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Created January 19, 2014 06:49
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Codesprint Regex problem - generate a string that matches a regex in Scala
import java.util.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.Set
object Solution {
class Node (var isTerm: Boolean = false) {
var children: HashMap[String, Array[Node]] = new HashMap[String, Array[Node]]()
def splitTokens(regex: String) : (String, String, Char) = {
var head: String = "";
var tail: String = "";
var op: Char = '\0'
// Unwrap parens
var flag = if (regex.charAt(0) == '(') 1 else 0
// Try to find outer '|'
var state:Int = 0
for(i <- 0 until regex.size) {
regex.charAt(i) match {
case '(' =>
state += 1
case ')' =>
state -= 1
if (state == 0 && flag == 1) {
if (i == regex.size - 1) {
return splitTokens(regex.substring(1, regex.size - 1))
} else {
flag = 0
case '|' =>
if (state == 0) {
head = regex.substring(0, i)
tail = regex.substring(i+1)
return (head, tail, '|')
case _ =>
// If it starts with left paren
state = 0
if (regex.charAt(0) == '(') {
for(i <- 0 until regex.size) {
regex.charAt(i) match {
case '(' =>
state += 1
case ')' =>
state -= 1
if (state == 0) {
op = regex.charAt(i+1)
if (op == '*' && (i+2) < regex.size) {
head = regex.substring(0, i+2)
tail = regex.substring(i+2)
return (head, tail, '\0')
} else if (op == '*' && (i+2) == regex.size) {
head = regex.substring(0, regex.size - 1)
return (head, "", '*')
} else {
head = regex.substring(0, i+1)
tail = regex.substring(i+1)
return (head, tail, '\0')
case _ =>
if (regex.size == 2 && regex.charAt(1) == '*')
return (regex.substring(0, 1), "", '*')
else if (regex.charAt(1) == '*')
return (regex.substring(0, 2), regex.substring(2), '\0')
return (regex.substring(0, 1), regex.substring(1), '\0')
def buildRegex(left: Node, right: Node, path: String): Unit = {
if (path.contains('|') || path.contains('(') || path.contains('*'))
if (path.length() > 1) {
val (head, tail, op) = splitTokens(path)
op match {
case '|' =>
left.children.put(head, Array(right))
left.children.put(tail, Array(right))
buildRegex(left, right, head)
buildRegex(left, right, tail)
case '*' =>
var nodeA = new Node()
var nodeB = new Node()
if (left.children.get("") != null)
left.children.put("", (left.children.get("") ++ Array(nodeA, right)).distinct)
left.children.put("", Array(nodeA, right))
nodeA.children.put(head, Array(nodeB))
nodeB.children.put("", Array(right))
if (right.children.get("") != null)
right.children.put("", (right.children.get("") :+ nodeA).distinct)
right.children.put("", Array(nodeA))
buildRegex(nodeA, nodeB, head)
case _ =>
var node = new Node()
left.children.put(head, Array(node))
node.children.put(tail, Array(right))
buildRegex(left, node, head)
buildRegex(node, right, tail)
def createGraph(regex:String): Node = {
var left = new Node()
var right = new Node(true)
left.children.put(regex, Array(right))
buildRegex(left, right, regex)
def findString(regex:String, len: Int): String = {
var start = createGraph(regex)
var set = Set[(Node, String)]()
def dfs(curr:Node, str:String): String = {
if (set contains (curr, str)) return "NIL"
set.add((curr, str))
if (len == str.size && curr.isTerm) return str
if (str.size > len) return "NIL"
var res = "NIL"
var iter = curr.children.keySet().iterator()
var keys: Array[String] = Array()
while(iter.hasNext()) {
keys = keys :+
keys.sortWith(_.size > _.size)
for (key <- keys) {
for (node <- curr.children.get(key)) {
val tmp = dfs(node, str+key)
if (tmp != "NIL")
return tmp
dfs(start, "")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val N = readInt()
val re = readLine()
println(findString(re, N))
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