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Created June 19, 2014 22:21
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* This file is part of Adblock Plus <>,
* Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Eyeo GmbH
* Adblock Plus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Adblock Plus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Adblock Plus. If not, see <>.
* @fileOverview Content policy implementation, responsible for blocking things.
let {Utils} = require("utils");
let {Prefs} = require("prefs");
let {FilterStorage} = require("filterStorage");
let {BlockingFilter, WhitelistFilter} = require("filterClasses");
let {defaultMatcher} = require("matcher");
let {objectMouseEventHander} = require("objectTabs");
let {RequestNotifier} = require("requestNotifier");
let {ElemHide} = require("elemHide");
* List of explicitly supported content types
* @type Array of String
* List of content types that aren't associated with a visual document area
* @type Array of String
* Randomly generated class name, to be applied to collapsed nodes.
let collapsedClass = "";
* Public policy checking functions and auxiliary objects
* @class
let Policy = exports.Policy =
* Map of content type identifiers by their name.
* @type Object
type: {},
* Map of content type names by their identifiers (reverse of type map).
* @type Object
typeDescr: {},
* Map of localized content type names by their identifiers.
* @type Object
localizedDescr: {},
* Lists the non-visual content types.
* @type Object
nonVisual: {},
* Map containing all schemes that should be ignored by content policy.
* @type Object
whitelistSchemes: {},
* Called on module startup, initializes various exported properties.
init: function()
// type constant by type description and type description by type constant
let iface = Ci.nsIContentPolicy;
for (let typeName of contentTypes)
if ("TYPE_" + typeName in iface)
let id = iface["TYPE_" + typeName];
this.type[typeName] = id;
this.typeDescr[id] = typeName;
this.localizedDescr[id] = Utils.getString("type_label_" + typeName.toLowerCase());
this.type.ELEMHIDE = 0xFFFD;
this.typeDescr[0xFFFD] = "ELEMHIDE";
this.localizedDescr[0xFFFD] = Utils.getString("type_label_elemhide");
this.type.POPUP = 0xFFFE;
this.typeDescr[0xFFFE] = "POPUP";
this.localizedDescr[0xFFFE] = Utils.getString("type_label_popup");
for (let type of nonVisualTypes)
this.nonVisual[this.type[type]] = true;
// whitelisted URL schemes
for (let scheme of Prefs.whitelistschemes.toLowerCase().split(" "))
this.whitelistSchemes[scheme] = true;
// Generate class identifier used to collapse node and register corresponding
// stylesheet.
let offset = "a".charCodeAt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++)
collapsedClass += String.fromCharCode(offset + Math.random() * 26);
let collapseStyle ="data:text/css," +
encodeURIComponent("." + collapsedClass +
"{-moz-binding: url(chrome://global/content/bindings/general.xml#foobarbazdummy) !important;}"), null, null);
Utils.styleService.loadAndRegisterSheet(collapseStyle, Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.USER_SHEET);
Utils.styleService.unregisterSheet(collapseStyle, Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.USER_SHEET);
* Checks whether a node should be blocked, hides it if necessary
* @param wnd {nsIDOMWindow}
* @param node {nsIDOMElement}
* @param contentType {String}
* @param location {nsIURI}
* @param collapse {Boolean} true to force hiding of the node
* @return {Boolean} false if the node should be blocked
processNode: function(wnd, node, contentType, location, collapse)
let topWnd =;
if (!topWnd || !topWnd.location || !topWnd.location.href)
return true;
let originWindow = Utils.getOriginWindow(wnd);
let wndLocation = originWindow.location.href;
let docDomain = getHostname(wndLocation);
let match = null;
if (!match && Prefs.enabled)
let testWnd = wnd;
let parentWndLocation = getWindowLocation(testWnd);
while (true)
let testWndLocation = parentWndLocation;
parentWndLocation = (testWnd == testWnd.parent ? testWndLocation : getWindowLocation(testWnd.parent));
match = Policy.isWhitelisted(testWndLocation, parentWndLocation);
if (!(match instanceof WhitelistFilter))
let keydata = (testWnd.document && testWnd.document.documentElement ? testWnd.document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-adblockkey") : null);
if (keydata && keydata.indexOf("_") >= 0)
let [key, signature] = keydata.split("_", 2);
let keyMatch = defaultMatcher.matchesByKey(testWndLocation, key.replace(/=/g, ""), docDomain);
if (keyMatch && Utils.crypto)
// Website specifies a key that we know but is the signature valid?
let uri =, null, null);
let params = [
uri.path.replace(/#.*/, ""), // REQUEST_URI
uri.asciiHost, // HTTP_HOST
Utils.httpProtocol.userAgent // HTTP_USER_AGENT
if (Utils.verifySignature(key, signature, params.join("\0")))
match = keyMatch;
if (match instanceof WhitelistFilter)
FilterStorage.increaseHitCount(match, wnd);
RequestNotifier.addNodeData(testWnd.document, topWnd, Policy.type.DOCUMENT, getHostname(parentWndLocation), false, testWndLocation, match);
return true;
if (testWnd.parent == testWnd)
testWnd = testWnd.parent;
// Data loaded by plugins should be attached to the document
if (contentType == Policy.type.OBJECT_SUBREQUEST && node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement)
node = node.ownerDocument;
// Fix type for objects misrepresented as frames or images
if (contentType != Policy.type.OBJECT && (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLObjectElement || node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLEmbedElement))
contentType = Policy.type.OBJECT;
let locationText = location.spec;
if (!match && contentType == Policy.type.ELEMHIDE)
let testWnd = wnd;
let parentWndLocation = getWindowLocation(testWnd);
while (true)
let testWndLocation = parentWndLocation;
parentWndLocation = (testWnd == testWnd.parent ? testWndLocation : getWindowLocation(testWnd.parent));
let parentDocDomain = getHostname(parentWndLocation);
match = defaultMatcher.matchesAny(testWndLocation, "ELEMHIDE", parentDocDomain, false);
if (match instanceof WhitelistFilter)
FilterStorage.increaseHitCount(match, wnd);
RequestNotifier.addNodeData(testWnd.document, topWnd, contentType, parentDocDomain, false, testWndLocation, match);
return true;
if (testWnd.parent == testWnd)
testWnd = testWnd.parent;
match = location;
locationText = match.text.replace(/^.*?#/, '#');
location = locationText;
if (!match.isActiveOnDomain(docDomain))
return true;
let exception = ElemHide.getException(match, docDomain);
if (exception)
FilterStorage.increaseHitCount(exception, wnd);
RequestNotifier.addNodeData(node, topWnd, contentType, docDomain, thirdParty, locationText, exception);
return true;
let thirdParty = (contentType == Policy.type.ELEMHIDE ? false : isThirdParty(location, docDomain));
if (!match && Prefs.enabled)
match = defaultMatcher.matchesAny(locationText, Policy.typeDescr[contentType] || "", docDomain, thirdParty);
if (match instanceof BlockingFilter && node.ownerDocument && !(contentType in Policy.nonVisual))
let prefCollapse = (match.collapse != null ? match.collapse : !Prefs.fastcollapse);
if (collapse || prefCollapse)
// Track mouse events for objects
if (!match && contentType == Policy.type.OBJECT && node.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE)
node.addEventListener("mouseover", objectMouseEventHander, true);
node.addEventListener("mouseout", objectMouseEventHander, true);
// Store node data
RequestNotifier.addNodeData(node, topWnd, contentType, docDomain, thirdParty, locationText, match);
if (match)
FilterStorage.increaseHitCount(match, wnd);
return !match || match instanceof WhitelistFilter;
* Checks whether the location's scheme is blockable.
* @param location {nsIURI}
* @return {Boolean}
isBlockableScheme: function(location)
return !(location.scheme in Policy.whitelistSchemes);
* Checks whether a page is whitelisted.
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} [parentUrl] location of the parent page
* @return {Filter} filter that matched the URL or null if not whitelisted
isWhitelisted: function(url, parentUrl)
if (!url)
return null;
// Do not apply exception rules to schemes on our whitelistschemes list.
let match = /^([\w\-]+):/.exec(url);
if (match && match[1] in Policy.whitelistSchemes)
return null;
if (!parentUrl)
parentUrl = url;
// Ignore fragment identifier
let index = url.indexOf("#");
if (index >= 0)
url = url.substring(0, index);
let result = defaultMatcher.matchesAny(url, "DOCUMENT", getHostname(parentUrl), false);
return (result instanceof WhitelistFilter ? result : null);
* Checks whether the page loaded in a window is whitelisted.
* @param wnd {nsIDOMWindow}
* @return {Filter} matching exception rule or null if not whitelisted
isWindowWhitelisted: function(wnd)
return Policy.isWhitelisted(getWindowLocation(wnd));
* Asynchronously re-checks filters for given nodes.
refilterNodes: function(/**Node[]*/ nodes, /**RequestEntry*/ entry)
// Ignore nodes that have been blocked already
if (entry.filter && !(entry.filter instanceof WhitelistFilter))
for (let node of nodes)
Utils.runAsync(refilterNode, this, node, entry);
* Actual nsIContentPolicy and nsIChannelEventSink implementation
* @class
let PolicyImplementation =
classDescription: "Adblock Plus content policy",
classID: Components.ID("cfeaabe6-1dd1-11b2-a0c6-cb5c268894c9"),
contractID: ";1",
xpcom_categories: ["content-policy", "net-channel-event-sinks"],
* Registers the content policy on startup.
init: function()
let registrar = Components.manager.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
registrar.registerFactory(this.classID, this.classDescription, this.contractID, this);
catch (e if e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FACTORY_EXISTS)
// See bug 924340 - it might be too early to init now, the old version
// we are replacing didn't finish removing itself yet.
let catMan = Utils.categoryManager;
for (let category of this.xpcom_categories)
catMan.addCategoryEntry(category, this.contractID, this.contractID, false, true);
// http-on-opening-request is new in Gecko 18, http-on-modify-request can
// be used in earlier releases.
let httpTopic = "http-on-opening-request";
if (, "18.0") < 0)
httpTopic = "http-on-modify-request";
Services.obs.addObserver(this, httpTopic, true);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "content-document-global-created", true);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-category-entry-removed", true);
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-category-cleared", true);
// Our category observers should be removed before changing category
// memberships, just in case.
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, httpTopic);
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "content-document-global-created");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-category-entry-removed");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-category-cleared");
for (let category of this.xpcom_categories)
catMan.deleteCategoryEntry(category, this.contractID, false);
// This needs to run asynchronously, see bug 753687
registrar.unregisterFactory(this.classID, this);
this.previousRequest = null;
// nsISupports interface implementation
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIContentPolicy, Ci.nsIObserver,
Ci.nsIChannelEventSink, Ci.nsIFactory, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]),
// nsIContentPolicy interface implementation
shouldLoad: function(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, node, mimeTypeGuess, extra)
// Ignore requests without context and top-level documents
if (!node || contentType == Policy.type.DOCUMENT)
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
// Ignore standalone objects
if (contentType == Policy.type.OBJECT && node.ownerDocument && !/^text\/|[+\/]xml$/.test(node.ownerDocument.contentType))
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
let wnd = Utils.getWindow(node);
if (!wnd)
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
// Ignore whitelisted schemes
let location = Utils.unwrapURL(contentLocation);
if (!Policy.isBlockableScheme(location))
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
// Interpret unknown types as "other"
if (!(contentType in Policy.typeDescr))
contentType = Policy.type.OTHER;
let result = Policy.processNode(wnd, node, contentType, location, false);
if (result)
// We didn't block this request so we will probably see it again in
// http-on-opening-request. Keep it so that we can associate it with the
// channel there - will be needed in case of redirect.
this.previousRequest = [location, contentType];
return (result ? Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT : Ci.nsIContentPolicy.REJECT_REQUEST);
shouldProcess: function(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, insecNode, mimeType, extra)
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
// nsIObserver interface implementation
observe: function(subject, topic, data, additional)
switch (topic)
case "content-document-global-created":
if (!(subject instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) || !subject.opener)
let uri = additional || Utils.makeURI(subject.location.href);
if (!Policy.processNode(subject.opener, subject.opener.document, Policy.type.POPUP, uri, false))
Utils.runAsync(subject.close, subject);
else if (uri.spec == "about:blank")
// An about:blank pop-up most likely means that a load will be
// initiated synchronously. Set a flag for our "http-on-opening-request"
// handler.
this.expectingPopupLoad = true;
this.expectingPopupLoad = false;
case "http-on-opening-request":
case "http-on-modify-request":
if (!(subject instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel))
if (this.previousRequest && subject.URI == this.previousRequest[0] &&
subject instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag)
// We just handled a content policy call for this request - associate
// the data with the channel so that we can find it in case of a redirect.
subject.setProperty("abpRequestType", this.previousRequest[1]);
this.previousRequest = null;
if (this.expectingPopupLoad)
let wnd = Utils.getRequestWindow(subject);
if (wnd && wnd.opener && wnd.location.href == "about:blank")
this.observe(wnd, "content-document-global-created", null, subject.URI);
if (subject instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag)
subject.setProperty("abpRequestType", Policy.type.POPUP);
case "xpcom-category-entry-removed":
case "xpcom-category-cleared":
let category = data;
if (this.xpcom_categories.indexOf(category) < 0)
if (topic == "xpcom-category-entry-removed" &&
subject instanceof Ci.nsISupportsCString && != this.contractID)
// Our category entry was removed, make sure to add it back
let catMan = Utils.categoryManager;
catMan.addCategoryEntry(category, this.contractID, this.contractID, false, true);
// nsIChannelEventSink interface implementation
asyncOnChannelRedirect: function(oldChannel, newChannel, flags, callback)
let result = Cr.NS_OK;
// Try to retrieve previously stored request data from the channel
let contentType;
if (oldChannel instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag)
contentType = oldChannel.getProperty("abpRequestType");
// No data attached, ignore this redirect
let newLocation = null;
newLocation = newChannel.URI;
} catch(e2) {}
if (!newLocation)
let wnd = Utils.getRequestWindow(newChannel);
if (!wnd)
if (contentType == Policy.type.SUBDOCUMENT && wnd.parent == && wnd.opener)
// This is a window opened in a new tab miscategorized as frame load,
// see bug 467514. Get the frame as context to be at least consistent.
wnd = wnd.opener;
if (contentType == Policy.type.POPUP && wnd.opener)
// Popups are initiated by their opener, not their own window.
wnd = wnd.opener;
if (!Policy.processNode(wnd, wnd.document, contentType, newLocation, false))
catch (e)
// We shouldn't throw exceptions here - this will prevent the redirect.
// nsIFactory interface implementation
createInstance: function(outer, iid)
if (outer)
return this.QueryInterface(iid);
* Nodes scheduled for post-processing (might be null).
* @type Array of Node
let scheduledNodes = null;
* Schedules a node for post-processing.
function schedulePostProcess(/**Element*/ node)
if (scheduledNodes)
scheduledNodes = [node];
* Processes nodes scheduled for post-processing (typically hides them).
function postProcessNodes()
let nodes = scheduledNodes;
scheduledNodes = null;
for (let node of nodes)
// adjust frameset's cols/rows for frames
let parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (parentNode && parentNode instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLFrameSetElement)
let hasCols = (parentNode.cols && parentNode.cols.indexOf(",") > 0);
let hasRows = (parentNode.rows && parentNode.rows.indexOf(",") > 0);
if ((hasCols || hasRows) && !(hasCols && hasRows))
let index = -1;
for (let frame = node; frame; frame = frame.previousSibling)
if (frame instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLFrameElement || frame instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLFrameSetElement)
let property = (hasCols ? "cols" : "rows");
let weights = parentNode[property].split(",");
weights[index] = "0";
parentNode[property] = weights.join(",");
* Extracts the hostname from a URL (might return null).
function getHostname(/**String*/ url) /**String*/
return Utils.unwrapURL(url).host;
return null;
* Retrieves the location of a window.
* @param wnd {nsIDOMWindow}
* @return {String} window location or null on failure
function getWindowLocation(wnd)
if ("name" in wnd && == "messagepane")
// Thunderbird branch
let mailWnd = wnd.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
// Typically we get a wrapped mail window here, need to unwrap
mailWnd = mailWnd.wrappedJSObject;
} catch(e) {}
if ("currentHeaderData" in mailWnd && "content-base" in mailWnd.currentHeaderData)
return mailWnd.currentHeaderData["content-base"].headerValue;
else if ("currentHeaderData" in mailWnd && "from" in mailWnd.currentHeaderData)
let emailAddress = Utils.headerParser.extractHeaderAddressMailboxes(mailWnd.currentHeaderData.from.headerValue);
if (emailAddress)
return 'mailto:' + emailAddress.replace(/^[\s"]+/, "").replace(/[\s"]+$/, "").replace(/\s/g, '%20');
} catch(e) {}
// Firefox branch
return wnd.location.href;
* Checks whether the location's origin is different from document's origin.
function isThirdParty(/**nsIURI*/location, /**String*/ docDomain) /**Boolean*/
if (!location || !docDomain)
return true;
return Utils.effectiveTLD.getBaseDomain(location) != Utils.effectiveTLD.getBaseDomainFromHost(docDomain);
catch (e)
// EffectiveTLDService throws on IP addresses, just compare the host name
let host = "";
host =;
} catch (e) {}
return host != docDomain;
* Re-checks filters on an element.
function refilterNode(/**Node*/ node, /**RequestEntry*/ entry)
let wnd = Utils.getWindow(node);
if (!wnd || wnd.closed)
if (entry.type == Policy.type.OBJECT)
node.removeEventListener("mouseover", objectMouseEventHander, true);
node.removeEventListener("mouseout", objectMouseEventHander, true);
Policy.processNode(wnd, node, entry.type, Utils.makeURI(entry.location), true);
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