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Last active June 27, 2019 15:30
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oldPower = 0.0
power = 0.0
oldVolt = 0.0
volt = 0.0
slope = 1
func calculateOAndP() :
volt = readVolt()
current = readCurrent()
power = volt * current
slope = (power - oldPower) / (volt - oldVolt)
if slope > 0 : slope = 1
else if slope == 0 : slope = 0
else : slope = -1
volt = volt + (volt - oldVolt) * slope
oldPower = power
oldVolt = volt
return slope
slope = calculateOAndP()
if slope == 1:
// drive +
else if slope == -1:
// drive -
else: // slope = 0
// drive stop
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