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Created February 21, 2019 13:27
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Haskell implementation of Alberth method for finding all roots of a polynomial
-- Alberth method for finding all roots of a (complex) polynomial
-- The calculations have to use complex numbers.
-- Some optimizations are possible if the coefficients are real,
-- This is not implemented here.
-- Implementation was prompted by
-- This is not meant to be robust implementation, just a proof of concept.
-- For analysis and implementation of this specific method,
-- see the work by D Bini and others.
-- Jan Van lent
-- Started: 2019-02-20 Wed
-- Last updated: 2019-02-21 Thu
import Data.Complex
-- |Given [p0, p1, ..., pn] x, evaluate polynomial p0 + p1*x + ... + pn*x^n
polyval :: Num a => [a] -> a -> a
polyval p x = rec p 1 0
where rec [] z y = y
rec (p0:p) z y = rec p (x*z) (y + p0*z)
-- alternative: Horner scheme, sparse polynomials, FFT, etc.
diff :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
diff p = zipWith (*) (map fromIntegral [1..]) (tail p)
scales :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a]
scales zs = [ sum [ 1/(zk-zj) | (zj, j) <- zip zs [1..], j /= k ] |
(zk, k) <- zip zs [1..] ]
offset :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a
offset q s = -q/(1-q*s)
offsets :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
offsets fs gs ss = ws
qs = zipWith (/) fs gs
ws = zipWith offset qs ss
solve' :: RealFloat a => [Complex a] -> [Complex a] -> [Complex a] -> Int -> a -> [Complex a]
solve' p p' zs maxit tol
| maxit <= 0 = zs
-- | maxf <= tol = zs
| maxw <= tol = newzs
| otherwise = solve' p p' newzs (maxit-1) tol
fs = map (polyval p) zs
maxf = maximum (map magnitude fs)
gs = map (polyval p') zs
ss = scales zs
ws = offsets fs gs ss
maxw = maximum (map magnitude ws)
newzs = zipWith (+) zs ws
solve :: RealFloat a => [Complex a] -> [Complex a] -> Int -> a -> [Complex a]
solve p zs maxit tol = solve' p (diff p) zs maxit tol
rootBound :: RealFloat a => [Complex a] -> a
rootBound p = r
revp = reverse p
num = maximum (map magnitude (tail revp))
den = magnitude (head revp)
r = 1 + num / den
-- choose initial points equally spaced on a circle with radius based on bounds
-- for the absolute values of the roots
-- for a polynomial with real coefficients it would make sense to start
-- with conjugate pairs, since this is preserved by the iteration
-- I suspect the literature on this method will have much more to say
-- about how to choose good initial values
circleInit :: RealFloat a => [Complex a] -> [Complex a]
circleInit p = [ mkPolar (r/2) (((fromIntegral i)+0.5)*step) | i <- [0..n-1] ]
step = 2*pi/(fromIntegral n)
r = rootBound p
n = (length p) - 1
phi = ((sqrt 5) + 1)/2
goldenAngle = 2 * pi / phi**2
-- similar to circleInit
-- the golden angle is used to generate a quasi-uniform distribution
-- this is still deterministic, but a bit more like random
goldenCircleInit :: [Complex Double] -> [Complex Double]
goldenCircleInit p = [ mkPolar (r/2) ((fromIntegral i)*goldenAngle) | i <- [0..n-1] ]
r = rootBound p
n = (length p) - 1
roots :: [Complex Double] -> Int -> Double -> [Complex Double]
--roots p tol = solve p (circleInit p) tol
roots p maxit tol = solve p (goldenCircleInit p) maxit tol
rootpoly' :: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
rootpoly' [] p = p
rootpoly' (z:zs) p = rootpoly' zs (zipWith (-) (0:p) ((map (z*) p)++[0]))
-- |find the coefficients of a polynomial with given roots
rootpoly :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
rootpoly zs = rootpoly' zs [1]
test1 = (z0s, ss, ws)
--p = [3:+0, 2:+0, 1:+0]
p = [3, 2, 1]
z0s = goldenCircleInit p
p' = diff p
ss = scales z0s
fs = map (polyval p) z0s
gs = map (polyval p') z0s
ws = offsets fs gs ss
test2 = zs
p = rootpoly [1:+0, 2:+0, 3:+0]
zs = roots p 30 1e-3
test3 n = zs
p = rootpoly [ i:+i^2 | i <- [1..n] ]
zs = roots p 30 1e-3
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