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Last active April 23, 2020 11:47
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public Mono<ServerResponse> createOrUpdateBulkMapping(ServerRequest serverRequest) {
Flux<RequestObjects> requestFlux = serverRequest.bodyToFlux(RequestObjects.class);
List<RequestObjects> createdList = new ArrayList<>();
List<RequestObjects> updatedList = new ArrayList<>();
return requestFlux.flatMap(entry -> {
Flux<MyObjects> existingMapping = myRepository
.findByIdAndName(entry.getId(), entry.getName());
return -> {
if (optional != null) {
MyObject model = MyObjectMapper.updateModel(entry,
return model;
} else {
MyObject model = MyObjectMapper.convertToModel(entry);
return model;
}).then(ServerResponse.ok().body(Mono.just("Bulk Create/Update is successful").log(), String.class));
//This successfully executes but doesn't save or update any objects in repository
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you cannot do this updatedList.add(entry); or createdList.add(entry);
because, updatedList can take only MyObjects type, but entry is RequestObjects type

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and it will not work because you are breaking the chain.; is outside the chain. you should include it inside your chain. see the solution i have given against you question on stackoverflow and please copy the whole solution and then try to edit after pasting.

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