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Created February 16, 2019 21:34
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Maven Build only Changed
import hudson.FilePath
import hudson.model.Hudson
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.rmi.UnexpectedException
return this;
* Dope thing to enhance analysis of inter-module dependencies in Maven and getting info about what was changed
* since last commit in order to enable Build Only Changed functionality
class MavenBOC implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1437352647376250L
String rootPomFile
String slave
String workspace
* Key - name of module
* Value - list of other modules or artifacts
* (denoted by colon, e.g. openshift is module, :openshift_scrips - artifact)
Map<String, List<String>> moduleInterDependencyMap
* Key - name of module
* Value - list of root-level directory names
* This kludge is needed for Sterling projects, where sources live in Foundation directory.
* Such directories can be configured for modules in ci.boc.nonModuleUsed property as comma-separated list
* Only root-level directories supported by this class automation
Map<String, List<String>> nonModuleTriggerList
* List of modules, which have ci.boc.skipCI property set to true. They will be excluded from CI-triggered builds
Set<String> skipCIList
* List of modules, which have ci.boc.skipPR property set to true. They will be excluded from PR-triggered builds
Set<String> skipPRList
* Handy list of profiles. Depedening on profile, inter-dependendy map can be adjusted
List<String> activeProfileList
MavenBOC(String rootPomFile, List<String> activeProfileList, String slave, String workspace) {
this.rootPomFile = rootPomFile
this.slave = slave
this.workspace = workspace
this.activeProfileList = activeProfileList
moduleInterDependencyMap = [:]
nonModuleTriggerList = [:]
skipCIList = []
skipPRList = []
* This method should be executed in the first place in order to run BoC.
* Method flow:
* - Get all modules represented in rootPomFile
* - For each of module, identify its and parent groupIDs and versions
* - For each dependency for in module, analyse, whether there are any
* other modules as dependencies. Module dependency will be taken IF:
* - groupID is among ${project.groupId}, ${project.parent.groupId} or corresponding values
* - version is among ${project.version}, ${project.parent.version} or corresponding values
* - so if groupID is among aforementioned values, but version is RELEASE one, module WON'T BE ADDED
* - Parse ci.boc.* values from <properties>
* - Perform the same for all active profiles
* - Set the resulting map to moduleInterDependencyMap
void initializeDependencyMap() {
def xmlSlurper = new XmlSlurper()
def pomData = xmlSlurper.parseText(fastReadFile(Paths.get(workspace, rootPomFile) as String))
def allModules = ['.'] + pomData.modules?.module?.collect { it as String }
Map<String, String> modulesWithCustomArtifactIdMap = [:]
allModules.each { module ->
def moduleData = xmlSlurper.parseText(fastReadFile(Paths.get(workspace, module as String, 'pom.xml').toString()))
def projectGroupId = moduleData.groupId
def parentGroupId = moduleData.parent.groupId
def projectVersion = moduleData.version
def parentVersion = moduleData.parent.version
def allowedGID = ['${project.groupId}', projectGroupId, parentGroupId, '${project.parent.groupId}']
def allowedVersion = ['${project.version}', projectVersion, parentVersion, '${project.parent.version}']
def condition = { d -> d.groupId in allowedGID && (d.version == null || d.version in allowedVersion) }
parseCIValues(moduleData, module)
List<String> dependencyListForModule = []
def moduleAid = (moduleData.artifactId as String)
if (moduleAid != module) {
def name = (moduleAid in allModules) ? moduleAid : ":${moduleAid}"
dependencyListForModule << name
modulesWithCustomArtifactIdMap.put(module, name)
moduleData.dependencies?.dependency?.findAll(condition)?.each { d ->
def name = (d.artifactId as String)
dependencyListForModule << ((name in allModules) ? name : ":${name}")
moduleData.profiles?.profile?.findAll { p -> ( as String) in activeProfileList }?.each { p ->
parseCIValues(p, module)
p.dependencies?.dependency?.findAll(condition)?.each { d ->
def name = (d.artifactId as String)
dependencyListForModule << ((name in allModules) ? name : ":${name}")
moduleInterDependencyMap.put(module as String, dependencyListForModule)
moduleInterDependencyMap.each { _, v ->
modulesWithCustomArtifactIdMap.each { customK, customV ->
if (v.contains(customV)) {
* Recursive search for dependencies of changed modules for example.
* For each module, method will analyse moduleInterDependencyMap and add its dependencies,
* then for each of added dependencies operation will repeat, until all the dependencies are added:
* size of resulting list equals to all mentioned modules and their dependencies. Check will be executed
* and find any incomplete modules. If none of them added on new iteration, we break it.
* Let's visualise it:
* moduleInterDependencyMap = [A: ['B', 'C'], B: [':x', 'D', 'J'], C: [], D:['I'], J:[]]
* changedModulesList = ['J']
* 1. ['J']
* 2. ['J', 'B', ':x', 'D', 'A'] // add B as it's key in moduleInterDependencyMap and add whole list
* 3. ['J', 'B', ':x', 'D', 'A', 'C', 'I'] // add C as A is key and A is in result and moduleNameList
* // add ['I'] as D is key and B is in result and moduleNameList
* Also, there is a 10^3 limit on dependencies as protection from endless loop.
* @param changedModulesList set of strings of what was changed or wanted to be built
* @return complete set of strings of modules which are subject to build basing on recursive analysis
Set<String> generateFullDependencyList(Set<String> changedModulesList) {
Set<String> result = []
Set<String> moduleNameList = moduleInterDependencyMap.keySet() // understand which modules we have
result.addAll(changedModulesList) // add all SCM-changed modules
changedModulesList.each { result.addAll(moduleInterDependencyMap.get(it)) } // add all siblings for SCM-changes
def i = Math.pow(10, 3)
while (i != 0) {
result.findAll { it in moduleNameList } // for all modules which are not artifacts
.each {
// if the module is the key or contained in list of siblings
// add both key and all the siblings to rebuild
moduleInterDependencyMap.findAll { k, v -> k == it || v.contains(it) }.each { k, v ->
// break check
def incomplete = result.findAll { r ->
r in moduleNameList // for all modules which are not artifacts
}.findAll { r ->
def ll = moduleInterDependencyMap.get(r).toSet() // get all siblings
def check1 = result.intersect(ll).toSet() != ll // if all siblings already in resulting list
// inverse: all the modules dependent on this one are in list
def usedByList = moduleInterDependencyMap.findAll { _, v -> v.contains(r) }.collect { k, _ -> k }
def check2 = true
usedByList.each { z ->
def l2 = moduleInterDependencyMap.get(z).toSet()
check2 = check2 && (result.intersect(l2).toSet() == l2)
check1 || !check2
if (incomplete.size()) { // if there are modules which don't match criteria, we should add them and retry
} else {
break // otherwise break it
if (!i) {
throw new UnexpectedException("Unable to build dependency list")
return result
* Method to understand which modules were changed basing on list of files changed in Git
* Flow:
* - If amongst files we find rootPomFile, we rebuild whole thing. No exceptions
* - Otherwise, we firstly put modules (checking that they are modules by moduleInterDependencyMap.keySet())
* which denoted by same-name directories
* - Finally, we analyse if any root level directories mentioned in any modules ci.boc.nonModuleUsed property
* If it's true, add corresponding module
* @param scmChangedFiles list of files changed by Git
* @return list of modules to build (no inter-module dependency analysis yet)
Set<String> getChangedModulesListBySCMFiles(Set<String> scmChangedFiles) {
Set<String> result = []
// if root pom was changed, rebuild everything
if (scmChangedFiles.contains(rootPomFile)) {
return moduleInterDependencyMap.keySet().toList()
// for each file change of which was traced in SCM
scmChangedFiles.each { directory ->
// if this directory is a module, add as is
if (directory in moduleInterDependencyMap.keySet()) {
result << directory
} else {
// otherwise add all modules that are requiring this directory (ci.boc.nonModuleUsed)
result.addAll(nonModuleTriggerList.findAll { _, v -> v.contains(directory)}.collect { k, _ -> k})
return result
Set<String> excludeModulesForCI(Set<String> currentSelection) {
return excludeModulesWithRelated(currentSelection, skipCIList)
Set<String> excludeModulesForPR(Set<String> currentSelection) {
return excludeModulesWithRelated(currentSelection, skipPRList)
* Flow:
* - Get modules from directories
* - Generate module inter-dependency list
* - Exclude what is not needed for PR
* @param scmChangedModules root-level directories was changed in PR
* @return complete list of modules to build
Set<String> anaylseModulesForPR(Set<String> scmChangedModules) {
return excludeModulesForPR(generateFullDependencyList(getChangedModulesListBySCMFiles(scmChangedModules)))
* Understand what was changed since last commit, using rules:
* - If there is "Merge:" line in commit metadata, compare between those two commits:
* - If there is not "Merge:", compare with latest commit (HEAD~)
* - We do not support rebase properly here
* @param runtime Pipeline runtime to run shell scripts for Git
* @return list of root-level directories and/or pom.xml which where changed
Set<String> analyseSCMChange(runtime) {
String sha = true, script: "git rev-parse HEAD").trim()"git show -s ${sha} > .tmp; cat .tmp | grep Merge: | cut -d ' ' -f2 > ${workspace}/hisTo")"git show -s ${sha} > .tmp; cat .tmp | grep Merge: | cut -d ' ' -f3 > ${workspace}/hisFrom")
String historyTo = fastReadFile("${workspace}/hisTo").trim()
String historyFrom = fastReadFile("${workspace}/hisFrom").trim()
String revisionParameter
if (historyTo && historyFrom) {
// merge case
revisionParameter = "${historyFrom}..${historyTo}"
} else {
// squash & merge case
revisionParameter = "HEAD~"
return (returnStdout: true, script: "git diff --name-only ${revisionParameter} | cut -d / -f1").tokenize('\n').toSet()
* Entry-point for manual/CI builds
* @param runtime Pipeline runtime to print out things
* @param originalModuleList list of selected modules by user (disregarded in case isBoC = true)
* @param isExpert expert mode = no scm analysis no inter-module analysis
* @param isBoC build-only-changed = scm analysis + inter-module analysis
* @param isCI exclude some modules from CI or not
* @return list of modules to build
Set<String> runForRegularBuild(Object runtime,
List<String> originalModuleList,
Boolean isExpert,
Boolean isBoC,
Boolean isCI) {
runtime.println "modules = ${originalModuleList}; expert = ${isExpert}; boc = ${isBoC}; isCI = ${isCI}"
def fullChangedModules = []
if (isExpert) {
runtime.println "Expert mode selected, leaving only selected modules: ${originalModuleList}"
fullChangedModules = originalModuleList
} else {
runtime.println "${toString()}"
def originalChangedModules
if (isBoC) {
def gitDiffResult = analyseSCMChange(runtime)
runtime.println "Root files changed: ${gitDiffResult}"
originalChangedModules = getChangedModulesListBySCMFiles(gitDiffResult)
runtime.println "MODULES changed BoC: ${originalChangedModules}"
} else {
originalChangedModules = originalModuleList
runtime.println "MODULES selected: ${originalChangedModules}"
fullChangedModules = generateFullDependencyList(originalChangedModules.toSet())
runtime.println "MODULES (including sibling dependencies): ${fullChangedModules}"
if (isCI) {
fullChangedModules = excludeModulesForCI(fullChangedModules)
// this condition is needed for cases of single-module projects
if (fullChangedModules.size() == 0) {
return fullChangedModules
private String fastReadFile(String path) {
return (new FilePath(Hudson.instance.getNode(slave).getChannel(), path).readToString() as String)
* This method allows to setup required properties
* nonModuleUsed - list of directories in core, which are required by modules but are not modules
* skipCI - forcibly disable module for CI
* skipPR - forciby disable modules for PR
* @param leaf
* @param module
private void parseCIValues(Object leaf, String module) {
def nonModuleUsedDirectories ='ci.boc.nonModuleUsed' as String
if (nonModuleUsedDirectories.size()) {
nonModuleTriggerList.put(module as String, nonModuleUsedDirectories.tokenize(','))
if ('ci.boc.skipCI' == true) {
skipCIList << (module as String)
if ('ci.boc.skipPR' == true) {
skipPRList << (module as String)
// TODO: likely contains cases when it exclude what actually needed, now protected by -am/-amd options in Maven
private Set<String> excludeModulesWithRelated(Set setToTrim, Set keysToTrim) {
def completeExclusionList = []
moduleInterDependencyMap.findAll { k, _ -> k in keysToTrim }.each { k, v ->
completeExclusionList << k
return (setToTrim - setToTrim.intersect(completeExclusionList as Set) - '.')
String toString() {
return "MavenBOC{" +
"rootPomFile='" + rootPomFile + '\'' +
", slave='" + slave + '\'' +
", workspace='" + workspace + '\'' +
", moduleInterDependencyMap=" + moduleInterDependencyMap +
", nonModuleTriggerList=" + nonModuleTriggerList +
", skipCIList=" + skipCIList +
", skipPRList=" + skipPRList +
", activeProfileList=" + activeProfileList +
MavenBOC createInstance(String mvnPomFile, List<String> activeProfileList, String slave, String workspace) {
return new MavenBOC(mvnPomFile, activeProfileList, slave, workspace)
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