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Created November 15, 2009 18:59
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# playCopy 0.8 (python script)
# Copyright 2009 Vladimir Kolev <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Special thanks to Umang <> for the changes in the script.
# See section 4. in INSTALL file for the changes
import os
import commands
# python-dbus used for getting the information from Audaicous
import dbus
# Set show_not to 0 to disable the notifications
show_not = 1
def cur_song():
"""Attempts to find the name of the song playing by checking which music player is running and retreiving the song name from the application.
Players currently supported: Rhythmbox, mocp, Exaile, Banshee, Audacious"""
if "banshee" in os.popen('ps -A | grep banshee').readline():
# Get the banshee artist and title and replace the unneccessery tiles from the string
artist = os.popen('banshee --query-artist').readline().replace('artist: ', '').replace('\n', '')
title = os.popen('banshee --query-title').readline().replace('title: ', '').replace('\n', '')
song = "%s - %s" % (artist, title)
elif "exaile" in os.popen('ps -A | grep exaile').readline():
# Get the exaile artist and title and replace the unneccessery tiles from the string
artist = os.popen('exaile --get-artist').readline().replace('artist: ', '').replace('\n', '')
title = os.popen('exaile --get-title').readline().replace('title: ', '').replace('\n', '')
song = "%s - %s" % (artist, title)
elif "rhythmbox" in os.popen('ps -A | grep rhythmbox').readline():
# Get the rhythmbox current playing information and set it to artist
song = os.popen('rhythmbox-client --print-playing').readline().replace('\n', '')
elif "mocp" in os.popen('ps -A | grep moc').readline():
# Get the information from mocp
info = commands.getoutput("mocp --info").splitlines()
if info == ["State: STOP"]:
#If mocp is stopped, then change the artist to Nothing to show
song = "moc is stopeed"
# If there is a song information split it and formatid for the final string
artist = info[3].replace('Artist:', '')
title = info[4].replace('SongTitle:', '')
song = "%s - %s" % (artist, title)
elif "audacious" in os.popen('ps -A | grep audacious').readline():
# initialise the dbus
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
# create two proxies
# proxy_obj1 gets integer for the current playing track in the playlist
proxy_obj1 = session_bus.get_object('org.mpris.audacious', '/TrackList')
selecter = dbus.Interface(proxy_obj1, 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer')
# store the integer for the playing track so to be sended to proxy_obj2
ct = selecter.GetCurrentTrack()
# proxy_obj2 retrieves the title of the current playing track
proxy_obj2 = session_bus.get_object('org.mpris.audacious', '/org/atheme/audacious')
player = dbus.Interface(proxy_obj2, 'org.atheme.audacious')
# Store the title in the song variable
song = player.SongTitle(ct)
elif "listen" in os.popen('ps -A | grep listen').readline():
# Get the current song from the commandline interface
info = commands.getoutput("listen -c")
if info == ["No song playing"]:
# If No song playing create song variable with "Listen player is paused"
song = "Listen player is not playing"
# if Listen is playing then create the song variable with the information:
song = info.replace("\n", "")
elif "quodli" in os.popen('ps -A | grep quodli').readline():
# Get the current playing song from the command line
info = os.popen('quodlibet --print-playing').readline()
song = info.replace('\n', '')
elif "bluemindo" in os.popen('ps -A | grep bluemin').readline():
# Get the current playing song from the command line
info = os.popen('bluemindo --current').readline()
song = info.replace('\n', '')
if show_not == 1:
import pynotify
ne = pynotify.Notification("playCopy", "\nNo supported player running", "error")
return song
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pygtk
import gtk
os.popen('xsel -c')
# Define the clipboard
clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get()
# Get the song name from cur_song(), copy the string to the clipboard and store it
if show_not == 1:
import pynotify
if pynotify.init("playCopy"):
n = pynotify.Notification("playCopy", "\n%s" % clipboard.wait_for_text(), "audio-volume-medium")
print "You don't have pynotify installed!"
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