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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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This is an example usage of the package.
// Example code for a simple custom validator using
// This program outputs:
// $ ./valid-example hello
// Validation result: 2 errors.
// 1. Not "example" (case-insensitive).
// 2. Not exactly "example".
// $ ./valid-example example
// Validation result: 0 errors.
// $ ./valid-example examplE
// Validation result: 1 errors.
// 1. Not exactly "example".
package main
import (
// This validator checks whether the given string is
// Param in a case-insensitive way.
type MyValidator struct {
Param string
// Validate method.
func (v *MyValidator) Validate(value string) error {
if strings.ToLower(value) != strings.ToLower(v.Param) {
return fmt.Errorf("Not %#v (case-insensitive).", v.Param)
return nil
// This program validates the first command line argument (after program name),
// using two custom built validators:
// - one performs case-insensitive comparision with a parameter
// - one performs case-sensitive comparison
// The parameter is defined above to have the value "example"
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("Not enough arguments.")
arg := os.Args[1]
parameter := "example"
// our case-insensitive validator
ci := &MyValidator{parameter}
// define an inline, case-sensitive validator, to demonstrate usage of
// valid.StringFunc type.
cs := func(val string) error {
if val != parameter {
return fmt.Errorf("Not exactly %#v.", parameter)
return nil
// apply validation using the two validators
errs := valid.String(arg, ci, valid.StringFunc(cs))
fmt.Printf("Validation result: %d errors.\n", len(errs))
for i, e := range errs {
fmt.Printf("%d. %s\n", i+1, e.Error())
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