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "k_proj", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_395.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556ac0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_394.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556a70) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "skip_embed_dim_check", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556a20) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "onnx_trace", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5569d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "add_zero_attn", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556980) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_v", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556930) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias_k", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5568e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "encoder_decoder_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556890) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attention", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556840) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "scaling", type = !torch.float} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5567f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "head_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5567a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "num_heads", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556750) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "qkv_same_dim", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556700) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "vdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5566b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "kdim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556660) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556610) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_incremental_state_id", type = !torch.str} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5565c0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556570) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f555480) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f555ee0) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556420) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "final_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_405.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5563d0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc2", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_404.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556380) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "fc1", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_403.Linear">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556330) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "activation_dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_402.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5562e0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "dropout_module", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_401.FairseqDropout">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556290) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn_layer_norm", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_400.LayerNorm">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556240) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "self_attn", type = !torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_399.MultiheadAttention">} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5561f0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "normalize_before", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5561a0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise_block_size", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556150) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "quant_noise", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556100) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "embed_dim", type = !} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f5560b0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "return_fc", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f556060) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.optional<!torch.bool>} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f555f90) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f5559c0) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5555a0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555d70) {
"torch.slot"(%182) {name = "final_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_392.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555cf0) {
"torch.slot"(%179) {name = "fc2"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_391.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555c70) {
"torch.slot"(%176) {name = "fc1"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.linear.___torch_mangle_390.Linear">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555bf0) {
"torch.slot"(%173) {name = "activation_dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_389.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555b70) {
"torch.slot"(%172) {name = "dropout_module"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout.___torch_mangle_388.FairseqDropout">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555af0) {
"torch.slot"(%171) {name = "self_attn_layer_norm"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.torch.nn.modules.normalization.___torch_mangle_387.LayerNorm">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555a20) {
"torch.slot"(%168) {name = "self_attn"} : (!torch.nn.Module<"__torch__.fairseq.modules.multihead_attention.___torch_mangle_386.MultiheadAttention">) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555930) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "normalize_before"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5558b0) {
"torch.slot"(%28) {name = "quant_noise_block_size"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555830) {
"torch.slot"(%12) {name = "quant_noise"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5557b0) {
"torch.slot"(%27) {name = "embed_dim"} : (! -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555730) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "return_fc"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f5556b0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555630) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f555540) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f5551b0) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555400) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555380) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555300) {
"torch.slot"(%181) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f555280) {
"torch.slot"(%180) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f5550b0) {
%181 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f555050) {
%180 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type'(0x56429f554d50) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.class_type_terminator'(0x56429f554e70) {
"torch.class_type_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f554ff0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "_is_full_backward_hook", type = !torch.none} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f554fa0) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "training", type = !torch.bool} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f554f50) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "bias", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.attr'(0x56429f554f00) {
"torch.attr"() {isPrivate, name = "weight", type = !torch.tensor} : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module'(0x56429f554e10) {
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.nn_module_terminator'(0x56429f554a80) {
"torch.nn_module_terminator"() : () -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f554cd0) {
"torch.slot"(%8) {name = "_is_full_backward_hook"} : (!torch.none) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f554c50) {
"torch.slot"(%10) {name = "training"} : (!torch.bool) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f554bd0) {
"torch.slot"(%178) {name = "bias"} : (!torch.tensor<[768],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.slot'(0x56429f554b50) {
"torch.slot"(%177) {name = "weight"} : (!torch.tensor<[768,3072],f32>) -> ()
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
Processing operation : 'torch.tensor.literal'(0x56429f554980) {
%178 = "torch.tensor.literal"() {value = opaque<"elided_large_const", "0xDEADBEEF"> : tensor<768xf32>} : () -> !torch.tensor<[768],f32>
} -> failure : pattern failed to match
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