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Created May 18, 2014 21:04
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module Main where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (*>), (<*), (<$>), pure)
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
data CompilerState = CompilerState { commands :: [VMCommand],
errors :: [String],
variables :: [(String, Int)] } --Map
deriving (Eq, Show)
defCompilerState = CompilerState [] [] []
headOrDefault :: a -> [a] -> a -- probably built-in function
headOrDefault def (x:_) = x
headOrDefault def [] = def
addCommand :: VMCommand -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
addCommand command state = state {commands = command : commands state}
addCommands :: [VMCommand] -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
addCommands commands' state = foldr addCommand state commands'
addError :: String -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
addError err state = state {errors = err : errors state}
getVar :: String -> CompilerState -> (CompilerState, Int)
getVar var state = case findVar var state of
Just i -> (state, i)
Nothing ->(state {variables = (var, i') : variables state}, i')
where i' = 1 + snd (headOrDefault ("",0) $ variables state)
findVar :: String -> CompilerState -> Maybe Int
findVar var state = snd <$> find (\x -> fst x == var) (variables state)
data VMCommand = NOP
| LOAD Int
| PUSH Int
| COMPARE Relation
| JUMP Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- AST
newtype Program = Program { statements :: [Statement] } deriving (Eq, Show)
data Statement = Write Expr
| Assign String Expr -- Identifier is string. Probably bad idea
| While Cond [Statement]
| If Cond [Statement] (Maybe [Statement])
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Cond = Cond Expr Relation Expr deriving (Eq, Show)
data Relation = Eq | Ne | Lt | Gt | Le | Ge deriving (Eq, Enum)
instance Show Relation where --not good for debug, but usefull
show r = show $ fromEnum r
data Expr = Identifier String
| Constant Int
| Read
| Binary Expr BinOperator Expr
| Unary UnOperator Expr
| Bracket Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
data UnOperator = Neg deriving (Eq, Show)
data BinOperator = Plus | Minus | Div | Mult deriving (Eq, Show)
tEndOfMultiLine :: GenParser Char st ()
tEndOfMultiLine = eof <|> try $ void (string "*/") <|> (anyChar >> tEndOfMultiLine)
tEndOfSingleLine :: GenParser Char st ()
tEndOfSingleLine = eof <|> void newline <|> (anyChar >> tEndOfSingleLine)
tCommentLine :: GenParser Char st ()
tCommentLine = do string "//"
return ()
tCommentMultiLine :: GenParser Char st ()
tCommentMultiLine = do string "/*"
return ()
tComment :: GenParser Char st ()
tComment = try tCommentLine <|> tCommentMultiLine
tCommentsOrSpaces = void $ many (tComment <|> many1 $ spaces) --warning
char_ c = do
a <- char c
return a
string_ str = do
a <- string str
return a
tBegin = string_ "begin"
tEnd = string_ "end"
tIf = string_ "if"
tThen = string_ "then"
tElse = string_ "else"
tFi = string_ "fi"
tWhile = string_ "while"
tDo = string_ "do"
tOd = string_ "od"
tOBracket = char_ '('
tCBracket = char_ ')'
tAssign = string_ ":="
tSemicolon = char_ ';'
tRead = string_ "read"
tWrite = string_ "write"
tInt = do i <- many1 digit
return i
tIdent = (++) <$> many1 (letter <|> char_ '_') <*> --TODO read about correct concatenate and remove many1
many (letter <|> digit <|> oneOf "_?!") --etc TODO add rules
--tBinary = oneOf "+-/*"
tPlus = char_ '+'
tMinus = char_ '-'
tDiv = char_ '/'
tMult = char_ '*'
tUnary = char_ '-'
tEq = char_ '='
tNe = string_ "!="
tGt = char_ '>'
tLt = char_ '<'
tGe = string_ ">="
tLe = string_ "<="
pProgram :: GenParser Char st Program
pProgram = Program <$> (tCommentsOrSpaces *> tBegin *> pStatements) <* tEnd <* eof
pStatements :: GenParser Char st [Statement]
pStatements = pStatement `sepBy` tSemicolon
--FIXME too much brackets
pStatement :: GenParser Char st Statement
pStatement = try (Assign <$> tIdent <*> (tAssign *> pExpr))
<|> Write <$> (tWrite *> tOBracket *> pExpr <* tCBracket)
<|> While <$> (tWhile *> (pCond <* tDo)) <*> (pStatements <* tOd)
<|> If <$> (tIf *> pCond) <*> (tThen *> pStatements)
<*> optionMaybe (tElse >> pStatements) <* tFi
<?> "statement"
pCond :: GenParser Char st Cond
pCond = Cond <$> pExpr <*> pRelation <*> pExpr
pExpr :: GenParser Char st Expr
pExpr = try (Binary <$> pExpr2 <*> pBinary <*> pExpr)
<|> pExpr2
<?> "expression"
pExpr2 :: GenParser Char st Expr
pExpr2 = try (Read <$ tRead)
<|> Constant <$> ((read::String->Int) <$> tInt) --probably there is shorter way
<|> Unary <$> (Neg <$ tUnary) <*> pExpr --very bad
<|> Bracket <$> (tOBracket *> pExpr) <* tCBracket
<|> Identifier <$> tIdent
pRelation :: GenParser Char st Relation
pRelation = Eq <$ tEq
<|> Ne <$ tNe
<|> try (Ge <$ tGe)
<|> try (Le <$ tLe)
<|> Gt <$ tGt
<|> Lt <$ tLt
<?> "relation operator"
pBinary :: GenParser Char st BinOperator
pBinary = Plus <$ tPlus
<|> Minus <$ tMinus
<|> Mult <$ tMult
<|> Div <$ tDiv
<?> "binary operator"
--parse test. TODO: remove later
pt f = parse f ""
-- compiler
priority :: BinOperator -> Int
priority Mult = 2
priority Div = 2
priority Plus = 1
priority Minus = 1
correctOpOrder :: Expr -> Expr
correctOpOrder (Binary (Binary a op2 b) op1 c)
| priority op1 > priority op2 = Binary a' op2 (Binary b' op1 c')
| otherwise = Binary (Binary a' op2 b') op1 c'
where [a', b', c'] = correctOpOrder <$> [a, b, c]
correctOpOrder (Binary a op1 (Binary b op2 c))
| priority op1 > priority op2 = Binary (Binary a' op1 b') op2 c'
| otherwise = Binary a' op1 (Binary b' op2 c')
where [a', b', c'] = correctOpOrder <$> [a, b, c]
correctOpOrder (Unary op a) = Unary op $ correctOpOrder a
correctOpOrder (Bracket a) = Bracket $ correctOpOrder a
correctOpOrder other = other
--correctExpr :: Expr -> Expr
--correctExpr = correctBracket . correctOpOrder
binaryOpToVMCommand Plus = ADD
binaryOpToVMCommand Minus = SUB
binaryOpToVMCommand Mult = MULT
binaryOpToVMCommand Div = DIV
compileAndCompilExpr :: Expr -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
correctAndCompileExpr e state = compileExpr $ correctOpOrder e state
compileExpr :: Expr -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
compileExpr (Constant i) state = addCommand (PUSH i) state
compileExpr Read state = addCommand INPUT state
compileExpr (Binary a op b) state = addCommand (binaryOpToVMCommand op) state''
where state' = compileExpr a state
state'' = compileExpr b state'
compileExpr (Unary Neg e) state = addCommand INVERT $ compileExpr e state
compileExpr (Bracket e) state = compileExpr e state
compileExpr (Identifier str) state = case findVar str state of
Just i -> addCommand (LOAD i) state
Nothing -> addError ("Variable " ++ str ++ " used but not defined") state
compileCond :: Cond -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
compileCond (Cond a rel b) state = addCommand (COMPARE rel) state''
where state' = correctAndCompileExpr a state
state'' = correctAndCompileExpr b state'
compileStatements :: [Statement] -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
compileStatements statements state = foldr compileStatement state $ reverse statements
compileStatement :: Statement -> CompilerState -> CompilerState
compileStatement (Write e) state = addCommand PRINT $ correctAndCompileExpr e state
compileStatement (Assign str e) state = addCommand (STORE varIndex) $ correctAndCompileExpr e state'
where (state', varIndex) = getVar str state
compileStatement (While cond statements) state = state4
where state1 = compileCond cond state
state2 = addCommand (JUMP_NO $ length $ commands state4) state1 -- maybe + 1
state3 = compileStatements statements state2
state4 = addCommand (JUMP $ length $ commands state) state3
compileStatement (If cond statements elsest) state = state5
where state1 = compileCond cond state
state2 = addCommand (JUMP_NO $ length $ commands state4) state1
state3 = compileStatements statements state2
state4 = addCommand (JUMP $ length $ commands state5) state3
state5 = case elsest of
Nothing -> state4
Just else_statements -> compileStatements else_statements state4
parseProgram = parse pProgram
compile (Program statements) = compileStatements statements defCompilerState
show' ::Either ParseError CompilerState -> String
show' (Right state) = foldr (\x sum -> sum ++ show x ++ "\n") "" $ commands state
show' (Left error) = "error: " ++ show error
--type CompilerState = [VMCommand],[Error],[variable] (Error == String, Variable = Map String => Int)
main = undefined
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