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Created August 12, 2012 12:53
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  • Save vjk2005/3331714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vjk2005/3331714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Load any number of pages via AJAX.
Fetch any number of pages via AJAX for infinite scroll-like functionality.
First visit the site you want and put this into your browser console.
0. Determing page structure (where in the url should the page numbers need to be plugged in) from pages where the url doesn't have page structure yet (eg: homepage)
1. User can customize by passing arguments to the "get" function
2. resume a broken DeepLoad. Find if DOM has been modified by a previous DeepLoad run and start resuming from where the previous run left off
3. remove jquery dependency
4. convert it into a bookmarklet
5. make a youtube video tutorial and spread word about DeepLoad around
var s = document.createElement( 'script' );
s.src = '';
document.body.appendChild( s ); // load jQuery
targets = []
, url = window.location.toString()
, m = url.match( /\d+/g )
, start = m[ m.length - 1 ]
, x = 1 + +start // "40" becomes 1 + 40 = 41. string conv + 1 basically
, n = url.replace( start, x ) // next url
, g = $( 'a[href*="' + x + '"]' );
for( i=0; i < g.length; i++ ) {
if( g[i].href.toString().indexOf( n ) != -1 ) {
targets.push( Math.max.apply( Math, $( g[i] ).parent().text().match( /(\d+)/g ) || $( g[i] ).parent().parent().text().match( /(\d+)/g ) ) );
var target = Math.max.apply( Math, targets );
function get( id ) {
console.log( 'fetching ' + id );
$.get( url.replace( start, id ), function( data ) {
$( 'body' ).append( data )
if( id <= target ) get( id );
get( x );
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vjk2005 commented Aug 12, 2012

While ditching jQuery and going native JS is an obvious way to optimize and improve this script, other tips are also welcome.

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