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Last active December 27, 2015 15:09
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Geiser: ?: module mismatch

Suddenly started getting this error when running C-c C-a geiser-mode-switch-to-repl-and-enter from this source file. Came out of nowhere. This worked fine on the same source. I did some changes and stashed them with git stash essentially reverting to a file that ran fine before. Works without a glitch in DrRacket. Reinstalling geiser didn't help. Curiously C-c C-z back into source file and issuing C-c C-a again does enter! the module, but does'n run the body. All definitions available in the REPL.

Aside from doing stuff with git, I also replaced my Racket installation a couple of times.

Updated error message after reinstalling Racket

Why the hell does it try to read /Users/vkz/Library/Racket/planet/300/snapshot/cache/soegaard/sicp.plt/2/1/compiled/info_ss.zo I never ever reference it in my code. Bizarre

After killing the contents of ~/Library/Racket/ I stopped getting the wrong version message but the ?: module mismatch; and the rest is still there.

Welcome to Racket v5.90.0.10.
racket@> ,enter "/Users/vkz/work/skish/syntax.rkt"
/Users/vkz/Library/Racket/planet/300/snapshot/cache/soegaard/sicp.plt/2/1/compiled/info_ss.zo::0: read (compiled): wrong version for compiled code
  compiled version:
  expected version:
   /Applications/Racket/collects/syntax/modcode.rkt:62:2: reader
   /Applications/Racket/collects/syntax/modcode.rkt:212:0: get-module-code48
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/scribble-lib/setup/xref.rkt:23:3: for-loop
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/scribble-lib/setup/xref.rkt:17:0: get-dests
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/scribble-lib/setup/xref.rkt:90:2: force-all
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/scribble-lib/scribble/xref.rkt:67:0: xref-index
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/racket-doc/help/help-utils.rkt:51:0: search-for-exports
   /Applications/Racket/collects/racket/port.rkt:125:0: with-output-to-string
?: module mismatch;
 attempted to use a module that is not available
  possible cause:
   using (dynamic-require .... #f)
   but need (dynamic-require .... 0)
  module: "/Users/vkz/work/skish/syntax.rkt"
  phase: 0
  in: exec-epf
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/macro-debugger-text-lib/macro-debugger/model/trace.rkt:156:2: expand/cte
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/macro-debugger-text-lib/macro-debugger/model/trace.rkt:78:0: expand/events
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/macro-debugger-text-lib/macro-debugger/model/trace.rkt:39:0: trace/result
   /Applications/Racket/share/pkgs/macro-debugger-text-lib/macro-debugger/expand.rkt:22:0: expand/hide
   /Users/vkz/work/skish/syntax.rkt:126:0: show
   /Users/vkz/work/skish/syntax.rkt:132:0: test
   /Users/vkz/work/skish/syntax.rkt: [running body]
   /Users/vkz/.emacs.d/elpa/geiser-20130930.515/scheme/racket/geiser/enter.rkt:35:0: visit-module
   /Users/vkz/.emacs.d/elpa/geiser-20130930.515/scheme/racket/geiser/user.rkt:54:0: enter!
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