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Last active January 29, 2024 16:06
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Config file for mac-dev-playbook
# Config file to override default-config.yml from
configure_dotfiles: false
configure_terminal: false
configure_osx: false
- aspell
- autoconf
- awscli
- bash
- bash-completion
# boot-clj needed for ff tool
- boot-clj
- brotli
- borkdude/brew/clj-kondo
- clojure-lsp/brew/clojure-lsp-native
- cmake
- coreutils
- curl
- direnv
- emacs-plus@27
- fd
- flock
- gawk
- geckodriver
- gettext
- gh
- git
- gnupg@2.2
- gzip
- htop
- hurl
- ispell
- jd
- jet
- jfrog-cli
- jmeter
- jo
- jq
- json-table
- leiningen
- lnav
- maven
- mas
- most
- openssl
- parallel
- pgcli
- pinentry
- pinentry-mac
- postgresql
- pv
- readline
- redis
- ripgrep
- rlwrap
- shellcheck
- sqlite
- telnet
- terminal-notifier
- wget
- wrk
- yarn
- homebrew/cask-versions
- microsoft/mssql-release
- borkdude/brew
- discoteq/discoteq
- d12frosted/emacs-plus
- azure-data-studio
- chromedriver
- docker
- firefox
- google-chrome
# - iterm2
- mitmproxy
- ngrok
- rectangle
- visual-studio
- { id: 497799835, name: "Xcode" }
- { id: 1333542190, name: "1Password" }
mas_email: ""
vars_prompt: true
- name: mssql-cli
state: present
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