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Created September 7, 2021 21:30
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import numpy as np
import json
import subprocess
test_binaries = [
test_args_path = 'test_args.json'
def create_tests(path):
f = open(path)
args = json.load(f)
# print(args)
tests_by_args = {}
for arg in args:
start = arg['interval'][0]
stop = arg['interval'][1]
step = (stop - start)/arg['amount']
tests_by_args[arg['name']] = [format(x, '.6f')
for x in np.arange(start, stop, step)]
tests = []
for arg in args:
total = len(tests)
if total == 0:
for test_input in tests_by_args[arg['name']] + (arg.get('special_tests') or []):
temp = []
for test_input_prev in tests:
for test_input in tests_by_args[arg['name']] + (arg.get('special_tests') or []):
temp.append(test_input_prev + '\n' + str(test_input))
tests = temp
return tests
def run_once(path, input):
result =[path],
capture_output=True, text=True, input=input)
return result.stdout
tests = create_tests(test_args_path)
for test_input in tests:
test_output1 = run_once(test_binaries[0], test_input).strip()
test_output2 = run_once(test_binaries[1], test_input).strip()
if test_output1 != test_output2:
print("\nNot equal with input:\n" + test_input + "\nOutput " +
test_binaries[0] + ":\n" + test_output1 + "\nOutput " + test_binaries[1] + ":\n" + test_output2)
"name": "x",
"type": "double",
"interval": [-10, 10],
"amount": 50
"name": "eps",
"type": "double",
"special_tests": [0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1],
"interval": [0.000001, 0.1],
"amount": 10
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