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Created May 7, 2021 20:59
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# PATH: /usr/local/bin
# DESC: Written for AU Q&A:
# DATE: Apr 27, 2018. Modified May 6, 2018.
# UPDT: May 02 2018 - Display selected parition and get confirmation.
# May 06 2018 - Revise `do-release-upgrade -d` instructions.
# Correct listing of files in empty target partition.
# Aug 09 2018 - Add --inplace parameter to `rsync`
# Comment out disabling `/etc/cron.d` on clone target.
# Users may uncomment and/or revise to their needs.
# $TERM variable may be missing when called via desktop shortcut
CurrentTERM=$(env | grep TERM)
if [[ $CurrentTERM == "" ]] ; then
notify-send --urgency=critical \
"$0 cannot be run from GUI without TERM environment variable."
exit 1
# Must run as root
if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "Usage: sudo $0" ; exit 1 ; fi
# Create unqique temporary file names
tmpPart=$(mktemp /tmp/clone-ubuntu.XXXXX) # Partitions list
tmpMenu=$(mktemp /tmp/clone-ubuntu.XXXXX) # Menu list
tmpInf1=$(mktemp /tmp/clone-ubuntu.XXXXX) # Soucre (Booted) Ubuntu Info
tmpInf2=$(mktemp /tmp/clone-ubuntu.XXXXX) # Target (Cloned) Ubuntu Info
tmpInf3=$(mktemp /tmp/clone-ubuntu.XXXXX) # Work file used by DistInfo ()
# Function Cleanup () Removes temporary files
CleanUp () {
[[ -f "$tmpPart" ]] && rm -f "$tmpPart" # If we created temp files
[[ -f "$tmpMenu" ]] && rm -f "$tmpMenu" # at various program stages
[[ -f "$tmpInf1" ]] && rm -f "$tmpInf1" # then remove them before
[[ -f "$tmpInf2" ]] && rm -f "$tmpInf2" # exiting.
[[ -f "$tmpInf3" ]] && rm -f "$tmpInf3"
if [[ -d "$TargetMnt" ]]; then # Did we create a clone mount?
umount "$TargetMnt" -l # Unmount the clone
rm -d "$TargetMnt" # Remove clone directory
# Function GetUUID () gets UUIDs of source and clone target partitions in menu.
GetUUID () {
SrchLine="$1" # menu line passed to function
UUID_col=0 # start column of UUID in line
lsblk -o NAME,UUID > "$tmpPart" # Get list of UUID's
while read -r UUID_Line; do # Read through UUID list
# Establish UUID position on line
if [[ $UUID_col == 0 ]] ; then # First time will be heading
UUID_col="${UUID_Line%%UUID*}" # Establish column number
UUID_col="${#UUID_col}" # where UUID appears on line
NameLen=$(( UUID_col - 1 )) # Max length of partition name
continue # Skip to read next line
# Check if Passed line name (/dev/sda1, /nvme01np8, etc.) matches.
if [[ "${UUID_Line:0:$NameLen}" == "${SrchLine:0:$NameLen}" ]] ; then
break # exit function
done < "$tmpPart" # Read next line & loop back
# Function DistInfo () builds information about source & target partitions
DistInfo () {
Mount="$1" # Mount name is '/' or $TargetMnt
FileName="$2" # "$tmpInf1" or "$tmpInf2" work file
cat "$Mount"/etc/lsb-release >> "$FileName"
sed -i 's/DISTRIB_//g' "$FileName" # Remove DISTRIB_ prefix.
sed -i 's/=/:=/g' "$FileName" # Change "=" to ":="
sed -i 's/"//g' "$FileName" # Remove " around "Ubuntu 16.04...".
# Align columns from "Xxxx:=Yyyy" to "Xxxx: Yyyy"
cat "$FileName" | column -t -s '=' > "$tmpInf3"
cat "$tmpInf3" > "$FileName"
# Mainline
AllPartsArr=() # All partitions.
# Build whiptail menu tags ($i) and text ($Line) into array
while read -r Line; do
if [[ $DoHeading == true ]] ; then
DoHeading=false # First line is the heading.
MenuText="$Line" # Heading for whiptail.
FSTYPE_col="${#FSTYPE_col}" # Required to ensure `ext4`.
MOUNTPOINT_col="${#MOUNTPOINT_col}" # Required to ensure not mounted.
Line="$Line$SPACES" # Pad extra white space.
Line=${Line:0:74} # Truncate to 74 chars for menu.
if [[ "${Line:MOUNTPOINT_col:4}" == "/ " ]] ; then
GetUUID "$Line"
# Build "/dev/Xxxxx" FS name from "├─Xxxxx" lsblk line
SourceDev="${Line%% *}"
AllPartsArr+=($i "$Line") # Menu array entry = Tag# + Text.
(( i++ ))
done < "$tmpMenu" # Read next "lsblk" line.
# Display whiptail menu in while loop until no errors, or escape,
# or valid partion selection .
while true ; do
# Call whiptail in loop to paint menu and get user selection
Choice=$(whiptail \
--title "Use arrow, page, home & end keys. Tab toggle option" \
--backtitle "Clone 16.04 for upgrade. ONLY CLONES / PARTITION" \
--ok-button "Select unmounted partition" \
--cancel-button "Exit" \
--notags \
--default-item "$DefaultItem" \
--menu "$MenuText" 24 80 16 \
"${AllPartsArr[@]}" \
2>&1 >/dev/tty)
clear # Clear screen.
if [[ $Choice == "" ]]; then # Escape or dialog "Exit".
exit 0;
DefaultItem=$Choice # whiptail start option.
ArrNdx=$(( $Choice * 2 + 1)) # Calculate array offset.
Line="${AllPartsArr[$ArrNdx]}" # Array entry into $Line.
# Validation - Don't wipe out Windows or Ubuntu 16.04:
# - Partition must be ext4 and cannot be mounted.
if [[ "${Line:FSTYPE_col:4}" != "ext4" ]] ; then
echo "Only 'ext4' partitions can be clone targets."
read -p "Press <Enter> to continue"
if [[ "${Line:MOUNTPOINT_col:4}" != " " ]] ; then
echo "A Mounted partition cannot be a clone target."
read -p "Press <Enter> to continue"
GetUUID "$Line" # Get UUID of target partition.
# Build "/dev/Xxxxx" FS name from "├─Xxxxx" menu line
TargetDev="${Line%% *}"
break # Validated: Break menu loop.
done # Loop while errors.
# Mount Clone Target partition
Release=$(lsb_release -rs) # Source version ie: '16.04'
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Mounting clone partition $TargetDev as $TargetMnt"
mkdir -p "$TargetMnt" # '-p' directory may already exist
mount -t auto -v $TargetDev "$TargetMnt" > /dev/null
# Confirm partition is empty. If not empty confirm it's Ubuntu. If not exit.
# If Ubuntu display prompt with the version it contains and get confirmation.
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "PLEASE: Carefully confirm Source (Live) and Target (Clone) partitions"
# Build source information (our current boot partition)
echo "SOURCE (BOOT /)=$SourceDev" > "$tmpInf1"
DistInfo "/" "$tmpInf1" # /etc/lsb_release information
df -h --output=size,used,avail,pcent "$SourceDev" >> "$tmpInf1"
# Build target information (the partition selected for cloning to)
LineCnt=$(ls "$TargetMnt" | wc -l)
if (( LineCnt > 1 )) ; then
# More than /Lost+Found exist so it's not an empty partition.
if [[ -f "$TargetMnt"/etc/lsb-release ]] ; then
echo "TARGET (CLONE)=$TargetDev" > "$tmpInf2"
DistInfo "$TargetMnt" "$tmpInf2" # /etc/lsb_release information
# TO-DO: might be cloning /boot or /home on separate partitions.
# the source partition is still `/` so can display message.
echo "Selected partition has data which is not Ubuntu OS. Aborting."
CleanUp # Remove temporary files
exit 1
echo "Target (Clone) partition appears empty" > "$tmpInf2"
echo "/Lost+Found normal in empty partition" >> "$tmpInf2"
echo "Head of '/Clone/' files & directories:" >> "$tmpInf2"
ls "$TargetMnt" | head -n2 >> "$tmpInf2"
# Target device free bytes
df -h --output=size,used,avail,pcent "$TargetDev" >> "$tmpInf2"
# Display source and target partitions side-by-side using bold text.
echo $(tput bold) # Set to bold text
paste -d '|' "$tmpInf1" "$tmpInf2" | column -t -s '|'
echo $(tput sgr0) # Reset to normal text
echo "NOTE: If you are recloning, new files in clone will be deleted,"
echo " modified files are reset to current source content and,"
echo " files deleted from clone are added back from source."
echo ""
read -p "Type Y (or y) to proceed. Any other key to exit: " -n 1 -r
echo # (optional) move to a new line
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] ; then
CleanUp # Remove temporary files
exit 0
# Copy non-virtual directories to clone. Credit to TikTak's Ask Ubuntu answer:
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Using rsync to clone / to $TargetDev mounted as $TargetMnt"
rsync -haxAX --stats --delete --info=progress2 --info=name0 --inplace \
/* "$TargetMnt" \
# For 16GB on Samsung Pro 960: First time 98 seconds, second time 27 seconds.
echo ""
echo "Time to clone files: $rsyncTime Seconds"
# Change /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades prompt from never to LTS
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Making changes in: $TargetMnt/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"
echo " from Prompt=: never"
echo " to Prompt=: lts"
echo "Allows running 'do-release-upgrade -d' when rebooting clone target"
echo "Consider 'do-release-upgrade -d -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive' This"
echo "allows you to go to bed or go to lunch whilst upgrade runs."
echo ""
echo "* * * When you Upgrade, TURN OFF screen locking for inactivity. * * *"
echo ""
sed -i 's/Prompt=never/Prompt=lts/' "$TargetMnt"/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
## This section commented out to prevent surprises. You may uncomment.
## You may want to revise to include `cron.daily`, `cron.hourly`, etc.
# Move `/etc/cron.d` reboot jobs to `/etc/cron.d/hold` to prevent running
# scripts such as daily backup or Ubuntu 16.04 specific problem fixes.
#echo ""
#echo "====================================================================="
#echo "Moving '$TargetMnt/etc/cron.d' to '.../hold' to prevent running."
#echo "After booting clone, move back individual files you want to run"
#if [[ ! -d "$TargetMnt"/etc/cron.d/hold ]]; then
# mkdir "$TargetMnt"/etc/cron.d/hold
#cp -p "$TargetMnt"/etc/cron.d/* "$TargetMnt"/etc/cron.d/hold/
#rm -fv "$TargetMnt"/etc/cron.d/*
# Update /etc/fstab on clone partition with clone's UUID
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Making changes in: $TargetMnt/etc/fstab"
echo " from UUID: $SourceUUID"
echo " to UUID: $TargetUUID"
sed -i "s/$SourceUUID/$TargetUUID/g" "$TargetMnt"/etc/fstab
# Update /boot/grub/grub.cfg on clone partition with clone's UUID
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Making changes in: $TargetMnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
echo " from UUID: $SourceUUID"
echo " to UUID: $TargetUUID"
echo "Also change 'quiet splash' to 'nosplash' for environmental awareness"
echo "Suggest first time booting clone you make wallpaper unique"
sed -i "s/$SourceUUID/$TargetUUID/g" "$TargetMnt"/boot/grub/grub.cfg
sed -i "s/quiet splash/nosplash/g" "$TargetMnt"/boot/grub/grub.cfg
# Update grub boot menu
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Calling 'update-grub' to create new boot menu"
# Unmount and exit
echo ""
echo "====================================================================="
echo "Unmounting $TargetDev as $TargetMnt"
CleanUp # Remove temporary files
exit 0
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