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Last active January 31, 2016 14:25
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  • Save vlaminck/135db13c3e1b884a7252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vlaminck/135db13c3e1b884a7252 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Swift script that recursively checks all directories under the current directory for `.nes` ROMs that have `" (U) [!]"` in the name, and copies them into a new `_copiedRoms` directory with a cleaner name.
#!/usr/bin/xcrun swift -i
import Foundation
enum RomType: String, CustomStringConvertible {
case NES = ".nes"
case SNES = ".smc"
case Genesis = ".gen"
case N64 = ".z64"
case GB = ".gb"
case GBC = ".gbc"
var description: String {
switch self {
case .NES: return "NES"
case .SNES: return "SNES"
case .Genesis: return "Genesis"
case .N64: return "N64"
case .GB: return "Gameboy"
case .GBC: return "Gameboy Color"
init?(fromName name: String) {
guard let fileExtension = name.componentsSeparatedByString(".").last,
romType = RomType(rawValue: ".\(fileExtension)") else {
return nil
self = romType
enum RomState {
case InRegion // The ROM is in the specified region and is Verified Good [!]
case NotInRegion // Not in the desired region, but is Verified Good [!]
case Unknown // The region is not clearly specified, but the ROM is Verified Good [!]
case NotVerified // don't bother with ROMs that aren't Verified Good [!]
struct ROM {
let name: String
let path: String
let state: RomState
let region: String
var type: RomType? {
get {
return RomType(fromName: name)
var cleanName: String {
// TODO: Make this less nasty... at the very least make it more performant
get {
// Unknown ROM type. just return the name
guard let type = type else { return name }
// strip the file extension. We'll add it back later
var cleanName = name.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(type.rawValue, withString: "")
// remove known codes
cleanName = cleanName.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("(\(region))", withString: "")
cleanName = cleanName.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("[!]", withString: "")
// strip whitespace
cleanName = cleanName.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
// remove extra whitespace in the middle of the name
let c: [Character] = cleanName.characters.reduce([]) { (var all, c) in
if let previous = all.last where previous == " " && c == " " {
// the previous character is whitespace and so is this one. Skip it
return all
return all
cleanName = String(c)
// put the file extension back on
return cleanName
func checkName(name: String, forRegion region: String) -> RomState {
// only look for verified good ROMs
guard name.containsString("[!]") else { return .NotVerified }
let regionPattern = "(?<=\\()(.*?)(?=\\))" // Looking for all strings withing parenthases like "U" in the string "Metroid (U) [!].nes"
guard let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: regionPattern, options: NSRegularExpressionOptions.CaseInsensitive) else { return .NotVerified }
let range = NSRange(location: 0, length: name.characters.count)
var regionState: RomState = .NotInRegion
regex.enumerateMatchesInString(name, options: NSMatchingOptions.ReportCompletion, range: range) { (result, _, _) in
guard regionState != .InRegion else { return } // we already know it's in the region. move on
guard let result = result else { return } // we need a result to evaluate
let subRange = result.rangeAtIndex(0)
let substring = (name as NSString).substringWithRange(subRange)
if substring == region {
regionState = .InRegion
} else if substring.containsString(region) {
regionState = .Unknown
return regionState
func lookForRoms(directory: String, logPrefix: String) -> [ROM] {
guard let contentsAtPath = try? NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(directory) else {
print("\(logPrefix)NOT A DIRECTORY: \(directory)")
return []
if let lastDirectoryComponent = directory.componentsSeparatedByString("/").last {
print("\(logPrefix)Checking: \(lastDirectoryComponent)")
return contentsAtPath.reduce([]) { (var roms, contentItem) in
let itemPath: String = "\(directory)/\(contentItem)"
if let _ = try? NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsOfDirectoryAtPath(itemPath) {
// it's a directory, check everything in it
roms = roms + lookForRoms(itemPath, logPrefix: "\(logPrefix) ")
return roms
// make sure it's a known ROM type
guard let _ = RomType(fromName: contentItem) else { return roms }
let romState = checkName(contentItem, forRegion: region)
if romState == .InRegion || romState == .Unknown {
let rom = ROM(name: contentItem, path: itemPath, state: romState, region: region)
return roms
func moveRom(fromPath: String, to toPath: String) {
let itemUrl = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: fromPath)
do {
let destinationUrl = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(toPath, isDirectory: true)
if let destinationName = destinationUrl.lastPathComponent {
print("copying \(destinationName)")
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().copyItemAtURL(itemUrl, toURL: destinationUrl)
} catch(let error) {
func createDirectory(path: String) {
// TODO: look for directory instead of blindly trying to create it
do {
let _ = try NSFileManager.defaultManager().createDirectoryAtPath(path, withIntermediateDirectories: false, attributes: nil)
print("created directory: \(path)")
} catch {
// directory already exists
/// This is where the actual script starts
let region = "U"
let currentPath = NSFileManager.defaultManager().currentDirectoryPath
//print("currentPath: \(currentPath)")
print("Attempting to find all Verified Good [!] titles in region (\(region))")
let roms = lookForRoms(currentPath, logPrefix: "")
for rom in roms {
guard let type = rom.type else { continue } // only process known ROM types
let directoryRegion = rom.state == .InRegion ? rom.region : "Unknown region)"
let directoryName = "\(type) (\(directoryRegion)) [!]"
let destinationPath = "\(currentPath)/\(directoryName)"
moveRom(rom.path, to: "\(destinationPath)/\(rom.cleanName)")
print("ALL DONE")
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mrnohr commented Oct 14, 2015


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