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Created June 16, 2013 11:47
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Save vkostyukov/5791823 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a benchmark that proves thesis: "there is no advantages of using binary search on linked list".
object BSonLLBenchmark extends App {
class HeavyObject(val n: Int) extends Ordered[HeavyObject] {
def compare(that: HeavyObject): Int = {
var d = 0
for (i <- 1 to 100000000) {
d += (math.abs(math.max(this.n, that.n) / math.min(this.n, that.n)) + 1) / i
if (this.n < that.n) -d
else if (this.n > that.n) d
else 0
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean =
o.isInstanceOf[HeavyObject] && compare(o.asInstanceOf[HeavyObject]) == 0
override def toString: String = "[" + n + "]"
import scala.util.Random
def binarysearch[A <% Ordered[A]](list: List[A], key: A): A = {
def loop(l: List[A], r: List[A]): A =
if (l == r) null.asInstanceOf[A]
else test(l, r, middle(l, r))
def test(l: List[A], r: List[A], m: List[A]): A =
if (key < m.head) loop(l, m)
else if (key > m.head) loop(m.tail, r)
else m.head
def middle(l: List[A], r: List[A]): List[A] = {
def race(t: List[A], h: List[A]): List[A] =
if (h != r && h.tail != r)
race(t.tail, h.tail.tail)
else t
race(l, l.tail)
loop(list, Nil)
def linearsearchCond[A](list: List[A], key: A): A = {
def loop(as: List[A]): A =
if (as.isEmpty) null.asInstanceOf[A]
else if (as.head == key) as.head
else loop(as.tail)
def linearsearchPM[A](list: List[A], key: A): A = {
def loop(as: List[A]): A = as match {
case h :: t =>
if (h == key) h
else loop(t)
case Nil => null.asInstanceOf[A]
def linearsearchIter[A](list: List[A], key: A): A = {
var that: List[A] = list
var r: A = null.asInstanceOf[A]
while (!that.isEmpty && r == null) {
if (that.head == key) r = that.head
that = that.tail
def size = 1000
def generateLongList: List[Long] = {
val rnd: Random = new Random
var r: List[Long] = Nil
for (i <- 1 to size) r = rnd.nextLong :: r
def generateHeavyList: List[HeavyObject] = {
val rnd: Random = new Random
var r: List[HeavyObject] = Nil
for (i <- 1 to size) r = new HeavyObject(rnd.nextInt) :: r
def launch[A](s: String, f: (List[A], A) => A, l: List[A], k: A): Unit = {
// warm up
for (i <- 1 to 10) {
val kk = f(l, k)
println("warming up for: " + kk)
// steady stage
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis()
val kk = f(l, k)
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
// output
println(s + ": " + (t1 - t0) + "ms for " + kk)
def test[A <% Ordered[A]](l: List[A]): Unit = {
// init
val r = new Random
val i = r.nextInt(l.length)
val k = l(i)
println("Searching for " + i + " in " + size)
// launch
launch("linearsearchCond", linearsearchCond[A], l, k)
launch("binarysearch", binarysearch[A], l, k)
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