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Last active April 29, 2017 01:14
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##################### Assignment A8-A ##########################
####################################### Vivek Narang ###########
# Start
# Importing libraries
# Reading the csv file
airport <- read.csv(file="c:\\A8.csv",head=TRUE,sep=",", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Getting distinct id's
distinctIDs <- distinct(airport, OriginAirportID)
# For each distinct Airport ID
for(i in 1:nrow(distinctIDs)) {
# Filter rows looking for the airportID
filteredRows <- filter(airport, OriginAirportID == distinctIDs[i,1])
# Omit NA's
filternom <- na.omit(filteredRows[37])
# Compute and print the min, max and mean for each
cat("\nFor The origin Airport", filteredRows[i,15], "(AirportID:",distinctIDs[i,1],",","City:",filteredRows[i,16],")\n");
cat("The Mininum Taxi Out Time is:", min(filternom)," minutes, The Maximum Taxi out time is:",max(filternom)," minutes\n")
cat("and the Average Taxi out time is:",colMeans(filternom)," minutes\n")
# Break after showing the first six rows
if (i == 6) {
# End
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