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Created October 14, 2015 09:59
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parsePerson "firstName = John\nlastName = Connor\nage = 30"
import Data.Char(isDigit)
data Error = ParsingError | IncompleteDataError | IncorrectDataError String
deriving (Show)
data Person = Person { firstName :: String, lastName :: String, age :: Int }
deriving (Show)
split delimiter = foldr f [[]]
where f c l@(x:xs) | c == delimiter = []:l
| otherwise = (c:x):xs
parsePerson :: String -> Either Error Person
parsePerson str
| notAllFields = Left IncompleteDataError
| incompleteDataError' = Left ParsingError
| incompleteDataError = Left ParsingError
| not ageCorrect = Left (IncorrectDataError (age''))
| otherwise = Right (Person firstName'' lastName'' (read age'' :: Int))
fields = (split '\n' str)
notAllFields = length (split '\n' str) < 3
incompleteDataError' = length (split '=' (fields !! 0)) /= 2 ||
length (split '=' (fields !! 1)) /= 2 ||
length (split '=' (fields !! 2)) /= 2
[fnName, firstName'] = split '=' (fields !! 0)
[lnName, lastName'] = split '=' (fields !! 1)
[aName, age'] = split '=' (fields !! 2)
incompleteDataError = not (init fnName == "firstName" &&
init lnName == "lastName" &&
init aName == "age")
age'' = tail age'
ageCorrect = all (\x -> isDigit x) age''
firstName'' = tail firstName'
lastName'' = tail lastName'
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