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Created June 14, 2017 11:15
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-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-record(shell_io, {
% stale_timeout,
% stale_timer,
pending_get_until, % {From, ReplyAs, Prompt, Continuation, ExtraArgs}
input_string = "" % just plain string that will be scanned
-record(pending_read, {
continuation = "",
have_scanned = ""
code_change(_, State, _) -> {ok, State}.
terminate(_,_State) -> ok.
start_link(Opts) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Opts], []).
init([#{collector := Pid, parent := ParentPid}]) ->
State = #shell_io{collector_pid = Pid, parent_pid = ParentPid}, % , stale_timeout = Timeout
% State1 = refresh_stale_timer(State),
{ok, State}.
handle_info({input, Statement}, #shell_io{input_string = Input} = State) ->
Input1 = Input ++ Statement, % just append and try to proceed input if pending
{ok, State1} = continue_pending_input(State#shell_io{input_string = Input1}),
{noreply, State1};
handle_info({io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request}, #shell_io{} = State) ->
% State1 = refresh_stale_timer(State),
{ok, State1} = handle_io_request(From, ReplyAs, Request, State),
{noreply, State1};
handle_info(stale_alert, #shell_io{parent_pid = Pid} = State) ->
Pid ! {self(), stalled},
{noreply, State};
handle_info(Msg, State) ->
{stop, {unknown_info, Msg}, State}.
handle_call(pending_input, _From, State) ->
{reply, pending_input(State), State};
handle_call(clear_pending, _From, #shell_io{pending_get_until = undefined} = State) ->
{reply, ok, State};
handle_call(clear_pending, _From, #shell_io{pending_get_until = #pending_read{have_scanned = Scanned}, input_string = Input} = State) ->
State1 = State#shell_io{pending_get_until = undefined, input_string = Scanned ++ Input},
{reply, ok, State1};
handle_call(Call, _From, State) ->
{stop, {unknown_call, Call}, State}.
handle_cast(Cast, State) ->
{stop, {unknown_cast, Cast}, State}.
handle_io_request(From, ReplyAs, {put_chars,unicode,io_lib,format,[Format,Args]}, #shell_io{collector_pid = CollectorPid} = State) ->
Event = shell_output_event_now([{put_chars,unicode,io_lib,format,[Format,Args]}]),
CollectorPid ! Event,
From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, ok},
{ok, State};
handle_io_request(From, ReplyAs, {get_until, unicode, Prompt, erl_scan, tokens, ExtraArgs}, #shell_io{pending_get_until = undefined, collector_pid = CollectorPid} = State) ->
Event = shell_input_expected_event_now(Prompt),
CollectorPid ! Event,
Pending = #pending_read{from = From, reply_as = ReplyAs, prompt = Prompt, extra_args = ExtraArgs},
{ok, State1} = continue_pending_input(State#shell_io{pending_get_until = Pending}),
{ok, State1};
handle_io_request(From, ReplyAs, {get_geometry, _}, State) ->
From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, {error, request}},
{ok, State};
handle_io_request(From, ReplyAs, getopts, State) ->
From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, [{binary,true},{encoding,unicode}]},
{ok, State};
handle_io_request(From, ReplyAs, {requests, Requests}, #shell_io{collector_pid = CollectorPid} = State) ->
Event = shell_output_event_now(Requests),
CollectorPid ! Event,
From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, ok},
{ok, State};
handle_io_request(_From, _ReplyAs, Request, State) ->
io:format("unknown_request: ~p~n", [Request]),
{ok, State}.
continue_pending_input(#shell_io{pending_get_until = undefined} = State) -> {ok, State};
continue_pending_input(#shell_io{pending_get_until = Pending, collector_pid = CollectorPid} = State) ->
#pending_read{from = From, reply_as = ReplyAs, prompt = Prompt} = Pending,
case attempt_scan(State#shell_io{pending_get_until = Pending}) of
{ok, Scanned, Result, State1} ->
% State2 = refresh_stale_timer(State1),
Event = shell_input_event_now(Prompt, Scanned),
% make sure that input logged first, and only then execution starts
ok = gen_server:call(CollectorPid, {event, Event}),
From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, Result},
{ok, State1#shell_io{pending_get_until = undefined}};
{need_more_input, State1} ->
{ok, State1}
attempt_scan(#shell_io{input_string = Input, pending_get_until = Pending} = State) ->
#pending_read{extra_args = ExtraArgs, continuation = Continuation, have_scanned = Scanned} = Pending,
case erlang:apply(erl_scan, tokens, [Continuation, Input] ++ ExtraArgs) of
{done, Result, Input1} ->
Scanned1 = take_prefix(Input, Input1),
{ok, Scanned ++ Scanned1, Result, State#shell_io{input_string = Input1}};
{more, Continuation1} ->
Pending1 = Pending#pending_read{continuation = Continuation1, have_scanned = Scanned ++ Input},
{need_more_input, State#shell_io{input_string = "", pending_get_until = Pending1}}
take_prefix(Input, Input) -> "";
take_prefix([C | Input], Input) -> [C];
take_prefix([C | Input1], Input) -> [C | take_prefix(Input1, Input)].
shell_output_event_now(Requests) ->
Now = erlang:system_time(micro_seconds),
Output = shell_output_event_now0(Requests, []),
at => (Now div (1000*1000)),
at_mcs => (Now rem (1000*1000)),
type => <<"shell_output">>,
message => iolist_to_binary(Output)
shell_output_event_now0([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
shell_output_event_now0([{put_chars,unicode,Output} | Requests], Acc) ->
shell_output_event_now0(Requests, [Output | Acc]);
shell_output_event_now0([{put_chars,latin1,Output} | Requests], Acc) ->
shell_output_event_now0(Requests, [Output | Acc]);
shell_output_event_now0([{put_chars,unicode,io_lib,format,[Format,Args]} | Requests], Acc) ->
Output = io_lib:format(Format, Args),
shell_output_event_now0(Requests, [Output | Acc]).
shell_input_expected_event_now(Prompt) ->
Now = erlang:system_time(micro_seconds),
at => (Now div (1000*1000)),
at_mcs => (Now rem (1000*1000)),
type => <<"shell_input_expected">>,
prompt => iolist_to_binary(Prompt)
shell_input_event_now(Prompt, Result) ->
Now = erlang:system_time(micro_seconds),
at => (Now div (1000*1000)),
at_mcs => (Now rem (1000*1000)),
type => <<"shell_input">>,
prompt => iolist_to_binary(Prompt),
message => iolist_to_binary(Result)
pending_input(#shell_io{pending_get_until = undefined}) -> not_pending;
pending_input(#shell_io{pending_get_until = #pending_read{}, input_string = Input}) -> {pending, Input}.
% refresh_stale_timer(#shell_io{stale_timer = OldTimer} = State) when OldTimer =/= undefined ->
% erlang:cancel_timer(OldTimer),
% refresh_stale_timer(State#shell_io{stale_timer = undefined});
% refresh_stale_timer(#shell_io{stale_timer = undefined, stale_timeout = Timeout} = State) ->
% Timer = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), stale_alert),
% State#shell_io{stale_timer = Timer}.
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