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Last active April 5, 2017 22:33
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# Data Analytics Assignment A5: R Script for 6/14 A,B,C,D #
########## Script Written by Vivek Narang 4/4/17 ##########
# Importing relevant libraries #
# Reference to the Input file for the tasks #
file <- "C:\\A5InputFile.csv"
# Reading the referenced file for tasks #
dataBlockReference <- read_delim( file, col_names = T, delim =',')
# Gathering and reshaping the table showing Year and Area Harvested on the table #
reshapedTable<- gather(dataBlockReference, 'Year','Area Harvested', 2:8)
# Printing the reshaped table #
# Checking if the result file exists for task A. If exists skipping the write operation (Error Handling)#
# If the result file does not exit, write a new result file for task A #
write.csv(reshapedTable, "A5Output_A.csv")
# Adding Hectares Column for task B. Computing the Hectares for each based on acres data #
reshapedTable$Hectares <- round(conv_unit(reshapedTable$`Area Harvested`, "acre" ,"hectare"), 2);
# Printing the modified table on console #
# Checking if the result file exists for task B. If exists skipping the write operation (Error Handling)#
# If the result file does not exit, write a new result file for task B #
write.csv(reshapedTable, "A5Output_B.csv")
# Grouping years for computing sum of hectares for each #
sumHectares <- reshapedTable %>% group_by(Year) %>% summarise(Hectares = sum(Hectares))
# Printing the data table on console #
# Checking if the result file exists for task C. If exists skipping the write operation (Error Handling)#
# If the result file does not exit, write a new result file for task B #
write.csv(sumHectares, "A5Output_C.csv")
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