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Created August 12, 2017 18:01
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generate linux amd64 syscall
package main
import (
const templateGoFunc = `func {{.Name -}}
({{range $i, $e := .Params -}}
{{with $e}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}{{.Name}} {{.Type}}{{end}}
{{- end}}){{if .Results | len | lt 1}} (
{{- range $i, $e := .Results -}}
{{with $e}}{{if $i}}, {{end}}{{if .Name | len}}{{.Name}} {{end}}{{.Type}}{{end}}
{{- end}})
{{- else if .Results | len | eq 1 -}}
{{with index .Results 0}}{{if .Name | len}} ({{.Name}} {{.Type}}){{else}} {{.Type}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{- end}}`
const templateLinuxAMD64 = `// generated by gensyscall.go
#include "textflag.h"
{{range .Funcs -}}
// {{template "gofunc" .}}
TEXT ·{{.Name}}(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-{{.FrameSize}}
{{- if .Blocking}}
CALL runtime·entersyscall(SB)
{{- end -}}
{{range $i, $e := .Params -}}
{{with $e}}
MOV{{.Size | SizeToChar}} {{.Name}}+{{.Offset}}(FP), {{$i | ArgToReg}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
MOVQ ${{.Trap}}, AX
{{- range $i, $e := .Results -}}
{{with $e}}
MOV{{.Size | SizeToChar}} {{$i | ResToReg}}, {{.Label}}+{{.Offset}}(FP){{end}}
{{- end}}{{- if .Blocking}}
CALL runtime·exitsyscall(SB)
{{- end}}
var sizes = map[string]int{
"int": 8,
"uint": 8,
"int8": 1,
"uint8": 1,
"int16": 2,
"uint16": 2,
"int32": 4,
"uint32": 4,
"int64": 8,
"uint64": 8,
"uintptr": 8,
"byte": 1,
"bool": 1,
"unsafe.Pointer": 8,
"syscall.Handle": 8,
func sizeof(typ string) int {
if typ[0] == '*' {
return 8
return sizes[typ]
var systraps = map[string]int{}
func fucksystraps() {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_64.h")
if err != nil {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`#define\s+__NR_([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+(\d+)`)
for _, submatch := range re.FindAllSubmatch(data, -1) {
systraps[string(submatch[1])], _ = strconv.Atoi(string(submatch[2]))
var isblocking = map[string]bool{}
const stackalign = 8
type fielddecl struct {
Name string
Type string
Offset int
Size int
Label string
type funcdecl struct {
Name string
Blocking bool
Trap int
FrameSize int
Params []*fielddecl
Results []*fielddecl
func align(n, a int) int {
return (n + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
func (fn *funcdecl) preprocess() {
if len(fn.Results) > 2 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("surprise motherfucker: %d", len(fn.Results)))
fn.Blocking = isblocking[fn.Name]
var ok bool
fn.Trap, ok = systraps[fn.Name]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("surprise motherfucker: %s", fn.Name))
size := 0
for i := range fn.Params {
param := fn.Params[i]
n := sizeof(param.Type)
if n == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("surprise motherfucker: %s", param.Type))
size = align(size, n)
param.Offset = size
param.Size = n
size += n
size = align(size, stackalign)
for i := range fn.Results {
result := fn.Results[i]
n := sizeof(result.Type)
if n == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("surprise motherfucker: %s", result.Type))
size = align(size, n)
if result.Name != "" {
result.Label = result.Name
} else if i == 0 {
result.Label = "ret"
} else {
result.Label = "ret" + strconv.Itoa(i)
result.Offset = size
result.Size = n
size += n
fn.FrameSize = size
func appendExpr(buf []byte, expr ast.Expr) []byte {
switch typ := expr.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
buf = append(buf, typ.Name...)
case *ast.BasicLit:
buf = append(buf, typ.Value...)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
buf = append(append(appendExpr(buf, typ.X), '.'), typ.Sel.Name...)
case *ast.ArrayType:
buf = append(buf, '[')
if typ.Len != nil {
buf = appendExpr(buf, typ.Len)
buf = appendExpr(append(buf, ']'), typ.Elt)
case *ast.StarExpr:
buf = appendExpr(append(buf, '*'), typ.X)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("surprise motherfucker: %#+v", expr))
return buf
func parseFields(list *ast.FieldList) []*fielddecl {
if list == nil {
return nil
buf := make([]byte, 0, 64)
var fields []*fielddecl
for _, field := range list.List {
buf = appendExpr(buf[:0], field.Type)
typ := string(buf)
if field.Names == nil {
fields = append(fields, &fielddecl{Name: "", Type: typ})
} else {
for _, name := range field.Names {
fields = append(fields, &fielddecl{Name: name.Name, Type: typ})
return fields
func parseDecl(file string) ([]*funcdecl, error) {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
astf, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, file, nil, parser.DeclarationErrors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var decls []*funcdecl
for _, decl := range astf.Decls {
fd, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok {
decl := &funcdecl{
Name: fd.Name.Name,
Params: parseFields(fd.Type.Params),
Results: parseFields(fd.Type.Results),
decls = append(decls, decl)
return decls, nil
var (
argtoreg = [...]string{
"DI", "SI", "DX", "R10", "R8", "R9",
restoreg = [...]string{
"AX", "DX",
sizetochar = map[int]string{
1: "B",
2: "W",
4: "L",
8: "Q",
type sourceData struct {
GOFILE string
GOOS string
GOARCH string
Funcs []*funcdecl
func main() {
var (
blocking string
traps string
data sourceData
flag.StringVar(&blocking, "blocking", "", "blocking functions")
flag.StringVar(&traps, "traps", "", "custom syscall trap")
flag.StringVar(&data.GOFILE, "gofile", os.Getenv("GOFILE"), "GOFILE")
flag.StringVar(&data.GOPACKAGE, "gopackage", os.Getenv("GOPACKAGE"), "GOPACKAGE")
flag.StringVar(&data.GOOS, "goos", os.Getenv("GOOS"), "GOOS")
flag.StringVar(&data.GOARCH, "goarch", os.Getenv("GOARCH"), "GOARCH")
if data.GOFILE == "" || data.GOPACKAGE == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("missing GOFILE/GOPACKAGE"))
if data.GOOS != "linux" || data.GOARCH != "amd64" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupport platform: %s/%s", data.GOOS, data.GOARCH))
for _, s := range strings.Split(blocking, ",") {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if s == "" {
isblocking[s] = true
for _, s := range strings.Split(traps, ",") {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if s == "" {
pair := strings.SplitN(s, ":", 2)
if len(pair) != 2 || pair[0] == "" {
trap, ok := systraps[pair[1]]
if !ok {
var err error
trap, err = strconv.Atoi(pair[1])
if err != nil {
systraps[pair[0]] = trap
var err error
data.Funcs, err = parseDecl(data.GOFILE)
if err != nil {
tpl := template.New("gensyscall")
"ArgToReg": func(args ...interface{}) string {
return argtoreg[args[0].(int)]
"ResToReg": func(args ...interface{}) string {
return restoreg[args[0].(int)]
"SizeToChar": func(args ...interface{}) string {
return sizetochar[args[0].(int)]
outputfile := "syscall_" + data.GOOS + "_" + data.GOARCH + ".s"
f, err := os.Create(outputfile)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
err = tpl.ExecuteTemplate(f, "genasm", &data)
if err != nil {
err = exec.Command("go", "vet").Run()
if err != nil {
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