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Last active April 18, 2017 10:12
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Different answer types for FHIR QuestionnaireResponse
// QuestionnaireResponse containing all possible answer types
"language": "fi",
"questionnaire": "SomeURI",
"resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse",
"status": "completed",
"item": [
"answer": [{
// e.g. age in whole years
"valueInteger": 45
"linkId": "3"
"answer": [{
// e.g. fever / no fever
"valueBoolean": false
"linkId": "584"
"answer": [{
// e.g. fever degrees
"valueDecimal": 37.2
"linkId": "35"
"answer": [{
"valueString": "String answers are ignored by EBMeDS at the moment"
"linkId": "143"
"answer": [{
// e.g. when symptoms started
// valueDateTime and valueTime are not supported
"valueDate": "2017-04-13"
"linkId": "142"
"answer": [{
// how to encode a radio button answer
"valueCoding": {
"code": "radio",
"system": "VKT-multiple-choice"
"item": [
// only one item allowed for radio buttons
"linkId": "165"
"linkId": "141"
"answer": [{
// how to encode a checkbox answer
"valueCoding": {
"code": "checkbox",
"system": "VKT-multiple-choice"
"item": [
// multiple items allowed for checkbox answer
"linkId": "170"
"linkId": "171"
"linkId": "145"
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