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Last active July 24, 2020 10:14
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function singularRootFieldName(queryFields, type) {
return Object.keys(queryFields).find(fieldName => queryFields[fieldName].type === type)
function pluralRootFieldName(queryFields, type) {
const expectedType = `[${type}!]!`
return Object.keys(queryFields).find(fieldName => String(queryFields[fieldName].type) === expectedType)
const query = schema.getType(`Query`)
const queryFields = query.getFields()
const gatsbyNodeTypes = => ({
remoteIdFields: ['__typename', 'id'],
queries: `
query LIST_${pluralRootFieldName(queryFields, type)} { ${pluralRootFieldName(queryFields, type)} }(first: $limit, skip: $offset) }
query NODE_${singularRootFieldName(queryFields, type)} { ${singularRootFieldName(queryFields, type)}(where: $where) }`,
nodeQueryVariables: ({ id }) => ({ where: { id } }),
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