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Last active November 29, 2019 03:58
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// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Function Currying
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
function multiply(a, b, c) {
return a * b * c;
function multiply(a) {
return (b) => {
return (c) => {
return a * b * c
console.log(multiply(1)(2)(3)) // 6
let finalMultipleFn = multiply(1)(2);
async function calculateSomething(fn) {
let x = await ajaxCall();
return fn(x)
// Discounted price example
// let getDiscountedPrice = (percentDiscount) => {
// return (price) => (price) - (price * percentDiscount) / 100;
// }
// let getPriceWith10PercentDiscount = getDiscountedPrice(10);
// let getPriceWith20PercentDiscount = getDiscountedPrice(20);
// let price1 = getPriceWith10PercentDiscount(100)
// let price2 = getPriceWith20PercentDiscount(100)
// console.log(price1);
// console.log(price2);
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Basic types in TS
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
const color: string = "blue";
const isDone: boolean = false;
const list1: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
const list2: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3];
const notSure: any = 4;
const multiType: string | number | boolean = true;
// ******** Functions ************ //
function foo(message) {
return message === "Hello";
function bar(message: string): boolean {
return message === "Hello";
let baz = (message: number | string): string => "xyz"
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Classes in TS
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
class Animal {
private name: string;
protected color: string; // Accessible in child class
constructor(theName: string, theColor: string) { = theName;
this.color = theColor;
private sayHi() {
const animal = new Animal("Cat", "White");
console.log(; // Error: 'name' is private;
console.log(animal.color); // Error: 'color' is protected; with nice information on hover
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Interfaces in TS
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Interface example ********************
interface IsroInterface {
vehicleName?: string;
readonly launchDate: Date;
isLauncherReady: () => boolean; // no body just defination
class Isro implements IsroInterface {
vehicleName: string;
readonly launchDate: Date;
constructor() {
this.launchDate = new Date();
this.vehicleName = "chandrayan";
changeLaunchDate() {
this.launchDate = new Date("2019-11-23");
// isLauncherReady() {
// return true;
// }
// Interface extending and combining ********************
interface Circle {
radius: number;
interface Shape extends Circle {
area: number;
calc: (length: number) => number
let obj: Shape = {
radius: 10,
area: 100,
calc: length => length * length
// Merging interface
interface Person {
name: string;
interface Person {
age: number;
interface Person {
zipCode: number;
let obj: Person = {
name: "Vivek",
zipCode: 411058,
age: 26,
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Generics in TS
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
function identity(arg: string): string {
return arg;
function identity<T>(arg: T): T { // T is placeholder
return arg;
// Multiple generic variables *****************
let output1 = identity<number>(10); // If not provided 'number' as value of T here
// T will be 10 then
let output2 = identity("myString"); // In this case T will be "myString" not string
// On hover it shows T's value.
// Suggest properties on return type of it.
function identityNew<T, U>(arg1: T, arg2: U): [T, U] {
const list: [T, U] = [arg1, arg2];
return list;
identityNew("xyz", 123);
// Generic Classes *****************
class GenericNumber<T, U> {
numbValue: T;
identity(x: U): U {
return x;
let myGenericNumber = new GenericNumber<number, string>();
// We can also have generic interfaces
// Generic Interfaces *****************
// interface Identities<V, W> {
// id1: V;
// id2: W;
// }
// class ABC implements Identities<string, number> {
// id1: string = "abc";
// id2: number = 20;
// }
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Decorators in TS
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// ******************************** //
// Can change class or function body, constructor code or methods on classes;
// ******************************** //
// *********** Replace Class **************
const replaceClass = (originalConstructor) => {
return class newPet {
constructor() { console.log("In new PET class") }
printMe() {
console.log("New printMe method")
class Pet {
constructor(name: string, age: number) { }
printMe() {
console.log("Orignal printMe method")
// *********** Change Class **************
const replaceClassMethod = (originalConstructor) => {
originalConstructor.prototype.printMe = function printMe() {
console.log("New printMe method")
return originalConstructor;
class Pet {
constructor(name: string, age: number) { }
printMe() {
console.log("Orignal printMe method")
const pet = new Pet("Azor", 12)
// *********** Method decorator **************
class Greeter {
greet() {
return "Hello";
function greetWithNewMessage(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
descriptor.value = function () {
return "How are you";
const greeter = new Greeter();
// Use of decorators.
class CRUD {
    get() { }
    post() { }
    delete() { }
    put() { }
// One can decorate class properties as well as method parameters.
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
// Why TypeScript - IntelliSense, Error detection
// ====================================== *********** ==============================
interface IsroInterface {
vehicleName: string;
launchDate: Date;
launch: () => void;
isLauncherReady: () => boolean;
class Isro implements IsroInterface {
vehicleName: string;
launchDate: Date;
constructor() {
this.launchDate = new Date();
this.vehicleName = "chandrayan";
launch() {
if (this.launchDate === "2019-11-23") {
console.log("Launch rocket");
isLauncherReady() {
return "yes";
const isro = new Isro()
// Shows intelliscence, Function details (In real case it might be in different file), Errors
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