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Created March 19, 2014 13:48
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Session Handling in Tornado thanks to @milan Cermak
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sessions module for the Tornado framework.
Milan Cermak <>
This module implements sessions for Tornado. It can store
session data in files or MySQL databse, Memcached, Redis
and MongoDB.
Every session object can be handled as a dictionary:
self.session[key] = value
var = self.session[key]
The session data is saved automatically for you when the request
handler finishes.
Two utility functions, invalidate() and refresh() are available to
every session object. Read their documentation to learn more.
The application provider is responsible for removing stale, expired
sessions from the storage. However, he can use the delete_expired()
function provided with every storage class except Memcached, which
knows when a session expired and removes it automatically.
The session module introduces new settings available to the
session_age: how long should the session be valid (applies also to cookies);
the value can be anything an integer, long, string or datetime.timedelta;
integer, long and string are meant to represent seconds,
default is 900 seconds (15 mins);
check out _expires_at for additional info
session_regeneration_interval: period in seconds, after which the session_id should be
regenerated; when the session creation time + period
exceed current time, a new session is stored
server-side (the sesion data remains unchanged) and
the client cookie is refreshed; the old session
is no longer valid
session regeneration is used to strenghten security
and prevent session hijacking; default interval
is 4 minutes
the setting accepts integer, string or timedelta values,
read _next_regeneration_at() documentation for more info
session_cookie_name: the name of the cookie, which stores the session_id;
default is 'session_id'
session_cookie_path: path attribute for the session cookie;
default is '/'
session_cookie_domain: domain attribute for the session cookie;
default is None
session_storage: a string specifying the session storage;
available storage engines are: file-based sessions (all sessions
are stored in a single file), directory-based sessions (every
session is stored in a single file, all in one directory),
MySQL-based sessions (sessions are stored in a MySQL database),
Redis-based sessions (using Redis to store them, obviously),
MongoDB-based sessions (each session stored as a document
in MongoDB)
if you want to store session data in a single file, set
this to a url of the following format:
another choice is to store session in a directory, where
each session is stored in a separate, single file; to
enable this behaviour, set this setting to:
if you omit the directory path, Tornado will create
a temporary directory for you
each session will be mapped to a file following the
<session_id>.session format, saved in this directory
be sure the Tornado process has read & write access to
this path, whether it's a file or a directory
if you want to use MySQL, set it in this format:
to enable Redis as a storage engine, set this setting
to 'redis://' with optional password, host, port and database
elements (e.g. 'redis://secret@'; if using
password with default host, you have to append an @-sign:
'redis://secret@/2'); if not complete, defaults are used (
localhost:6379, no auth, db 1)
remember that you have to have the redis python library
available on your system to enable Redis-based sessions
to use MongoDB as session storage, set this to a string
following the format:
If no host or port is specified, defaults are used (localhost,
if you don't specify any storage, the default behaviour is
to create a new temporary file according to yours OS'
conventions (on Unix-like systems in the /tmp directory);
the file will have 'tornado_sessions_' as name prefix
session_security_model: not implemented yet;
the plan to future versions is to provide some basic
mechanisms to prevent session hijacking, based on
users IP address, User-Agent, GeoIP or whatever
other data; suggestions welcomed
import base64
import csv
import collections
import datetime
import os
import cPickle as pickle
import re
import tempfile
import time
import types
class BaseSession(collections.MutableMapping):
"""The base class for the session object. Work with the session object
is really simple, just treat is as any other dictionary:
class Handler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
var = self.session['key']
self.session['another_key'] = 'value'
Session is automatically saved on handler finish. Session expiration
is updated with every request. If configured, session ID is
regenerated periodically.
The session_id attribute stores a unique, random, 64 characters long
string serving as an indentifier.
To create a new storage system for the sessions, subclass BaseSession
and define save(), load() and delete(). For inspiration, check out any
of the already available classes and documentation to aformentioned functions."""
def __init__(self, session_id=None, data=None, security_model=[], expires=None,
duration=None, ip_address=None, user_agent=None,
regeneration_interval=None, next_regeneration=None, **kwargs):
# if session_id is True, we're loading a previously initialized session
if session_id:
self.session_id = session_id = data
self.duration = duration
self.expires = expires
self.dirty = False
self.session_id = self._generate_session_id() = {}
self.duration = duration
self.expires = self._expires_at()
self.dirty = True
self.ip_address = ip_address
self.user_agent = user_agent
self.security_model = security_model
self.regeneration_interval = regeneration_interval
self.next_regeneration = next_regeneration or self._next_regeneration_at()
self._delete_cookie = False
def __repr__(self):
return '<session id: %s data: %s>' % (self.session_id,
def __str__(self):
return self.session_id
def __getitem__(self, key):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):[key] = value
self.dirty = True
def __delitem__(self, key):
self.dirty = True
def keys(self):
def __iter__(self):
def __len__(self):
return len(
def _generate_session_id(cls):
return os.urandom(32).encode('hex') # 256 bits of entropy
def _is_expired(self):
"""Check if the session has expired."""
if self.expires is None: # never expire
return False
return datetime.datetime.utcnow() > self.expires
def _expires_at(self):
"""Find out the expiration time. Returns datetime.datetime."""
v = self.duration
if v is None: # never expire
return None
elif isinstance(v, datetime.timedelta):
elif isinstance(v, (int, long)):
self.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=v)
elif isinstance(v, basestring):
self.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(v))
self.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=900) # 15 mins
return datetime.datetime.utcnow() + self.duration
def _serialize_expires(self):
""" Determines what value of expires is stored to DB during save()."""
if self.expires is None:
return None
return int(time.mktime(self.expires.timetuple()))
def _should_regenerate(self):
"""Determine if the session_id should be regenerated."""
if self.regeneration_interval is None: # never regenerate
return False
return datetime.datetime.utcnow() > self.next_regeneration
def _next_regeneration_at(self):
"""Return a datetime object when the next session id regeneration
should occur."""
# convert whatever value to an timedelta (period in seconds)
# store it in self.regeneration_interval to prevent
# converting in later calls and return the datetime
# of next planned regeneration
v = self.regeneration_interval
if v is None: # never regenerate
return None
elif isinstance(v, datetime.timedelta):
elif isinstance(v, (int, long)):
self.regeneration_interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=v)
elif isinstance(v, basestring):
self.regeneration_interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(v))
self.regeneration_interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=240) # 4 mins
return datetime.datetime.utcnow() + self.regeneration_interval
def invalidate(self):
"""Destorys the session, both server-side and client-side.
As a best practice, it should be used when the user logs out of
the application."""
self.delete() # remove server-side
self._delete_cookie = True # remove client-side
def refresh(self, duration=None, new_session_id=False): # the opposite of invalidate
"""Prolongs the session validity. You can specify for how long passing a
value in the duration argument (the same rules as for session_age apply).
Be aware that henceforward this particular session may have different
expiry date, not respecting the global setting.
If new_session_id is True, a new session identifier will be generated.
This should be used e.g. on user authentication for security reasons."""
if duration:
self.duration = duration
self.expires = self._expires_at()
self.expires = self._expires_at()
if new_session_id:
self.session_id = self._generate_session_id()
self.next_regeneration = self._next_regeneration_at()
self.dirty = True # force save
def save(self):
"""Save the session data and metadata to the backend storage
if necessary (self.dirty == True). On successful save set
dirty to False."""
def load(session_id, location):
"""Load the stored session from storage backend or return
None if the session was not found, in case of stale cookie."""
def delete(self):
"""Remove all data representing the session from backend storage."""
def delete_expired(file_path):
"""Deletes sessions with timestamps in the past form storage."""
def serialize(self):
dump = {'session_id': self.session_id,
'duration': self.duration,
'expires': self.expires,
'ip_address': self.ip_address,
'user_agent': self.user_agent,
'security_model': self.security_model,
'regeneration_interval': self.regeneration_interval,
'next_regeneration': self.next_regeneration}
return base64.encodestring(pickle.dumps(dump))
def deserialize(datastring):
return pickle.loads(base64.decodestring(datastring))
class FileSession(BaseSession):
"""File based session storage. Sessions are stored in CSV format. The file
is either specified in the session_storage setting (be sure it is writable
to the Tornado process) or a new tempfile with 'tornado_sessions_' prefix
is created in the OS' standard location.
Be aware that file-based sessions can get really slow with many stored
session as any action (save, load, delete) has to cycle through the whole
file. """
def __init__(self, file_path, **kwargs):
super(FileSession, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.file_path = file_path
if not kwargs.has_key('session_id'): # save only if it is a newly created session, not if loaded from storage
def save(self):
"""Save the session. To prevent data loss, we read from the original
file and write the updated data to a temporary file. When all data is
written, we rename the temporary file to the original. """
if not self.dirty:
found = False
reader_file = open(self.file_path, 'rb')
reader = csv.DictReader(reader_file,
fieldnames=['session_id', 'data', 'expires', 'ip_address', 'user-agent'])
writer_temp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
writer_temp_file = open(writer_temp, 'w+b')
writer = csv.DictWriter(writer_temp_file,
['session_id', 'data', 'expires', 'ip_address', 'user-agent'])
for line in reader:
if line['session_id'] == self.session_id:
writer.writerow({'session_id': self.session_id,
'data': self.serialize(),
'expires': self._serialize_expires(),
'ip_address': self.ip_address,
'user-agent': self.user_agent})
found = True
if not found: # not previously stored session
# column data will contain the whole object, not just the
# data attribute
writer.writerow({'session_id': self.session_id,
'data': self.serialize(),
'expires': self._serialize_expires(),
'ip_address': self.ip_address,
'user-agent': self.user_agent})
os.rename(writer_temp, self.file_path)
self.dirty = False
def load(session_id, path):
"""Loads a session from the specified file."""
reader_file = open(path, 'rb')
reader = csv.DictReader(reader_file,
fieldnames=['session_id', 'data', 'expires', 'ip_address', 'user-agent'])
for line in reader:
if line['session_id'] == session_id:
kwargs = FileSession.deserialize(line['data'])
return FileSession(path, **kwargs)
return None
return None
def delete(self):
"""Remove the session from the storage file. File manipulation is
done the same way as in save()."""
reader_file = open(self.file_path, 'rb')
reader = csv.DictReader(reader_file,
fieldnames=['session_id', 'data', 'expires', 'ip_address', 'user-agent'])
writer_temp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
writer_temp_file = open(writer_temp, 'w+b')
writer = csv.DictWriter(writer_temp_file,
['session_id', 'data', 'expires', 'ip_address', 'user-agent'])
for line in reader:
if line['session_id'] != self.session_id:
os.rename(writer_temp, self.file_path) # rename the temporary holder to the session file
def delete_expired(file_path):
reader_file = open(file_path, 'rb')
reader = csv.DictReader(reader_file,
fieldnames=['session_id', 'data', 'expires', 'ip_address', 'user-agent'])
writer_temp = tempfile.mkstemp()[1]
writer_temp_file = open(writer_temp, 'w+b')
writer = csv.DictWriter(writer_temp_file,
['session_id', 'data', 'expires', 'ip_address', 'user-agent'])
for line in reader:
if int(line['expires']) > int(time.time()):
os.rename(writer_temp, file_path)
class DirSession(BaseSession):
"""A "directory" based session storage. Every session is stored in a
separate file, so one file represents one session. The files are
named as the session_id plus '.session' suffix. Data is stored in
CSV format. Make sure the directory where the files are stored is
readable and writtable to the Tornado process."""
def __init__(self, dir_path, **kwargs):
super(DirSession, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.dir_path = dir_path
if not kwargs.has_key('session_id'):
def save(self):
"""Save the session to a file. The algorithm first writes to a temp
file created in the sessions directory. When all data is written,
it renames it to the correct name (<session_id>.session)."""
if not self.dirty:
session_file = os.path.join(self.dir_path, self.session_id+'.session')
# write to temp file and then rename
temp_fd, temp_name = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.dir_path)
temp_file = os.fdopen(temp_fd, 'w+b')
writer = csv.writer(temp_file)
os.rename(temp_name, session_file)
self.dirty = False
def load(session_id, directory):
"""Load session from file storage."""
session_file_name = os.path.join(directory, session_id+'.session')
if os.path.isfile(session_file_name):
session_file = open(session_file_name, 'rb')
reader = csv.reader(session_file)
l =
kwargs = DirSession.deserialize(l[1])
return DirSession(directory, **kwargs)
return None
return None
def delete(self):
"""Deletes the session file."""
session_file = os.path.join(self.dir_path, self.session_id+'.session')
if os.path.isfile(session_file):
def delete_expired(dir_path):
assert os.path.isdir(dir_path)
all_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
session_files = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('.session'), all_files)
for s in session_files:
name = os.path.join(dir_path, s)
session_file = open(name, 'rb')
reader = csv.reader(session_file)
data =
if int(data[2]) < int(time.time()):
class MySQLSession(BaseSession):
"""Enables MySQL to act as a session storage engine. It uses Tornado's
MySQL wrapper from
The connection details are specified in the session_storage settings
as string mysql://username:password[@hostname[:port]]/database. It
stores session data in the table tornado_sessions. If hostname or
port aren't specified, localhost:3306 are used as defaults. """
def __init__(self, connection, max_ua_len=756, **kwargs):
super(MySQLSession, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Trim UA if it's over limit
if self.user_agent and len(self.user_agent) > max_ua_len:
self.user_agent = self.user_agent[:max_ua_len]
self.connection = connection
if not kwargs.has_key('session_id'):
def _parse_connection_details(details):
# mysql://username:password[@hostname[:port]]/db
if details.find('@') != -1:
match = re.match('mysql://(\w+):(.*?)@([\w|\.]+)(?::(\d+))?/(\S+)', details)
username =
password =
hostname =
port = or '3306'
database =
host_port = hostname + ':' + port
else: # hostname and port not specified
host_port = 'localhost:3306'
match = re.match('mysql://(\w+):(.*?)/(\S+)', details)
username =
password =
database =
return username, password, host_port, database
def save(self):
"""Store the session data to database. Session is saved only if it
is necessary. If the table 'tornado_sessions' does not exist yet,
create it. It uses MySQL's "non-standard insert ... on duplicate key
"update query."""
if not self.dirty:
if not self.connection.get("""show tables like 'tornado_sessions'"""):
self.connection.execute( # create table if it doesn't exist
"""create table tornado_sessions (
session_id varchar(64) not null primary key,
data longtext,
expires integer,
ip_address varchar(46),
user_agent varchar(768)
self.connection.execute( # MySQL's upsert
"""insert into tornado_sessions
(session_id, data, expires, ip_address, user_agent) values
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
on duplicate key update
session_id=values(session_id), data=values(data), expires=values(expires),
ip_address=values(ip_address), user_agent=values(user_agent);""",
self.session_id, self.serialize(), self._serialize_expires(),
self.ip_address, self.user_agent)
self.dirty = False
def load(session_id, connection):
"""Load the stored session."""
data = connection.get("""
select session_id, data, expires, ip_address, user_agent
from tornado_sessions where session_id = %s;""", session_id)
if data:
kwargs = MySQLSession.deserialize(data['data'])
return MySQLSession(connection, **kwargs)
return None
return None
def delete(self):
"""Remove session data from the database."""
delete from tornado_sessions where session_id = %s;""", self.session_id)
def delete_expired(connection):
delete from tornado_sessions where expires < %s;""", int(time.time()))
import redis
class RedisSession(BaseSession):
"""Class handling session storing in Redis.
It uses default Redis settings for host and port, without
authentication. The session_id is used as a key to a string
value holding the session details. The value has a format of
The save() and delete() methods both trigger BGSAVE. Be sure
you're aware of possible limitations (saving is not guaranteed
in the unfortunate case of a failure between the call to BGSAVE
and actual writing data to HDD by Redis)."""
def __init__(self, connection, **kwargs):
super(RedisSession, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.connection = connection
if not kwargs.has_key('session_id'):
def _parse_connection_details(details):
# redis://[auth@][host[:port]][/db]
match = re.match('redis://(?:(\S+)@)?([^\s:/]+)?(?::(\d+))?(?:/(\d+))?$', details)
password, host, port, db = match.groups()
return password, host, int(port), db
def _serialize_expires(self):
""" Determines what value of expires is stored to DB during save()."""
if self.expires is None:
return '-1'
return str(int(time.mktime(self.expires.timetuple())))
def save(self):
"""Save the current sesssion to Redis. The session_id
acts as a key. The value is constructed of colon separated values
serialized_data, expires, ip_address and user_agent. This
function calls BGSAVE on Redis, so it may terminate before
the data is actually updated on the HDD."""
if not self.dirty:
value = ':'.join((self.serialize(),
self.connection.set(self.session_id, value)
except redis.ResponseError:
self.dirty = False
def load(session_id, connection):
"""Load the stored session."""
if connection.exists(session_id) == 1:
data = connection.get(session_id)
kwargs = RedisSession.deserialize(data.split(':', 1)[0])
return RedisSession(connection, **kwargs)
return None
return None
def delete(self):
"""Delete the session key-value from Redis. As save(),
delete() too calls BGSAVE."""
except redis.ResponseError:
def delete_expired(connection):
t = int(time.time())
for key in connection.keys('*'):
value = connection.get(key)
expires = value.split(':', 2)[1]
if int(expires) < t:
except ImportError:
import pymongo
class MongoDBSession(BaseSession):
"""Class implementing the MongoDB based session storage.
All sessions are stored in a collection "tornado_sessions" in the db
you specify in the session_storage setting.
The session document structure is following:
'session_id': session ID
'data': serialized session object
'expires': a timestamp of when the session expires, in sec since epoch
'user_agent': self-explanatory
An index on session_id is created automatically, on application's init.
The end_request() is called after every operation (save, load, delete),
to return the connection back to the pool.
def __init__(self, db, **kwargs):
super(MongoDBSession, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.db = db # an instance of pymongo.collection.Collection
if not kwargs.has_key('session_id'):
def _parse_connection_details(details):
# mongodb://[host[:port]]/db
if details[10] != '/':
# host and port specified
match = re.match('mongodb://([\S|\.]+?)?(?::(\d+))?/(\S+)', details)
host =
port = int(
database =
# default host and port
host = 'localhost'
port = 27017
match = re.match('mongodb:///(\S+)', details)
database =
return host, port, database
def save(self):
"""Upsert a document to the tornado_sessions collection.
The document's structure is like so:
{'session_id': self.session_id,
'data': self.serialize(),
'expires': self._serialize_expires(),
'user_agent': self.user_agent}
# upsert
{'session_id': self.session_id}, # equality criteria
{'session_id': self.session_id,
'data': self.serialize(),
'expires': self._serialize_expires(),
'user_agent': self.user_agent}, # new document
def load(session_id, db):
"""Load session from the storage."""
data = db.find_one({'session_id': session_id})
if data:
kwargs = MongoDBSession.deserialize(data['data'])
return MongoDBSession(db, **kwargs)
return None
return None
def delete(self):
"""Remove session from the storage."""
self.db.remove({'session_id': self.session_id})
def delete_expired(db):
db.remove({'expires': {'$lte': int(time.time())}})
except ImportError:
import pylibmc
class MemcachedSession(BaseSession):
"""Class responsible for Memcached stored sessions. It uses the
pylibmc library because it's fast. It communicates with the
memcached server through the binary protocol and uses async
I/O (no_block set to 1) to speed things up even more.
Session ID is used as a key. The value consists of colon
separated values of serializes session object, expiry timestamp,
IP address and User-Agent.
Values are stored with timeout set to the difference between
saving time and expiry time in seconds. Therefore, no
old sessions will be held in Memcached memory."""
def __init__(self, connection, **kwargs):
super(MemcachedSession, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.connection = connection
if not kwargs.has_key('session_id'):
def _parse_connection_details(details):
if len(details) > 12:
return re.sub('\s+', '', details[12:]).split(',')
return ['']
def _serialize_expires(self):
""" Determines what value of expires is stored to DB during save()."""
if self.expires is None:
return '-1'
return str(int(time.mktime(self.expires.timetuple())))
def save(self):
"""Write the session to Memcached. Session ID is used as
key, value is constructed as colon separated values of
serialized session, session expiry timestamp, ip address
and User-Agent.
The value is not stored indefinitely. It's expiration time
in seconds is calculated as the difference between the saving
time and session expiry."""
if not self.dirty:
value = ':'.join((self.serialize(),
# count how long should it last and then add or rewrite
if self.expires is None:
# set expiry 30 days, max for memcache
self.connection.set(self.session_id, value, time=timedelta.max.seconds * 30)
live_sec = self.expires - datetime.datetime.utcnow()
self.connection.set(self.session_id, value, time=live_sec.seconds)
self.dirty = False
def load(session_id, connection):
"""Load the session from storage."""
value = connection.get(session_id)
if value:
data = value.split(':', 1)[0]
kwargs = MemcachedSession.deserialize(data)
return MemcachedSession(connection, **kwargs)
return None
return None
def delete(self):
"""Delete the session from storage."""
def delete_expired(connection):
"""With Memcached as session storage, this function does
not make sense as all keys are saved with expiry time
exactly the same as the session's. Hence Memcached takse
care of cleaning out the garbage."""
raise NotImplementedError
except ImportError:
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