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Created December 4, 2014 20:25
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1989 solution - version #2
package main
import (
// Lookup tables for fast factorial and integer square root
var factLookup, sqrtLookup map[int64]int64
const (
maxFactorial = 20 // Pre-calculate n! up to this
maxSqrt = 100000 // Pre-calculate sqrt[n] up to this
maxSqrt2 = maxSqrt * maxSqrt
func init() {
factLookup = make(map[int64]int64)
sqrtLookup = make(map[int64]int64)
factLookup[0] = 0
var i, fact int64
fact = 2
// We are starting from 3, since 1! = 1 and 2! = 2
for i = 3; i <= maxFactorial; i++ {
fact *= i
factLookup[i] = fact
for i = 1; i <= maxSqrt; i++ {
sqrtLookup[i*i] = i
// fact calculates n! using lookup table, and returns -1 for invalid inputs
func fact(n int64) int64 {
if n < 0 || n > maxFactorial || (n < 3 && n != 0) {
return -1
return factLookup[n]
// sqrt calculates sqrt[n] using lookup table, and returns -1 for invalid inputs
// or non-integer square roots
func sqrt(n int64) int64 {
if n < 2 || n > maxSqrt2 {
return -1
if r, ok := sqrtLookup[n]; ok {
return r
return -1
const InvalidPow = 9223372036854775807 // max int64
// pow returns a^b, if both of them are small enough, or InvalidPow if the result is invalid
// FIXME: Once we support ratios, we should support a^r where r is a ratio, too.
func pow(a, b int64) int64 {
if a == 0 || b <= 0 {
return InvalidPow
} else if a == 0 {
return 0
} else if b == 0 {
return 1
if b > 15 && (a > 15 || a < -15) {
return InvalidPow
if p := math.Pow(float64(a), float64(b)); math.Abs(p) > InvalidPow {
// Overflow
return InvalidPow
} else {
return int64(p)
type Op byte // Operators
const (
OpNull Op = iota
// Binary ops start here
// Unary ops start here
OpFact // factorial
OpSqrt // square root
OpMinus // unary minus
var opNames = map[Op]string{
OpNull: "NULL",
OpAdd: "+",
OpSub: "-",
OpMul: "*",
OpDiv: "/",
OpPow: "^",
OpFact: "!",
OpSqrt: "sqrt",
OpMinus: "-",
type Node struct {
left, right *Node
val int64 // Number stored in this node
// Operation to be perfomed on this node. Require left != nil && right != nil for binary
// and left != nil && right = nil for unary operators.
op Op
// String returns a formula for n, sometimes (always *sigh*) with excessive paranthesis
func (n *Node) String() string {
var left, right string
if n.left != nil {
left = n.left.String()
if n.right != nil {
right = n.right.String()
if left == "" && right == "" {
return strconv.FormatInt(n.val, 10)
} else {
switch n.op {
case OpAdd:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s + (%s)", left, right)
case OpSub:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s - (%s)", left, right)
case OpMul, OpDiv, OpPow:
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) %s (%s)", left, opNames[n.op], right)
case OpFact:
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)!", left)
case OpSqrt, OpMinus:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", opNames[n.op], left)
return "<UNDEFINED>" // Unreachable
func (n *Node) Depth() int64 {
if n.left == nil && n.right == nil {
return 0
depth := n.left.Depth()
if n.right != nil {
if d := n.right.Depth(); d > depth {
depth = d
return depth + 1
func (n *Node) Equal(n1 *Node) bool {
if n.val != n1.val || n.op != n1.op {
return false
if (n.left == nil && n1.left != nil) ||
(n.left != nil && n1.left == nil) ||
(n.left != nil && n1.left != nil && !n.left.Equal(n1.left)) {
return false
if (n.right == nil && n1.right != nil) ||
(n.right != nil && n1.right == nil) ||
(n.right != nil && n1.right != nil && !n.right.Equal(n1.right)) {
return false
return true
// Solution for the formula.
// start and end indicates that we used digits[start:end] for this formula,
// where digits is the original digits string. We cannot use binary operator for s1, s2
// if s1.end != s2.start
type Solution struct {
val int64
start, end int
var NoSolution Solution
func init() {
NoSolution = Solution{val: 0, start: -1, end: -1}
// Global variables are bad for you health
var solutions map[Solution][]*Node // solutions found so far
var maxDepth int64 // If positive, only search for formulas of up to this level. If zero, only stores the first solution.
func init() {
solutions = make(map[Solution][]*Node) // I love go's ability to have a struct as a key
// Add adds a new formula for s, but only if it's unique and has reasonable depth.
// If v == nil, seed solutions with initial digits.
func (s Solution) Add(v *Node) {
if maxDepth == 0 && solutions[s] != nil {
// Do nothing, we only need the first solution
if v == nil {
v = &Node{val: s.val}
if maxDepth != 0 && v.Depth() > maxDepth {
for _, v1 := range solutions[s] {
if v.Equal(v1) {
solutions[s] = append(solutions[s], v)
// Apply an unary operator to this solution, if possible, and add to all solutions
// found so far. Returns a list of solutions that can be received this way,
// including the original (= do nothing).
func (s Solution) Unary(op Op) Solution {
if s.val == 0 {
return s
var s1 Solution
switch op {
case OpMinus:
s1 = Solution{val: -s.val, start: s.start, end: s.end}
case OpFact:
if f := fact(s.val); f != -1 {
s1 = Solution{val: f, start: s.start, end: s.end}
} else {
return NoSolution
case OpSqrt:
if sq := sqrt(s.val); sq != -1 {
s1 = Solution{val: sq, start: s.start, end: s.end}
} else {
return NoSolution
return NoSolution
for _, n := range solutions[s] {
if n.op == OpMinus && op == OpMinus { // Do not apply to unary minus in a row
if n.op == OpPow && op == OpSqrt { // we only want to allow sqrt(sqrt(x^4)), not sqrt(sqrt(x)^4) and all other variations
s1.Add(&Node{op: op, left: n})
return s1
// Apply a binary operator to this two solutions, if possible, and add to all solutions
// found so far. Returns a list of solutions that can be received this way.
func (s1 Solution) Binary(op Op, s2 Solution) Solution {
if s1.end != s2.start {
return NoSolution
var s3 Solution
switch op {
case OpAdd:
s3 = Solution{
val: s1.val + s2.val,
start: s1.start, end: s2.end,
case OpSub:
s3 = Solution{
val: s1.val - s2.val,
start: s1.start, end: s2.end,
case OpMul:
s3 = Solution{
val: s1.val * s2.val,
start: s1.start, end: s2.end,
case OpDiv:
if s2.val == 0 {
return NoSolution
if r := s1.val / s2.val; r*s2.val == s1.val {
s3 = Solution{
val: r,
start: s1.start, end: s2.end,
} else {
return NoSolution
case OpPow:
if p := pow(s1.val, s2.val); p != InvalidPow {
s3 = Solution{
val: p,
start: s1.start, end: s2.end,
} else {
return NoSolution
return NoSolution
for _, n1 := range solutions[s1] {
for _, n2 := range solutions[s2] {
if op == OpMinus && n2.op == OpMinus { // do not generate x - (-y)
op: op,
left: n1,
right: n2,
return s3
// AllUnary generates all possible solutions we can get from s using unary operations,
// including itself (= no operation was applied).
func (s Solution) AllUnary() []Solution {
if s.val == 0 {
return []Solution{s}
result := []Solution{s}
s1 := s.Unary(OpMinus)
if s1 != NoSolution {
result = append(result, s1)
if s.val < 0 {
if s1 == NoSolution {
return result // we don't want to apply fact, sqrt to a negative number
} else {
s = s1
// Factorial - it is never a perfect square
for f := s.Unary(OpFact); f != NoSolution; f = f.Unary(OpFact) {
result = append(result, f)
result = append(result, f.Unary(OpMinus)) // And -s! was added to solution pool at this point
// Square root
for sq := s.Unary(OpSqrt); sq != NoSolution; sq = sq.Unary(OpSqrt) {
result = append(result, sq)
for f := sq.Unary(OpFact); f != NoSolution; f = f.Unary(OpFact) {
result = append(result, f)
return uniq(result)
// AllBinary generates all possible binary solutions for s1 and s2.
func (s1 Solution) AllBinary(s2 Solution) []Solution {
result := []Solution{}
for op := OpAdd; op <= OpPow; op++ {
for _, s3 := range s1.AllUnary() {
for _, s4 := range s2.AllUnary() {
if s5 := s3.Binary(op, s4); s5 != NoSolution {
result = append(result, s5)
return uniq(result)
// MakeAllTernary does what it name implies :)
func MakeAllTernary(s1, s2, s3 Solution) []Solution {
result := []Solution{}
for _, s12 := range s1.AllBinary(s2) {
result = append(result, s12.AllBinary(s3)...)
for _, s23 := range s2.AllBinary(s3) {
result = append(result, s1.AllBinary(s23)...)
return uniq(result)
// MakeAllQuaternary does what it name implies :)
func MakeAllQuaternary(s1, s2, s3, s4 Solution) []Solution {
result := []Solution{}
for _, s123 := range MakeAllTernary(s1, s2, s3) {
result = append(result, s123.AllBinary(s4)...)
for _, s234 := range MakeAllTernary(s2, s3, s4) {
result = append(result, s1.AllBinary(s234)...)
for _, s12 := range s1.AllBinary(s2) {
for _, s34 := range s3.AllBinary(s4) {
result = append(result, s12.AllBinary(s34)...)
return uniq(result)
// uniq returns only unique solutions from the list
func uniq(l []Solution) []Solution {
m := make(map[Solution]bool)
for _, n := range l {
m[n] = true
var result []Solution
for k := range m {
result = append(result, k)
return result
func atos(a string, start, end int) Solution {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(a[start:end])
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Cannot convert %s to number\n", a)
s := Solution{val: int64(n), start: start, end: end}
return s
func atoi(s string) int64 {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Cannot convert %s to number\n", s)
return int64(n)
// SolutionSlice provides sort.Sortable interface for []Solution, ignoring level
type SolutionSlice []Solution
func (p SolutionSlice) Len() int {
return len(p)
func (p SolutionSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p[i].val < p[j].val
func (p SolutionSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]
func sorted(n []Solution) []Solution {
a := SolutionSlice(n)
return ([]Solution)(a)
func generateFormulas(digits string, min, max int64) []Solution {
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(digits); len(digits) != 4 || len(digits) == 0 || err != nil {
log.Fatalf(`Please run me like this: 'digits2 abcd min max', where abcd is a string of 4 digits.
I'll print all formulas for numbers between min and max.
An optional fourth argument defines depth of the search and prints all the solutions.
If missing, it will only find a first solution for each number.`)
n1, n2, n3, n4 := atos(digits, 0, 1), atos(digits, 1, 2), atos(digits, 2, 3), atos(digits, 3, 4)
n12, n23, n34 := atos(digits, 0, 2), atos(digits, 1, 3), atos(digits, 2, 4)
n123, n234 := atos(digits, 0, 3), atos(digits, 1, 4)
n1234 := atos(digits, 0, 4)
formulas := []Solution{}
result := MakeAllQuaternary(n1, n2, n3, n4)
result = append(result, MakeAllTernary(n12, n2, n3)...)
result = append(result, MakeAllTernary(n1, n23, n4)...)
result = append(result, MakeAllTernary(n1, n2, n34)...)
result = append(result, n123.AllBinary(n4)...)
result = append(result, n12.AllBinary(n34)...)
result = append(result, n1.AllBinary(n234)...)
result = append(result, n1234.AllUnary()...)
for _, n := range uniq(result) {
if n.val >= min && n.val <= max {
formulas = append(formulas, n)
return sorted(formulas)
// func main() {
// if len(os.Args) == 2 {
// fmt.Printf("Printing all unary\n")
// for _, f := range atos(os.Args[1]).AllUnary() {
// for _, n := range solutions[f] {
// fmt.Printf("%d\t= [%d] %s\n", f.val, n.Depth(), n)
// }
// }
// } else if len(os.Args) == 3 {
// fmt.Printf("Printing all binary\n")
// for _, f := range atos(os.Args[1]).AllBinary(atos(os.Args[2])) {
// for _, n := range solutions[f] {
// fmt.Printf("%d\t= [%d] %s\n", f.val, n.Depth(), n)
// }
// }
// } else if len(os.Args) == 4 {
// fmt.Printf("Printing all ternarary\n")
// for _, f := range MakeAllTernary(atos(os.Args[1]), atos(os.Args[2]), atos(os.Args[3])) {
// for _, n := range solutions[f] {
// fmt.Printf("%d\t= [%d] %s\n", f.val, n.Depth(), n)
// }
// }
// } else if len(os.Args) == 5 {
// fmt.Printf("Printing all quaternary\n")
// for _, f := range MakeAllQuaternary(atos(os.Args[1]), atos(os.Args[2]), atos(os.Args[3]), atos(os.Args[4])) {
// for _, n := range solutions[f] {
// fmt.Printf("%d\t= [%d] %s\n", f.val, n.Depth(), n)
// }
// }
// }
// }
func main() {
var printAll bool
if len(os.Args) > 4 {
maxDepth = atoi(os.Args[4])
printAll = true
formulas := generateFormulas(os.Args[1], atoi(os.Args[2]), atoi(os.Args[3]))
for _, f := range formulas {
if printAll {
fmt.Printf("---\nAll formulas for number %d up to depth = %d:\n", f.val, maxDepth)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%d\t= ", f.val)
answer := []string{}
for _, n := range solutions[f] {
answer = append(answer, fmt.Sprintf("[%d] %s", n.Depth(), n))
fmt.Printf("%s\n", strings.Join(answer, "\n"))
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