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Created January 20, 2017 20:59
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Backup Dokku apps with Dropbox
# 0. Install Ruby on your server:
# 1. Install Whenever gem on the server:
# 2. Cd to `/root/backup/`, install Dropbox Uploader ( into it
# 3. Go to, create a new app
# 4. Generate a new Access Token for that app
# 5. Run `./` and import the Access Token
# 6. Create a `config` directory
# 7. Run `wheneverize .`
# 8. Edit `config/schedule.rb` file like this (it's just an example):
dropbox_path = 'a_path_related_to_this_server' # For example, 'my-server-backups'
every, at: '0:00 am' do
%w(app1 app2).each do |app|
command "dokku redis:export #{ app }-rdb > /root/backup/dumps/#{ app }/redis.rdb"
command "dokku postgres:export #{ app }-db > /root/backup/dumps/#{ app }/pg.dump"
command "/root/backup/ upload dumps #{ dropbox_path }"
# 9. Now run `whenever --update-crontab` and `crontab -l`
# 10. Be happy with regular backups! :)
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