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Created April 23, 2014 02:29
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Display boards filled with black and white stone in Mathematica
randomPoints[n_] := RandomSample[Block[{nn = Ceiling[Sqrt[n]]},
Flatten[Table[{i, j}, {i, 1, nn}, {j, 1, nn}], 1]], n];
(* n is number of moves = 2 * number of points *)
randomBoard[n_] := Module[
{points = randomPoints[2 n]},
Take[points, n] /. {x_, y_} -> black[x, y],
Take[points, -n] /. {x_, y_} -> white[x, y]
grid[minX_, minY_, maxX_, maxY_] :=
Table[{{minX - 1.5, y}, {maxX + 1.5, y}}, {y, minY - 1.5, maxY + 1.5,
Table[{{x, minY - 1.5}, {x, maxY + 1.5}}, {x, minX - 1.5, maxX + 1.5,
displayBoard[board_] := Module[
{minX = Min[First /@ board], maxX = Max[First /@ board],
minY = Min[#[[2]] & /@ board], maxY = Max[#[[2]] & /@ board], n},
grid[minX, minY, maxX, maxY],
board /. {
black[n__] -> {Black, Disk[{n}, .4]},
white[n__] -> {Thick, Circle[{n}, .4], White, Disk[{n}, .4]}
}}, ImageSize -> Small, Frame -> True]];
displayBoard[board_, points_] := Show[
Map[{Red, Disk[{#[[1]], #[[2]]}, .2]} &,
points /. {black -> List, white -> List}]]]
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