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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Quiz 2 INEL 4301
function y = HL(x)
x2 = x(x >= -60 & x <= 60);
y(find(x >= -60 & x <= 60))= exp(-1i *((2*pi)/30 * x2));
y(find(x > 60 | x < -60)) = 0;
%INEL 4095 - Signals and Systems
%Ideal Low-pass filter versus RC-filter
%Prof. Domingo Rodriguez - Spring 2012
close all;
%PARAMETER SETTINGS**************************************
Fs=1000; %Sampling Frequency
Ts=1/Fs; %Sampling Period or Sampling Time
N=300; %Length of each discrete signal or vector
V=N*Ts; %Time duration (in seconds) for each signal
fm=60; %Cuttoff frequency
Wn=2*fm/Fs; %Normalized frequency
M=300; %Length of the impulse response signal
R=10000; %Value of Resistor
C=1/(2*pi*fm*R); %Value of Capacitor
a=1/(R*C); %Time Constant Parameter
h0=a; %Initial Condition Parameter
t=0:Ts:V-Ts; %General time axis
th=0:Ts:M*Ts-Ts; %Time axis for plotting impulse response signal
f=-Fs/2:Fs/M:Fs/2-Fs/M; %Frequency axis
hRC=h0*exp(-a*th); %RC-Filter impulse response function
hmax=max(hRC); %Maximum value of impulse response function
hRC=(hRC/hmax); %Normalized impulse response function
fhRC=fft(hRC); %Fourier Transform of impulse response function
sfhRC=fftshift(fhRC); %Frequency shift for two sided spectrum plot
asfhRC=abs(sfhRC); %Absolute value calculation
Hmax=max(asfhRC); %Maximum value of frequency response function
asfhRC=(asfhRC/Hmax); %Normilized frequency response function
Wn=(2*fm)/Fs; %Normilized cut-off frequency for ideal filter
h=fir1(N-1,Wn); %Impulse response function of ideal filter
fh=fft(h); %Fourier transform of impulse response function
sfh=fftshift(fh); %Frequency shift for two sided spectrum plot
msfh=abs(sfh); %Absolute value calculation
plot(f,asfhRC,f,msfh,'r') %Plots of RC and Ideal filters
xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
title('HL(f) and HRC(f)') %Title of plot
% Quiz
% HL = exp(-1i *((2*pi)/30 * f));
% mHL = abs(HL);
% aHL = angle(HL);
% plot(f, mHL)
% grid
% xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
% ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
% title('HL(f)') %Title of plot
% figure
% plot(f, aHL)
% grid
% xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
% ylabel('Phase') %Vertical axis
% title('HL(f)') %Title of plot
%%%%%%%%%%%% Exercise A
% Fs = 480;
% N = 100;
% Ts = 1/Fs;
% V = N*Ts;
% t=0:Ts:V-Ts;
% finc = Fs/N
% f = -Fs/2:finc:Fs/2-finc;
plot(f, abs(HL(f)))
xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
title('HL(f)') %Title of plot
plot(f, angle(HL(f)))
xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
ylabel('Phase') %Vertical axis
title('HL(f)') %Title of plot
%%%%%%%%%%%% Exercise B
hl = ifft(HL(f));
%hl = 120*sinc(120*(t-1/30));
plot(t, hl)
xlabel('Time in s') %Horizontal axis
ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
title('hl(t)') %Title of plot
plot(t, angle(hl))
xlabel('Time in s') %Horizontal axis
ylabel('Phase') %Vertical axis
title('hl(t)') %Title of plot
%%%%%%%%%%%% Exercise C
x = cos(2*pi*30*t) + cos(2*pi*45*t) + cos(2*pi*120*t);
% x = cos(2*pi*30*t) + cos(2*pi*30*t);
y = conv(x, hl, 'same');
%y = 2*cos(2*pi*30*t)* HL(30)+ 2*cos(2*pi*45*t)*HL(45) + 2*cos(2*pi*120*t)*HL(120);
% y = cos(2*pi*120*t)*HL(120);
plot(t, y)
xlabel('Time in s') %Horizontal axis
ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
title('y(t)') %Title of plot
Y = fft(y);
plot(f, abs(Y))
xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
title('Y(f)') %Title of plot
% fh = -100:100-1;
% plot(fh, abs(HL(fh)))
% grid
% xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
% ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
% title('HL(f)') %Title of plot
% figure
% plot(fh, angle(HL(fh)))
% grid
% xlabel('Frequency in Hz.') %Horizontal axis
% ylabel('Phase') %Vertical axis
% title('HL(f)') %Title of plot
% % Inverse
% hl = ifft(Hl);
% plot(fh, abs(hl))
% grid
% xlabel('Time in s') %Horizontal axis
% ylabel('Magnitude') %Vertical axis
% title('hl(t)') %Title of plot
% figure
% plot(fh, angle(hl))
% grid
% xlabel('Time in s') %Horizontal axis
% ylabel('Phase') %Vertical axis
% title('hl(t)') %Title of plot
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