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Created November 24, 2014 18:33
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Generate pretty random team names for World's First Global Hackathon teams using Enchant for english words suggestion
import enchant
import random
_EN_ALPHABET = map(chr, range(97, 123))
_NUMBERS = map(str, range(0, 9))
class Names(object):
def __init__(self, character_set=tuple(_NUMBERS + _EN_ALPHABET)):
self.characters = character_set
def generator(self, num_words=2, min_symbols=3, max_symbols=6, use_enchant=True, enchant_locale='en_US', separator=' '):
if use_enchant:
d = enchant.Dict(enchant_locale)
d = None
while True:
result = []
characters_length = len(self.characters)
for word_i in range(0, num_words):
word_len = random.randint(min_symbols, max_symbols)
word = ''
for i in range(0, word_len):
word += self.characters[random.randint(0, characters_length-1)]
if d:
suggestions = d.suggest(word)
if suggestions:
word = str(suggestions[random.randint(0, len(suggestions) - 1)])
result += [word]
yield separator.join(result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
names = Names()
g = names.generator()
for i in range(0, 10):
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