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Last active April 3, 2020 05:02
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Svelte Docs
Svelte Repl
Turing Instructor Walk Through
Svelte Atom Package for Readability

Setup with Svelte Repl

The Svelte Repl is the easiest way to begin

  • Choose a template that works for you
  • Download the svelte file and uncompress it
  • Move the app location to desired directory
  • Cd to the downloaded svelte app and run npm install
  • Run npm run dev to set up the development server

You should now see your app template locally at `localhost:5000`

Writing Svelte

Basically Plain HTML and JavaScript

  • CSS stays scoped to that file in <style></style> tags
  • javascript logic goes between <script></script> tags
  • follow up with basic HTML
  // logic goes here

  /* style goes here */

<!-- markup language goes here -->


  • contains Javascript that runs when a component instance is created
  • Svelte uses the export keyword to mark a variable as a property accessible to the consumers of the component
	export let foo;
	// Values that are passed in as props are immediately available
	console.log({ foo });
  • Svelte allows you to use keywords as prop names
	let className;
	// creates a `class` property, even though it is a reserved word
	export { className as class };

CSS Styling

  • Each tag element <p>, <h1>, <ul> will only be affected by the <style> in that component
  • Note: To apply styles globally use :global(...) modifier, ie: :global(body) { margin: 0 }
   let name = 'Megan';
   let string = 'Hello World!';

   p {
     color: rebeccapurple;
     font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', cursive;
     font-size: 2em;

<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
<p>{name} says {string} </p>

Reactive Assignments

  • To change a components state and trigger a re-render, just assign to a locally declared variable
  • Note: Because Svelte's reactivity is based on assignments, using array methods like .push() and .splice() won't automatically trigger updates. Instead call a function update.
  let adjective = 'cool';
  function makeRadder() {
    adjective = 'tubular';

<h1>Nick is totally {adjective}</h1>
<button on:click = {makeRadder}> Rad </button>
  • $: Marks a statement as Reactive. Any top-level statement can be prefaced with this to make reactive
   export let title;
   // this will update `document.title` whenever the `title` prop changes
   $: document.title = title;

   $: {
     console.log(`multiple statements can be combined`);
     console.log(`the current title is ${title}`);

Embedded HTML Attributes

   let name = 'Charles';
   let string = '<strong>French Fries</strong>';

<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
<p>{name}'s favorite food is {@html string} </p>

Template Syntax

  • A lowercase tag <div> denotes a regular HTML element
  • An uppercase tag <Widget> denotes a component
   import Widget from './Widget.svelte'

   <Widget />
  • Attributes work like their HTML counterparts
<div class='foo'>
   <button disabled> Can't touch this </button>
  • Values mat be unquoted <input type=checkbox>
  • Attribute values can contain Javascript expressions <a href='page/{p}'>page {p}</a>
  • Or thet can be Javascript expressions <button disabled={!clickable}>...</button>

Conditional Rendering

  let sleepy = true;

    bind:checked = {sleepy} >
    I didn't sleep well

{#if sleepy}
  <h1>Just five more minutes...</h1>
{:else} || {:else if !sleepy}
  <h1>Let's start the day!</h1>

Nesting Components

  import Nested from './Nested.svelte'
  import Another from './Another.svelte'

<h1>Here's this component</h1>
<p>...and there's the nested component</p>
<Nested />
<Another />
  • Components stay scoped, so if <Nested /> has styling to be comic sans, it would not make anything else comic sans
  • Automatic Scoping

Creating a Component

const component = new Component(options)

  • A client-side component is a Javascript class.
import App from './App.svelte'

const app = new App({
   target: document.body,
   props: {
      //assuming App.svelte contains something like 'export let answer':
      answer: 42

Initialization Options

  • target - An HTML element to render to. Required.
  • anchor - A child of target to render the component immediately before.
  • props - An object of properties to supply to the component.


  • Handles Routing, Code Splitting, Server-side rendering and more
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