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Created December 9, 2020 13:07
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# This dockerfile builds all the source code and docker images for the
# edge stack.
# How it works.
# All our source code is built in a single monolithic build
# container. (The "builder" stage below.) We then produce optimized
# release images by copying the specific binaries and entrypoints out
# of the build container. The build container must always contain all
# the binaries and entrypoints for any container we produce, and
# therefore (with the appropriate entrypoint) can function in place of
# any release container. The release containers are trivial stages
# that simply copy the relevant artifacts out of the builder
# container.
# This argument controls the base image that is used for the release
# containers.
ARG base=""
# This argument sets the base image for the build container image. This
# base image contains only third-party code.
ARG builderbase="i-forgot-to-set-build-arg-builderbase"
# This argument controls where the release images get their artifacts
# from. We override it for incremental builds, but default it to the
# builder stage so this Dockerfile works out of the box.
ARG artifacts="builder"
# This controls where we copy envoy from.
ARG envoy="i-forgot-to-set-build-arg-envoy"
# The builder image
FROM ${envoy} as envoy
FROM ${builderbase} as builder
WORKDIR /buildroot
ENV PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:/buildroot/bin
# Some of the tests need redis-server to run
RUN apk add redis
COPY --from=envoy /usr/local/bin/envoy-static-stripped /usr/local/bin/envoy
ENV KUBECONFIG=/buildroot/kubeconfig.yaml
# XXX: this will go away
RUN mkdir -p /ambassador/sidecars && \
ln -s /buildroot/ambassador/python/ /ambassador/ && \
ln -s /buildroot/ambassador/python/ /ambassador/ && \
ln -s /buildroot/ambassador/python/ /ambassador/
RUN adduser dw --disabled-password
RUN echo "dw ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/datawire
RUN chown dw /buildroot
ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash" ]
# The optimized images
FROM ${artifacts} as artifacts
FROM ${base} as ambassador
RUN mkdir -p /licenses && \
echo "AL v2.0" > LICENSE && \
mv LICENSE /licenses
# Always have an "ambassador" user as UID 8888. This is what we recommend
# people run as. (Note that the "-D" actually leaves the password locked.)
RUN microdnf update && microdnf install shadow-utils httpd-tools && \
useradd ambassador -u 8888 -G root --no-create-home -s /bin/false
# External stuff that should change infrequently
#RUN apk --no-cache add bash curl python3 libcap
RUN microdnf -y update && \
microdnf install -y \
bash \
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
COPY --from=artifacts /usr/bin/kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl
COPY --from=artifacts /usr/lib/libyaml* /usr/lib/
# Other installers
COPY --from=artifacts /opt/image-build /opt/image-build
RUN /opt/image-build/
# External Python packages we use
COPY --from=artifacts /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages
# Our envoy. The capabilities here grant the wrapper the ability to use the
# cap_net_bind_service cap and for Envoy to inherit it.
COPY --from=envoy /usr/local/bin/envoy-static-stripped /usr/local/bin/envoy
RUN setcap cap_net_bind_service=ei /usr/local/bin/envoy
# Our Go binaries. See envoy section for setcap info.
COPY --from=artifacts /opt/ambassador /opt/ambassador
RUN ln -s /opt/ambassador/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
RUN setcap cap_net_bind_service=p /opt/ambassador/bin/wrapper
# Our Python code
COPY --from=artifacts /buildroot/ambassador/python /buildroot/ambassador/python
RUN cd /buildroot/ambassador/python && python install
# Configuration, Docker demo stuff, the AES WebUI. The /ambassador bit changes
# in post-install so it's always stale. But it's pretty small, so it's not too
# bad to re-push every time.
COPY --from=artifacts /ambassador /ambassador
COPY --from=artifacts /buildroot/ambassador/demo/config /ambassador/ambassador-demo-config
COPY --from=artifacts /buildroot/ambassador/demo/services /ambassador/demo-services
COPY --from=artifacts /buildroot/ambassador/docs/yaml/ambassador/ambassador-crds.yaml /opt/ambassador/etc/crds.yaml
LABEL name="value" \
release="release" \
version="version" \
summary="summary" \
description="description" \
# Fix permissions to allow correctly running as a non root user
# XXX: We could combine everything into one tree in the builder, fix permissions
# there, and then a use single COPY to get everything and avoid duplicating the
# (small amount of) data in a new layer for this RUN.
RUN chgrp -R 0 /ambassador && \
chmod -R u+x /ambassador && \
chmod -R g=u /ambassador /etc/passwd
WORKDIR /ambassador
ENTRYPOINT [ "bash", "/buildroot/ambassador/python/" ]
FROM ${base} as kat-client
COPY --from=artifacts /buildroot/bin/kat-client /usr/bin/kat-client
RUN mkdir /work && ln -s /usr/bin/kat-client /work/kat_client
CMD [ "sleep", "3600" ]
FROM ${base} as kat-server
COPY --from=artifacts /buildroot/bin/kat-server /usr/bin/kat-server
COPY server.crt server.crt
COPY server.key server.key
ENV GRPC_TRACE=tcp,http,api
CMD [ "kat-server" ]
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