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Last active June 6, 2019 18:28
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Merging domain events
public sealed class Messages
private readonly IServiceProvider _provider;
public Messages(IServiceProvider provider)
_provider = provider;
public void Dispatch(IDomainEvent domainEvent)
Type type = typeof(IDomainEventHandler<>);
Type[] typeArgs = { domainEvent.GetType() };
Type handlerType = type.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
dynamic handler = _provider.GetService(handlerType);
public class Order
public void Cancel()
/* ... */
AddDomainEvent(new OrderCanceledEvent(Id));
public class OrderCanceledEvent : IDomainEvent
public int OrderId { get; }
public OrderCanceledEvent(int orderId)
OrderId = orderId;
public class OrderCanceledEventHandler : IDomainEventHandler<OrderCanceledEvent>
private readonly MessageBusGateway _gateway;
public OrderCanceledEventHandler(MessageBusGateway gateway)
_gateway = gateway;
public void Handle(OrderCanceledEvent domainEvent)
public class Customer
public void Deactivate()
foreach (Order order in Orders)
AddDomainEvent(new CustomerDeactivatedEvent(Id));
public class CustomerDeactivatedEventHandler : IDomainEventHandler<CustomerDeactivatedEvent>
public void Handle(CustomerDeactivatedEvent domainEvent)
public class Order
public void Cancel(bool generateEvent)
/* ... */
if (generateEvent)
AddDomainEvent(new OrderCanceledEvent(Id));
public abstract class DomainEvent
protected virtual Type SupersetFor => null;
public bool IsSupersetFor(DomainEvent domainEvent)
return domainEvent.GetType() == SupersetFor;
public class CustomerDeactivatedEvent : DomainEvent
protected override Type SupersetFor => typeof(OrderCanceledEvent);
public abstract class AggregateRoot
private readonly List<DomainEvent> _domainEvents = new List<DomainEvent>();
public IReadOnlyList<DomainEvent> DomainEvents => _domainEvents;
protected virtual void AddDomainEvent(DomainEvent newEvent)
if (_domainEvents.Any(existing => existing.IsSupersetFor(newEvent)))
internal class EventDispatcher :
public void OnPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent ev)
DispatchEvents(ev.Entity as AggregateRoot);
public void OnPostDelete(PostDeleteEvent ev)
DispatchEvents(ev.Entity as AggregateRoot);
public void OnPostInsert(PostInsertEvent ev)
DispatchEvents(ev.Entity as AggregateRoot);
public void OnPostUpdateCollection(PostCollectionUpdateEvent ev)
DispatchEvents(ev.AffectedOwnerOrNull as AggregateRoot);
private void DispatchEvents(AggregateRoot aggregateRoot)
if (aggregateRoot == null)
// New functionality
IDomainEvent[] reduced = EventReducer.ReduceEvents(aggregateRoot.DomainEvents);
foreach (IDomainEvent domainEvent in reduced)
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