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Last active February 28, 2017 20:13
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Hope it's not too late, here is some advices :
Launch your app at the end of the week ( thursday afternoon is usually a good time ) why so ? well, no companies would like to publish an app only 1.5 day before the week end -> too dangerous ( in case there is a problem that needs a quick reaction time )
Use proguard on your app ( usually, you just have to add this line : proguard.config=proguard.cfg in the file) this will optimize, shrink and obfuscate your code, very useful for preventing from code thieves. You don't have to delete any comments, there are automatically deleted at compile time
Optimize your images ( using Paint.NET, PNGCrush or OptiPNG )
Optimize your layouts for most of screen sizes. You can doing this by simply changing the screen size while editing a layout in AndroidStudio or eclipse
Try/Catch all exceptions on the UI and display a simple toast wich indicate to the user that something wrong happened. In the meantime, retrieve the error with the help the ACRA of Crashlytics
Don't use too much .jar libraries, prefer library projects ( optimize the code size ) and add them using gradle
Don't use the Android preferences windows -> that's not really beautiful, even if it's in the Android guidelines, prefer making your own settings page
Never show the title of your app (this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);), and consider using the fullscreen mode (this.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);)
Use either Flurry or Google analytics for future analytics -< try to get as much informations as possible, but don't grab anything that violate the anonymous state of the customer. Don't forget to retrieve exceptions that happens on the user side
Ask your friends to do monkey tests, learning from users usually brings many good things
Consider publishing your app before having finished all features, you don't already know what your users will want to have in the app
Add a section "More apps" in your app, that's free ads
Add a section "send feedback" which let the user ask for feature or specify some bugs
Ask your users to translate your app by providing the strings.xml somewhere on the web like Crowdin
Try your app on each android version with the emulator -> many bugs appear at that moment. In the same time, don't use the provided emulator, use Genymotion instead
Think about the name of the app -> what keywords would you use to search for your app ? these keywords should be the name of your app (Google will help you get discovered this way)
Consider including keywords in the app description, but in a hidden way (make understandable sentences using your keywords)
Be the first to rate your app with 5 stars, and ask your family and friends to do the same -> this influences the future users ratings
Consider using Google to translate your app either for the description, either for the strings.xml or both
Consider adding an advertising feature in your app such as AdMob
Instead of providing a paid version, consider doing in-app billing -> user are more likely to pay in-app rather than paying for a paid version
Add a change log in the app -> users like to see what changes since the last version
Add a Thanks section for the users that helped you -> this will influence the users to help you
Add a "If you like this app, please rate it" link ( to your Android Market's description ) in your app -> you will get more 5 stars
Consider including a "Tips" or "instructions" section in your app
Save your keystore and credentials informations somewhere safe. You won't be able to publish an update for your app if you lost your keystore
Make your icon really simple and clear. The icon is the first and also mainly the last thing that will make the user download your app
Unless it's not possible, Prefer external installation (android:installLocation="preferExternal" in the AndroidManifest.xml)
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